in Christian Perspective
Perspective on Energy Technology Choices
Everett R. Irish
Richland, Washington
From: JASA 32
(June1980): 112-114.
I am concerned that the ASA maintain its credibility through a
balanced treatment
of energy technology issues. My concern arises from the current
polarized situation
in our society which jeopardizes the timely availability of needed energy for
the future. In this article this concern and its rationale are
articulated along
with a challenge to ASA members as scientists and engineers working
in energy-related
Having worked in the mid-1940's in Boulder, Colorado on one of the
first demonstrations
of solar house heating, I have a continuing interest in how solar energy can be
appropriately used to meet our energy needs. Having spent 24 years in
the nuclear
field, I have similar interests regarding nuclear energy. And having
spent 6 years
in seeking to use science for the benefit of humankind in other ways, I gained
a perspective about societal problems in general; as a result of this
latter experience,
my personal credo about research on complex societal problems was developed and
articulated.1 These experiences and beliefs will be reflected as some concepts
and ideas from the Scriptures and secular viewpoints on energy
technology choices
are presented.
Biblical Guidance
A theological view of the relationships of man and nature to God2 is necessary
for a meaningful perspective of the situations that face humankind
today. I believe
such a view leads to at least three fundamental ethical principles:
1. Our responsibility to be stewards of the earth's environment and
resources that belong to God, not to us. This responsibility is given
in Genesis
in the creation (vs. 1:26-30) and garden (vs. 2:15) stories. It is important to
recognize the "tending" aspects of she garden story or the
aspects of the creation story could be incorrectly interpreted to be the cause
of a perceived ecological crisis.3 This stewardship responsibility
includes both
conserving and using resources prudently, in the interests of both the present
and future generations.
2. Our responsibility to pay special attention to the poor and needy
people of the world, as given in Proverbs 31:9 and many other places
in both she
Old and New Testaments. History shows that without adequate energy available,
the poor and needy of the world suffer the first and most.
3. Our responsibility to do all things under the Lordship of Jesus
Christ, as given in Colossians 3:17 and elsewhere.
Fulfillment of our individual responsibilities requires us so "seek
first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Matthew 6:33)...
Righteousness in the Bible has at least three dimensions: legal,
moral and social.4 Legal righteousness is justification, a right
relationship with
God. Moral righteousness is that righteousness of character and conduct which
pleases God, an inner righteousness of heart, mind and motive. Social
is concerned with "seeking man's liberation from oppression, together with
she promotion of civil rights, justice in the law courts, integrity in business
dealings and honor in home and family affairs . . Christians are committed to
hunger for righteousness in the whole human community as something pleasing so
a righteous God."
Secular Perspective
We are living at a point in history when the world is rapidly
depleting its natural
resources. One vital aspect of our society that is being severely affected is
that of energy production. Our finite supplies of non-renewable
fuels (especially petroleum and natural gas) are being depleted at a
rapid rate.
Humankind must turn to strict energy conservation and other energy sourccs.5,6
The ethic of conservation appropriately is being emphasized
throughout our society
in order to reduce our energy consumption and resource use. Savings could reach
a limit of 30-40% of classic (1972) energy projections.7 Such
significant conservation
would require alterations of our lifestyles and practices in
generating and using
energy. Whereas some of these changes would certainly be salutary, others could
result in adverse effects. Even with significant conservation measures, fuels
other than petroleum and natural gas will be needed to supply our
energy requirements.8
Production of energy will likely require the use of all feasible
methods, i.e.,
• Renewable - Hydroelectric and other solar (direct thermal,
wind, biomass,
• Fossil fuels - Coal, natural gas, petroleum and synthetic
fuel derivatives.
• Nuclear - Fission, geothermal and potentially fusion.
The technologies to assure the availability of needed energy in the future are
being developed and/or improved. The challenges we face are to use
the above energy
sources prudently and in consideration of the overall potentials and
of each energy source.
All energy sources have their associated benefits, costs, risks and
that must be evaluated as objectively as possible, consistent with she amount
of information available, so that they can be properly compared for
to meet specific needs. Much is known about she energy sources that
produce most
of our energy today, i.e., hydropower, coal, oil, natural gas and
nuclear fission.
However, comparatively little is known about she nonconventional
sources although
the situation is improving. For example, comparative costs for coal and nuclear
power systems for generation of electrical energy are quite well understood.9
Benefit/cost information on solar energy technologies is much less developed;
however, at least one significant study comparing environmental
effects and benefits
of solar energy technologies with coal has been made.10
With regard to risks to public health and safety, it must be
recognized that all
energy sources and production systems have associated risks; none are
risk free.
In reality, "no-risk thinking" may create the highest risks.11 Comparisons
of risks likewise can be made much better between coal and nuclear
power systems12
than between coal or nuclear and solar because of the advanced state
of knowledge
and large amount of research on the former systems and the minimal
amount on solar
systems to date. In risk assessments of various energy sources and comparisons
among them it is necessary that entire fuel cycles or systems be
considered; otherwise,
significant errors can he introduced by the oversights.
The study of risks frequently consider only physical and biological risks. For
a complete risk assessment both of these and social, psychological, aesthetic
and related risks should be considered so gain an overall
perspective. Even though
the technology for such a complete risk assessment is lacking,
qualitative considerations
are important. For example, in the context of this paper, if adequate
energy supplies
may not be available to meet future needs, the risks of unemployment,
and social unrest need to be evaluated with candor. At the risk of stepping out
of my field of expertise, I suggest that the oppression of
unemployment and resulting
deprivation would lead to increasing gaps between rich and poor,
people and nations;
the affluent can afford to change lifestyles more than the poor but
also are free
not to do so. Social unrest from looting during power outages and violence in
gas lines to war over resources has been experienced. In the context of a broad
discussion of bioethical problems and priorities related to nuclear
energy'1 three
different options and their respective consequences for the future
are described;
contemplation of these scenarios, spelled out in greater detail by E.
