in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Thanks for a Broader Perspective
Wayne E. Newquist
1220 W. 22nd Street
Kearney, Nebraska 68847
From: JASA 34 (June 1982): 123.
I appreciate much that you printed the letters from D. M. D'Aria and Tom Pitman in the December 1981 issue of the Journal ASA.
I have been reading the magazine for quite a while and believe they are the first such sentiments I have seen. Instead, what I have been seeing is exactly what Tom Pittman said in his first paragraph. This is probably the result of viewing things from my own perspective, but I don't see that that is any worse than for others to view things from their perspective.
I believe it is true that by far the most articles in the Jounal
are from the academic community. It should be rather sobering that this same issue has the article by Jerry Bergman which
that it was the academic community more than the religious community that would not at first accept the heliocentric view of the
universe. "because the new theory was so radically different from
the view of
the universe which had been accepted for hundreds of
years." I wonder if
that may be the situation with creation/evolution. The Christian academic, scientific and theological communities
have worked so
hard and so long to try to reconcile evolution and Scripture that it
is hard to give it up.
I am certainly no
expert on this,
but it is my understanding that
Einstein's theory of relativity came
about, at least partly, as a result of working to reconcile the new idea that the speed of light
was independent of the speed or direction of its source. So it seems
to me that it is a worthy objective to fit our world view into
the biblical statements just as they are written, excepting, of course, what may
be plainly allegorical. And that decision as to what is allegorical and what is
not, may be just where some of the difficulty lies.
I have the privilege of reading your magazine before sending it on to my missionary son, David Nequist. PhD (atmospheric science), physics professor at Tunghai University, Box 365, Taichung 400, Taiwan. We serve as his Stateside mailing address.