September 1998 Index -- Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith


Haas, Jr., J. W. "The Joy of Science," 50:3, 157, S 1998.

Young Scientist Corner
Hall, Steven G. "In Transition," 50:3, 158, S 1998.

News & Views

Barclay, Oliver. "A Strategy for the Evolution Debate: A View from the Other Side of the Atlantic," 50:3, 161, S 1998.
Haarsma, Loren D. and Deborah B. Haarsma."Neutrino Mass, Inflationary Cosmology, and the Fine-tuning Argument," 50:3, 160, S 1998.

Bufford, Rodger K. and Jonathan M. Garrison. "Evolutionary Psychology: A Paradigm Whose Time May Come: A Response to J. Raymond Zimmer," 50:3, 185, S 1998.
Pun, Pattle. "Toward an Ethics of the Human Genome Project," 50:3, 164, S 1998.
Spradley, Joseph L. "Religion and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence," 50:3, 194, S 1998.
Zimmer, J. Raymond. "Evolutionary Psychology Challenges the Current Social Sciences," 50:3, 176, S 1998.

Pennock, Robert T. "The Prospects for a 'Theistic Science'," 50:3, 205, S 1998.
Tanner, William F. "Did Israel Cross the Red Sea?" 50:3, 211, S 1998.

Book Reviews
Albright, Carol Rausch and Joe Haugen, Eds. Beginning with the End: God, Science, and Wolfhart Pannenberg, 50:3, 222, S 1998. (Eugene O. Bowser)
Beisner, E. Calvin. Where Garden Meets Wilderness: Evangelical Entry Into the Environmental Debate, 50:3, 225, S 1998. (Martin LaBar)
Bjork, Daniel W. William James: The Center of His Vision, 50:3, 232, S 1998. (William M. Struthers)
Braaten, Carl E. and Robert W. Jenson, Eds. The Two Cities of God: The Church's Responsibility for the Earthly City, 50:3, 227, S 1998. (Dennis W. Cheek)
Brand, Leonard. Faith, Reason, and Earth History: A Paradigm of Earth and Biological Origins by Intelligent Design, 50:3, 224, S 1998. (Jan de Koning)
Caudill, Edward. Darwinian Myths: The Legends and Misuses of a Theory, 50:3, 224, S 1998. (Bernard J. Piersma)
Derr, Thomas Sieger with James A. Nash and Richard John Neuhaus. Environmental Ethics and Christian Humanism: Studies in Christian Ethics and Economic Life, 50:3, 227, S 1998. (Lytton John Musselman)
Edwards, Paul. Reincarnation: A Critical Examination, 50:3, 232, S 1998. (Kenell J. Touryan)
Geisler, Norman L. Creating God in the Image of Man? The New Open View of God: Neotheism's Dangerous Drift, 50:3, 221, S 1998. (Bruno D. Granger)
Goldman, Robert N. Einstein's God: Albert Einstein's Quest as a Scientist and as a Jew to Replace a Forsaken God, 50:3, 223, S 1998. (David T. Barnard)
González-Wippler, Migene. What Happens after Death: Scientific and Personal Evidence for Survival, 50:3, 231, S 1998. (Lee A. Young)
Hawkins, Michael. Hunting down the Universe: The Missing Mass, Primordial Black Holes, and Other Dark Matters, 50:3, 219, S 1998. (Bernard J. Piersma)
Kotva, Jr., Joseph J. The Christian Case for Virtue Ethics, 50:3, 229, S 1998. (G.A. Ridgeway)
Lynch, Aaron. Thought Contagion: How Belief Spreads Through Society, 50:3, 230, S 1998. (Wes Harrison)
Matossian, Mary Kilbourne. Shaping World History: Breakthroughs in Ecology, Science, and Politics, 50:3, 228, S 1998. (Dennis W. Cheek)
Morton, Glenn R. Adam, Apes and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man, 50:3, 222, S 1998. (William E. Hamilton, Jr.)
Murphy, Nancey. Reconciling Theology and Science: A Radical Reformation Perspective, 50:3, 217, S 1998. (George L. Murphy)
Murphy, Nancey and George F. R. Ellis. On the Moral Nature of the Universe, 50:3, 217, S 1998. (George L. Murphy)
O'Connor, David. God and Inscrutable Evil: In Defense of Theism and Atheism, 50:3, 229, S 1998. (Richard Ruble)
Polkinghorne, John. Searching for Truth: Lenten Meditations on Science and Faith, 50:3, 221, S 1998. (T. Timothy Chen)
Prager, Dennis. Happiness Is a Serious Problem, 50:3, 230, S 1998. (Richard Ruble)
Russell, Bertrand. Religion and Science, 50:3, 218, S 1998. (David T. Bernard)
Sagan, Carl. Billions and Billions: Thoughts on Life and Death at the Brink of the Millennium, 50:3, 218, S 1998. (Everette Hatcher III)
Sproul, Jr., R. C., Ed. Playing God: Dissecting Biomedical Ethics and Manipulating the Body, 50:3, 228, S 1998. (James C. Peterson)
Stern, Paul C. et al., Eds. Environmentally Significant Consumption: Research Directions, 50:3, 226, S 1998. (Dennis W. Cheek)
Swinburne, Richard. Is There a God? 50:3, 220, S 1998. (Mark Koonz)
Zebrowski, Jr., Ernest. Perils of a Restless Planet: Scientific Perspectives on Natural Disasters, 50:3, 225, S 1998. (John W. Burgeson)


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