Science and Christian Faith
©1995 by the American Scientific Affiliation
Table of Contents
March 1996
Volume 48 Number 1
Haas, Jr., J. W.
Is Anyone Reading This Journal?
48:1, 1, M 1996.
Ferngren, Gary B. and Ronald L. Numbers.
"C. S. Lewis on Creation and Evolution: The Acworth Letters, 1944-1960,"
48:1,28, M 1996.
Isaac, Randy.
"Chronology of The Fall,"
48:1, 34, M 1996.
Kline, Meredith
"Space and Time in the Genesis Cosmogony,"
48:1, 2, M 1996.
Zimmer, J. Raymond.
"The Creation of Man and the Evolutionary Record,"
48:1, 16, M 1996.
Tanner, William F. "Real World Stratigraphy and the Noachian Flood,"
48:1, 44, M 1996.
Book Reviews
Adamson, Donald. Blaise Pascal: Mathematician, Physicist and Thinker about
God, 48:1, 52, M 1996. (Fraser F. Fleming)
Babinski, Edward T. Leaving the Fold, 48:1, 64, M 1996. (Everette Hatcher
Basney, Lionel. An Earth-Careful Way of Life: Christian Stewardship and
the Environmental Crisis, 48:1, 58, M 1996. (C.R. Boardman)
Brand, Paul and Philip Yancey. Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants, 48:1, 65, M
1996. (Philip Eichman)
Bube, Richard H. Putting it All Together: Seven Patterns for Relating Science
and Christian Faith, 48:1, 52, M 1996. (Rev. Mark Koonz)
Dawkins, Richard. River out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life, 48:1, 57,
M 1996. (Paul Copan)
de Duve, Christian. Vital Dust: Life as a Cosmic Imperative, 48:1, 53, M
1996. (James Wing)
Hardin, Garrett. Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population
Taboos, 48:1, 59, M 1996. (Harry Spaling)
Heeren, Fred. Show Me God: What the Message from Space Is Telling Us About
God, 48:1, 50, M 1996. (Dennis L. Feucht)
Knee, Stuart E. Christian Science in the Age of Mary Baker Eddy, 48:1, 62,
M 1996. (Fred Worth)
Kubicek, Frederick C. Evolution, Guilty as Charged, 48:1, 58, M 1996. (John
W. Burgeson)
Marston, Paul. Christianity, Evidence and Truth, 48:1, 60, M 1996. (Richard
M. Bowman)
Morgan, Elaine. The Scars of Evolution: What Our Bodies Tell Us About Human
Origins, 48:1, 58, M 1996. (James Wing)
Morowitz, Harold J. and James Trefil. The Facts of Life: Science and the
Abortion Controversy, 48:1, 63, M 1996. (Mark A. Strand)
Morris, Henry M. Science and the Bible, 48:1, 56, M 1996. (John W. Burgeson)
Morton, Glenn R. Foundation, Fall and Flood: A Harmonization of Genesis
and Science, 48:1, 54, M 1996. (Bill Hamilton)
The New Testament and Psalms: An Inclusive Version, 48:1, 66, M 1996.
Oelschlager, Max. Caring for Creation: An Ecumenical Approach to the Environment
Crisis, 48:1, 60, M 1996. (Jan De Koning)
Pais, Abraham. Einstein Lived Here, 48:1, 55, M 1996. (Richard H. Bube)
Patzia, Arthur G. The Making of the New Testament, 48:1, 65, M 1996. (Richard
Sutherland, Stuart. Irrationalality: Why We Don't Think Straight, 48:1,
61, M 1996. (Eugene O. Bowser)
Symington, Neville. Emotion and Spirit: Questioning the Claims of Psychoanalysis
and Religion, 48:1, 64, M 1996. (Jan de Koning)