March 1997


Haas, Jr., J. W. "On Intelligent Design, Irreducible Complexity, and Theistic Science," 49:1, 1, M 1997.

Busen, Karl M. "Eternity and the Personal God," 49:1, 40, M 1997.
Moreland, J. P. "Complementarity, Agency Theory, and the God-of-the-Gaps," 49:1, 2, M 1997.
O'Connor, Robert C. "Science on Trial: Exploring the Rationality of Methodological Naturalism," 49:1, 15, M 1997.
Woodall, David L. "The Relationship between Science and Scripture in the Thought of Robert Boyle," 49:1, 32, M 1997.

Science Series Review
Lambert, Kathy and Karin Admiraal, Supervising Eds. Science, 49:1, 50, M 1997. (Donald Degraaf)

Video Review
Media Production Amigos Ltd., The Deep Waters of Evolution, 49:1, 54, M 1997. (Keith B. Miller)
Media Production Amigos Ltd., The Deep Waters of Evolution, 49:1, 52, M 1997. (Pattle Pun)

1996 Donors
1996 Donors, 49:1, 56, M 1997.

Book Reviews
Barrow, John D. The Artful Universe, 49:1, 62, M 1997. (Martin LaBar)
Birns, Emily. The World as Creation, 49:1, 65, M 1997. (Fred Jappe)
Craig, William Lane and Quentin Smith. Theism, Atheism and Big Bang Cosmology, 49:1, 60, M 1997. (Richard M. Bowman)
Fischer, Dick. The Origins Solution: An Answer in the Creation-Evolution Debate, 49:1, 68, M 1997. (Braxton M. Alfred)
Howells, William. Getting Here: The Story of Human Evolution, 49:1, 69, M 1997. (James Wing)
Huchingson, James E., Ed. Religion and the Natural Sciences: The Range of Engagement, 49:1, 58, M 1997. (Edward B. Davis)
Lucas, Ernest. Genesis Today: Genesis and the Questions of Science, 49:1, 67, M 1997. (Jan de Koning)
Lucas, Ernest. Science and the New Age Challenge, 49:1, 58, M 1997. (Richard H. Bube)
Morris, Thomas, Ed. God and the Philosophers, 49:1, 60, M 1997. (Richard M. Bowman)
Murphy, George L., LaVonne Althouse, and Russell Willis. Cosmic Witness: Commentaries on Science/Technology Themes, 49:1, 59, M 1997. (Richard H. Bube)
Pickover, Clifford A. Black Holes: A Traveler's Guide, 49:1, 63, M 1997. (Douglas Franks)
Price, Huw. Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point: New Directions for the Physics of Time, 49:1, 62, M 1997. (Jan de Koning)
Sailhamer, John H. Genesis Unbound: A Provocative New Look at the Creation Account, 49:1, 64, M 1997. (Paul Copan)
Star, Susan L., Ed. Ecologies of Knowledge: Work and Politics in Science and Technology, 49:1, 68, M 1997. (Fraser F. Fleming)
Stenmark, Mikael. Rationality in Science, Religion, and Everyday Life: A Critical Evaluation of Four Models of Rationality, 49:1, 67, M 1997. (Jan de Koning)
Toumey, Christopher P. Conjuring Science: Scientific Symbols and Cultural Meanings in American Life, 49:1, 63, M 1997. (Karl Giberson)
Weaver, John David. In the Beginning God: Modern Science and the Christian Doctrine of Creation, 49:1, 66, M 1997. (Mark Koonz)
Wilkinson, David and Rob Frost. Thinking Clearly about God and Science, 49:1, 61, M 1997. (Robert A. Campbell)