in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Contributions Requested to Archive on
Dr. Stanley Yates
Department of Special Collections
Iowa State University Library
Ames, Iowa 50011
From: JASA 35 (March 1983): 64.
The Department of Special Collections of the Iowa State University Library, with the cooperation of faculty members of the University, has begun an extensive program of soliciting contributions to be part of a recently established archive of both published and unpublished materials relating to all aspects of the continuing dialog between proponents of evolution and creation. This archive has as its focus the solicitation, preservation and indexing of materials which will aid scholars who wish to explore, research, analyze and interpret evolution science and creation science.
Persons and organizations have already contributed correspondence, journals, books and bibliographies to the evolution/creation archive. Stanley Yates, Head of the Department of Special Collections said, "Although interest in evolution/creation is very high and many who are involved in this express the need to retain much of their own files, the response has been very encouraging. Proponents of evolution and creation recognize the necessity of sending their materials to a place where they can be preserved and yet be available for interested persons."
Yates continued by encouraging anyone who has such materials to contact him even if for the present they wish to retain their files. "Once such materials are lost," Yates noted, "it is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to replace them."
All inquiries should be sent to: