in Christian Perspectives
Jack Haas
From: PSCF 47 (March 1995):1
Nowadays scientific societies and their publications are under increasing pressure. The economic climate and a freezing of salary schedules have caused second thoughts about memberships which had been hitherto considered automatic. It must be said that the ASA is feeling that economic pinch. Our membership base has eroded over the past decade to the point that we might soon need to consider cutting some of our services, something that we want to avoid.
As I talk with ASA people and read their comments on the Internet, I am impressed by the ways that our organization continues to help people grapple with science-Christianity issues and the role of their faith in their professional lives. Get a few of us together and it does not take long to hatch a project where ASA can reach out to serve others. All of this requires the funding to keep the organization running. The Executive Council and Executive Director have the responsibility to look for resources beyond the membership. However, we bear the responsibility for maintaining our memberships, recruiting new members as well as sending a check for an extra amount when the membership bill arrives. Some cultures value books and the things of the mind over the gadgets that compete so well for the American dollar. Mark Noll's recent work, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind (1994) offers a sobering look at our scholarship. It is only through the ASA and CSCA that this generation can find an enduring forum for the religious issues that impinge on the lives of scientists and engineers and build a strong response to those who claim that "science is all."
If each of us would take the time to recruit new members, order Perspectives for our church library, and dig a bit deeper, we could fulfill some of the publication and service needs that cannot be met in our present circumstances. ASA Executive Director Don Munro and I would appreciate receiving your comments.