Index for September 1999
Haas, Jr., J. W. "Exemplary Books," 51:3, 141, S 1999.
Dormer, Kenneth J. and George Kinoti. "Science and Development
in Developing Countries," 51:3, 146, S 1999.
Feucht, Dennis L. "Determinism and the Semidecidability of
a Free Choice," 51:3, 158, S 1999.
McIntyre, John A. "Evolution's Fatal Flaw," 51:3, 162,
S 1999.
Morton, Glenn R. "Planning Ahead: Requirement for Moral Accountability,"
51:3, 176, S 1999.
Seely, Paul H. "Creation Science Takes Psalm 104:69
Out of Context," 51:3, 170, S 1999.
Essay Review
Wilson, Edward O. Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge,
51:3, 181, S 1999. (Thomas D. Pearson)
In Memoriam
Everest, F. Alton. "Irving A. Cowperthwaite (19041999):
One of the Five Founding Fathers of ASA," 51:3, 142, S 1999.
News & Views
McIntyre, John A. "We Won," 51:3, 144, S 1999.
Miller, Robert L. "Where does the spiritual world fit into
our description of the physical world?" 51:3, 143, S 1999.
Morton, Glenn R. "Neanderthal/Human Hybrid," 51:3, 145,
S 1999.
Book Reviews
Athanasiou, Tom. Divided Planet: The Ecology of Rich
and Poor, 51:3, 203, S 1999. (Jan de Koning)
Blay, Michel. Reasoning with the Infinite: From the
Closed World to the Mathematical Universe, 51:3, 184, S 1999.
(Adam Drozdek)
Booher, Harold R. Origins, Icons and Illusions: Exploring
the Science and Psychology of Creation and Evolution, 51:3,
201, S 1999. (Eugene O. Bowser)
Brooke, John and Geoffrey Canter. Reconstructing Nature:
The Engagement of Science and Religion, 51:3, 191, S 1999.
(Pradeep M. Dass)
Bruteau, Beatrice. God's Ecstasy: The Creation of a
Self-Creating World, 51:3, 195, S 1999. (John W. Burgeson)
Burley, Justine, ed. The Genetic Revolution and Human Rights:
The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1998, 51:3, 198, S 1999. (Jan
de Koning)
Dembski, William A., ed. Mere Creation: Science, Faith and
Intelligent Design, 51:3, 194, S 1999. (Daniel J. Berger)
Drews, Arthur. The Christ Myth, 51:3, 207, (John
W. Burgeson)
Ehrlich, Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich. Betrayal of Science
and Reason, 51:3, 202, S 1999. (Steven G. Hall)
Feynman, Richard P. The Meaning of it All: Thoughts
of a Citizen Scientist, 51:3, 196, S 1999. (Mark Koonz)
Greene-McCreight, K. E. Ad Litteram: How Augustine,
Calvin, and Barth Read the Plain Sense of Genesis 13,
51:3, 185, S 1999. (Dennis W. Cheek)
Gunton, Colin E. The Triune God: A Historical and Systematic
Study, 51: 3, 206, S 1999. (Dennis W. Cheek)
Hanegraaff, Hank. The Face That Demonstrates the Farce
of Evolution, 51:3, 192, S 1999. (Conway H. Wong)
Hermanowicz, Joseph C. The Stars Are Not Enough: Scientists
Their Passions and Professions, 51: 3, 198, S 1999. (Kathleen
E. Lewis)
Howard, George S. Ecological Psychology: Creating a
More Earth-Friendly Human Nature, 51:3, 203, S 1999. (Jan
de Koning)
Larson, Edward J. and Darrel W. Amundsen. A Different
Death: Euthanasia and the Christian Tradition, 51:3, 205,
S 1999. (Richard H. Bube)
McGrath, Alister E. Science & Religion: An Introduction,
51:3, 186, S 1999. (David T. Barnard)
Numbers, Ronald L. Darwinism Comes to America, 51:3,
189, S 1999. (Ralph E. MacKenzie)
Pickover, Clifford A. Time: A Traveler's Guide,
51:3, 190, S 1999. (Jan de Koning)
Polkinghorne, John. Belief in God in an Age of Science,
51:3, 186, S1999. (T. Timothy Chen)
Pullman, Bernard. The Atom in the History of Human Thought,
51:3, 184, S 1999. (Fraser F. Fleming)
Raymo, Chet. Skeptics and True Believers: The Exhilarating
Connection between Science and Religion, 51:3, 193, S 1999.
(J. David Holland)
Ross, Hugh. The Genesis Question, 51: 3, 197, S
1999. (Guillermo Gonzalez)
Tokar, Brian. Earth for Sale, 51:3, 204, S 1999. (Steven
G. Hall)
Vyse, Stewart A. Believing in Magic: The Psychology
of Superstition, 51:3, 205, S 1999. (John W. Burgeson)
White, Andrew D. A History of the Warfare of Science
with Theology in Christendom, 51:3, 187, S 1999. (Dennis W.
Willer, Roger A., ed. Genetic Testing & Screening: Critical
Engagement at the Intersection of Faith and Science, 51:3,
199, S 1999. (Martin LaBar)
Wills, Christopher. Children of Prometheus, 51:3,
188, S 1999. (Glen Morton)