in Christian Perspective
Leland Garrison
607 W. Spenser Ave., Marion, IN 46952
From: PSCF 48 (March 1996): 68.
Mark T. Clark's "The Paradox of War and Pacifism" (December 1995) has at least three flaws. First, Clark makes much to do about Christ's praising a centurion without condemning his profession. A Roman centurion's mission was much closer to today's state troopers than today's soldiers.
Second, Clark attempts to score points when Christ neither condemns nor condones an invading king in his analogy. Following Clark's reasoning, we should also believe that our Lord is neutral about the house breaking mentioned in Matt. 12:29.
Finally, Clark states that an individual cannot have greater knowledge or wisdom concerning a war than does the state. If we learned anything from our Vietnam experience, it is to be skeptical about the knowledge and wisdom of pro-war leaders.