Index, June 1997.

Conference Report
Grizzle, Raymond. "Naturalism, Theism and the Scientific Enterprise: Austin, Texas: February 20-23 1997," 49:2, 72, J 1997

Davis, John Jefferson. "Theological Reflections on Chaos Theory," 49:2, 75, J 1997.
Seely, Paul H. "The First Four Days of Genesis in Concordist Theory and in Biblical Context," 49:2, 85, J 1997.
McKenna, John E. "Natural Theology," 49:2, 96, J 1997.

Kiss, Igor. "Love of Enemy Natural Law and Medicine," 49:2, 105, J 1997.
Morse, James O. "The Great Experimenter?" 49:2, 108, J 1997.
Tanner, William F. "`Planet Earth'? or `Land'?" 49:2, 111, J 1997.

Essay Reviews
Abanes, Richard. American Militias: Rebellion, Racism & Religion, 49:2, 116, J 1997. (Dennis Feucht)
Behe, Michael J. Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, 49:2, 119, J 1997. (Braxton M. Alfred)
Behe, Michael J. Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, 49:2, 119, J 1997. (Alice Fulton)

Book Reviews
Calaprice, Alice, Ed. The Quotable Einstein, 49:2, 125, J 1997. (Richard Ruble)
Elder, Fred Kingsley. Woodrow: Apostle of Freedom, 49:2, 133, J 1997. (Edward B. Davis)
Evans, C. Stephan. Why Believe? 49:2, 134, J 1997. (Richard M. Bowman)
Fagan, Brian M., Ed. The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, 49:2, 136, J 1997. (Richard Ruble)
Forrest, Peter. God Without the Supernatural: A Defense of Scientific Theism, 49:2, 129, J 1997. (Paul Copan)
Fox, Matthew and Rupert Sheldrake. Natural Grace, 49:2, 135, J 1997. (Braxton M. Alfred)
Gardner, Martin. Weird Water and Fuzzy Logic, 49:2, 132, J 1997. (Richard Ruble)
Glass, Don, Ed. How Can You Tell If a Spider Is Dead? 49:2, 131, J 1997. (Richard Ruble)
Graves, Dan. Scientists of Faith: Forty-Eight Biographies of Historic Scientists and their Christian Faith, 49:2, 132, J 1997. (J. W. Haas, Jr.)
Gross, Paul R. and Norman Levitt. Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science, 49:2, 130, J 1997. (George L. Murphy)
Hart, Archibald D. Habits of the Mind: Ten Exercises to Renew Your Thinking, 49:2, 133, J 1997. (Richard Ruble)
Hessel, Dieter T., Ed. Theology for Earth Community: A Field Guide, 49:2, 127, J 1997. (Jan de Koning)
Holton, Gerold. Einstein History And Other Passions: The Rebellion Against Science at the End of the Twentieth Century, 49:2, 123, J 1997. (Fraser F. Fleming)
Kellert, Stephen R. The Value of Life: Biological Diversity and Human Society, 49:2, 127, J 1997. (Robert A. Campbell)
Larson, Duane H. Times of the Trinity, 49:2, 131, J 1997. (George L. Murphy)
Laszlo, Ervin. The Choice: Evolution or Extinction? A Thinking Person's Guide to Global Issues, 49:2, 128, J 1997. (Adam Drozdek)
Lavine, Shaughan. Understanding the Infinite, 49:2, 124, J 1997. (T. Timothy Chen)
McGrath, Alister. Evangelicalism and the Future of Christianity, 49:2, 137, J 1997. (David L. Dye)
Meilaender, Gilbert C. Body Soul And Bioethics, 49:2, 126, J 1997. (T. Timothy Chen)
Newman, Jay. Religion vs. Television: Competitors in Cultural Context, 49:2, 137, J 1997.(Robert A. Campbell)
Paloutzian, Raymond F. Invitation to the Psychology of Religion, Second edition, 49:2, 134, J 1997. (J. Raymond Zimmer)
Richardson, W. Mark and Wesley J. Wildman, Eds. Religion and Science: History Method Dialogue, 49:2, 123, J 1997. (J. W. Haas, Jr.)
Shreeve, James. The Neanderthal Enigma: Solving the Mystery of Modern Human Origins, 49:2, 125, J 1997. (Janice Drodge)
Walls, Laura Dassow. Seeing New Worlds: Henry David Thoreau and Nineteenth Century Natural Science, 49:2, 128, J 1997. (Lytton J. Musselman)
Wells, Harold. A Future for Socialism? Political Theology and the Triumph of Capitalism, 49:2, 135, J 1997. (Jan de Koning)