in Christian Perspective
Putting Things in Perspective
Wilbur L. Bullock, Editor
From: JASA 65 (June
1985): 65.
The plight of the poor, especially in Third World countries where there are so many people living in abject poverty, should be of concern to every Christian. To those of us who are in areas of science through which it might be possible to apply our expertise to change the situation, poverty, starvation, and the lack of pure water and adequate housing are a special challenge. But all aid and change is not necessarily helpful. Johan Ramon and Richard Bube discuss some approaches to responsible Christian stewardship through forms of technology that attempt to consider the social and cultural background in which these problems develop.
Charles Flynn looks at some of the deterministic theories that play an important role in more general social and economic theory. In addition to an evaluation of determinism in its several forms, he shows us some of the ways in which these theories can challenge us as Christians to live out our faith in a more biblical manner. In a somewhat similar vein, Michael Boivin examines behavioristic psychology and concludes that 11 the tensions between a behavioral and a biblical view of man are not as great as commonly supposed." The general premise of both of these papers is that we still have something to learn, even from the advocates of theories that are, for the most part, unchristian.
On the lighter side, Harold Hartzler, former president and first Executive Secretary of ASA, reminisces on his forty years with ASA. This paper was read at our meeting in Newberg, Oregon in August, 1983. To long time members of ASA Harold gives us a refresher course in some of the people and events in our last forty years. To younger readers Harold provides useful insight into how we arrived at where we are in relation to some of our practices and concerns.
Among our Communications, D.K. Pace discusses the potential of the Christian gospel to rehabilitate criminals. In the light of the biblical mandate to be concerned for the prisoner, as well as the several current Christian prison ministries, Dr. Pace has given us some valuable insights through his research.
Most of us are not familiar with the content of the Book of Mormon, a religious document considered inspired by a small but significant minority in our society. Tom Key provides us with an interesting commentary on some of the biological errors and inconsistencies in this religious book.
Last but not least, Raymond Seeger shares three more of his short insights into the lives of great scientists with particular emphasis on some of their religious beliefs and attitudes.