Dembski, William A. "Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information," 49:3, 180, S 1997.
Pence, Terry G. "Charles S. Peirce, Scientific Method, and God," 49:3, 156, S 1997.
Plantinga, Alvin. "Methodological Naturalism?" 49:3, 143, S 1997.
Shanahan, Timothy. "Darwinian Naturalism, Theism, and Biological Design," 49:3, 170, S 1997.
Siemens, Jr., David F. "On Moreland: Spurious Freedom, Mangled Science, Muddled Philosophy," 49:3, 196, S 1997.
Bochenski, Joseph M. The Road to Understanding: More than Dreamt of in Your Philosophy 49:3, 208, S 1997. (Adam Drozdek)
Clifford, Ross. Leading Lawyers' Case for the Resurrection , 49:3, 207, S 1997. (Richard Ruble)
Deane-Drummond, Celia. A Handbook in Theology and Ecology , 49:3, 205, S 1997. (Braxton M. Alfred)
Hawking, Stephen and Roger Penrose. The Nature of Space and Time , 49:3, 203, S 1997. (Paul Copan)
Horgan, John. The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age , 49:3, 200, S 1997. (John W. Burgeson)
John Templeton Foundation, comp. and ed. Who's Who in Theology and Science: An International Biographical and Bibliographical Guide to Individuals and Organizations Interested in the Interaction of Theology and Science , 49:3, 200, S 1997. (Eugene O. Bowser)
Matthews, Clifford N. and Roy Abraham Varghese, Eds. Cosmic Beginnings and Human Ends: Where Science and Religion Meet , 49:3, 203, S 1997. (O. C. Karkalits)
Meilaender, Gilbert. Bioethics: A Primer for Christians , 49:3, 207, S 1997. (Joseph Gladwin)
Officer, Charles and Jake Page. The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy , 49:3, 204, S 1997. (Steven G. Hall)
van Wolde, Ellen. Stories of the Beginning: Genesis 1-11 and Other Creation Stories , 49:3, 206, S 1997. (Dorothy J. Howell)
Ward, Keith. God, Chance and Necessity , 49:3, 201, S 1997. (Braxton M. Alfred)