Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Index: December 2005


Carter, Ben M. “The Limitations of Mathematics in Assessing Causality,” 57:4, 279, D 2005.

Hendrickson, Kenneth E. “Historical Method and the Intelligent Design Movement. Part I: Intelligent Design Movement as a Foray in Secularization Theory,” 57:4, 284, D 2005.

———. “Historical Method and the Intelligent Design Movement. Part II: A Historical Critique of a Historical Critique,” 57:4, 292, D 2005.

Mann, Robert B. “Inconstant Multiverse,” 57:4, 302, D 2005.

Rusthoven, James J. “Current Concepts of Capacity and Autonomy in Medical Decision-Making: A Critique from a Christian’s Perspective,” 57:4, 311, D 2005.

Wharton, William R. “The Importance of Causality in Quantum Mechanics,” 57:4, 268, D 2005.

Book Reviews

Adams, David and Ken Schurb, eds. The Anonymous God: The Church Confronts Civil Religion and American Society, 57:4, 341, D 2005. (John W. Burgeson)

Bernstein, Ellen. The Splendor of Creation: A Biblical Ecology, 57:4, 326, D 2005. (Richard Ruble)

Bunn, Isabella, ed. 444 Surprising Quotes about the Bible, 57:4, 339, D 2005. (Richard Ruble)

Callahan, David. The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead, 57:4, 326, D 2005. (John W. Burgeson)

Clayton, Philip and Jeffrey Schloss, eds. Evolution and Ethics: Human Morality in Biological & Religious Perspective, 57:4, 327, D 2005. (James C. Peterson)

Falk, Darrel R. Coming to Peace with Science: Bridging the Worlds between Faith and Biology, 57:4, 329, D 2005. (Louise M. Freeman)

Harper, Jr., Charles L., ed. Spiritual Information: 100 Perspectives on Science and Religion, 57:4, 329, D 2005. (Dennis Cheek)

Hart, David Bentley. The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth, 57:4, 338, D 2005. (Adam Drozdek)

Hill, Jonathan. What Has Christianity Ever Done for Us? How It Shaped the Modern World, 57:4, 340, D 2005. (Richard Ruble)

Holder, Rodney. God, the Multiverse, and Everything, 57:4, 335, D 2005. (Fraser F. Fleming)

Jones, Lindsay, ed. Encyclopedia of Religion, 57:4, 341, D 2005. (Dennis Cheek)

Losch, Richard R. The Uttermost Part of the Earth: A Guide to Places in the Bible, 57:4, 338, D 2005. (Richard Ruble)

Lubenow, Marvin L. Bones of Contention: A Creationist Assessment of Human Fossils, 57:4, 325, D 2005. (Robert Rogland)

McGrath, Alister. Creation, 57:4, 337, D 2005. (Richard Ruble)

Mirkin, Marsha. The Women Who Danced by the Sea: Finding Ourselves in the Stories of Our Biblical Foremothers, 57:4, 338, D 2005. (Richard Ruble)

O’Leary, Denyse. By Design or by Chance? 57:4, 336, D 2005. (Robert Rogland)

Olsen, Lawrence. Two Revelations: A High View of Science and Scripture, 57:4, 328, D 2005. (Richard Ruble)

Park, David. The Grand Contraption: The World as Myth, Number, and Chance, 57:4, 332, D 2005. (Dennis Cheek)

Peacocke, Arthur. Evolution: The Disguised Friend of Faith? Selected Essays, 57:4, 334, D 2005. (Ken Mickleson)

Phillips, D. Z. The Problem of Evil and the Problem of God, 57:4, 337, D 2005. (Richard Ruble)

Price, Robert M. and Jeffery Jay Lowder, eds. The Empty Tomb: Jesus Beyond the Grave, 57:4, 339, D 2005. (Richard Ruble)

Rana, Fazale and Hugh Ross. Who Is Adam? 57:4, 325, D 2005. (Henry F. Schaefer III)

Rossing, Barbara R. The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation, 57:4, 340, D 2005. (Richard Ruble)

Ruse, Michael. The Evolution-Creation Struggle, 57:4, 336, D 2005. (John W. Burgeson)

Russell, Robert John, ed. Fifty Years in Science and Religion: Ian G. Barbour and His Legacy, 57:4, 327, D 2005. (Robert Rogland)

Scott, Eugenie C. Evolution vs Creationism: An Introduction, 57:4, 334, D 2005. (John W. Burgeson)

Stenmark, Mikael How to Relate Science and Religion: A Multidimensional Model, 57:4, 330, D 2005. (J. David Holland)

———. How to Relate Science and Religion: A Multidimensional Model, 57:4, 330, D 2005. (Steven Owens)

Wilson, Edward O. On Human Nature, 57:4, 333, D 2005. (J. David Holland)

Wright, Ronald. A Short History of Progress, 57:4, 332, D 2005. (John W. Burgeson)


Bontrager, Krista Kay. “The History of the Universe in a Nutshell: Reflections on 2 Peter 3,” 57:4, 318, D 2005.

In Memoriam

Hearn, Walter R. “F. Alton Everest (1909–2005): Founder and First President of ASA,” 57:4, 265, D 2005.


Eshelbrenner, Derek. “Soul-Doctrine,” (PSCF 57, no. 3 [Sept. 2005] 170–86; 191–201), 57:4, 342, D 2005.

Goetz, James E. “Serial Endosymbiosis Theory and the Hierarchy of rps Genes,” (PSCF 57, no. 2 [June 2005]: 98–113), 57:4, 342, D 2005.

Siemens, Jr., David F. “Did Isaac Oversimplify His Categories?” (PSCF 57, no. 3 [Sept 2005]: 230–3), 57:4, 343, D 2005.