L. Zebroski
of the Electric Power Research Institute, reinforces the concerns
expressed above.
Another publieationl4 presents similar ideas on social hazards from a
viewpoint in a popular format.
Communication among people and sectors of our society is becoming increasingly
difficult because of polarizations Not only is the topic of energy production
becoming more political than technical, it is plagued by a moral
problem involving
dishonesty and deception in communications. There is always a
tendency to oversell
one's own viewpoint, sometimes with hidden motives. What is needed, in view of
the impending crisis society faces, are honest and open dialogues on benefits
and risks and uncertainties of all kinds of energy sources so that the choices
of the future can be made as well as possible. Evidence of the result
of dishonesty
and deception, i.e., lack of trust. was gained in a mail-out survey on nuclear
knowledge and nuclear attitudes:15
"With respect to four information sources the news media,
government agencies,
utility companies, and environmental groups general sample respondents, on the
average, expressed distrust in the four sources more than they expressed trust
in them. The least amount of distrust was shown toward government agencies, and
the most distrust was shown toward environmental groups. Nuclear
neighbors expressed
slight trust in government agencies and distrust in other sources, especially
environmental groups. Environmentalists expressed strong trust in environmental
groups and strong distrust in utility companies."
Another dimension of communications was studied through a comparative analysis
of network television news coverage of coal, nuclear power and solar
stories from
1972 to 1977.16
"While a large number of the stories presented the pro and
con side of the technology story, virtually all one-sided solar
stories were pro
solar, and virtually all one-sided nuclear power stories were anti nuclear . .
. . In terms of the balance of benefit/ cost discussions, for solar power the
benefit discussion outweighed the cost discussion about ten to one, while for
nuclear and coal the cost discussion outweighed the benefit
discussion about four
to one."
These observations support what many of us have experienced, the
optimistic view
of a new technology and an associated oversell. The vice versa
situation is also
familiar to us!
Primary reasons for the polarization over nuclear power are conflicts of values
having to do with lifestyles17 and differences in perceptions
regarding desirable
social-institutional and political conditions:13
"Pro-nuclear respondents place significantly more importance than
respondents (in a mail-out survey)
on the values of a comfortable life, family security, and national
security. Antinuclear
respondents place significantly more importance than pro-nuclear respondents on
the values of a world of beauty and equality. A comparison of the value systems
of these respondents with the value systems of the American public
indicated that pro-nuclear respondents have value systems more like the 'average'
American, whereas
antinuclear respondents ... have value systems somewhat more like individuals
who have been active in other social movements, such as the civil
rights movement."
As an individual, I also have conflicts because I value both the pro-nuclear and
antinuclear sets of values summarized above! I wish that the nuclear fuel cycle
did not have some of the undesirable features of radioactivity just as I wish
that solar energy were not so diffuse and variable. (Except the
diffuseness permits
me to live and the variability enhances my lifestyle!) But my wishes
do not change
the realities of the situations. Nicholas Edigee, President of the
Canadian Nuclear
Association, expressed my sentiments precisely when he said he finds
it "unfortunate"
that discussions of "policy related to the generation of
electricity by utilizing
steam from a uranium-fired boiler" are used "by certain individuals
as yet another opportunity to engage in a lifestyle debate."18
Two prominent solar energy researchers, Margorie and Aden Meinel, "caution
us against becoming entrenched within simplistic versions of the
multiple problems
which surround any energy option. They also urge us to bury the
polarized rhetoric
growth vs. no growth, solar energy vs. nuclear energy, soft path vs. hard path,
etc . . . . Abandoning the polarized rhetoric is not enough. We must
also recognize
that the most paralyzing, debilitating, and manipulable human emotion
is fear-fear
begotten from ignorance."13 We would do well to remember Madame
Marie Curie's words:
"Nothing in life is to be feared; it is to be understood."
As scientists and engineers, we have the responsibility and opportunity to help
the public understand the complex technical issues of the day, overcome fears
of the unknown and face the future with hope, not despair. Clear, balanced,
communications from us are vital.
1Irish, Everett R., "Research on Complex Societal Problems,"
of the American Scientific Affiliation, March 1974, pp. 3-6.
2Pollard, William G., "A Theological View of Nuclear Energy,"
Nuclear News, February 1979, pp. 79-83.
3White, Lynn, Jr. "The Historical Roots of Our Ecological
Crisis," Science,
155, March 10, 1967, pp. 1203-1207.
4Stott, John R. W. Christian Counter-Culture, The Message of the Sermon on the
Mount, InterVarsity Press, 1978, p. 45.
5Bethe, H. A., "The Necessity of Fission Power," Scientific American, 234, January 1976, pp. 21-31.
Pierre, C. and L. Zaleski, "Energy Choices for the Next 15 Years; A View
from Europe," Science, 202, March 2, 1979, pp. 849851.
7Rose, David J., et. al., "Nuclear Power-Compared to What?'
American Scientist,
64, May-June 1976, pp. 291-299.
8"Questions on the Future of Nuclear Power: Implications and
EMD-79-56, U.S. General Accounting Office, May 21. 1979.
9Rossin, A. D. and T. A. Rieck, "Economies of Nuclear
Power," Science. 201, August 18, 1978, pp. 582-590.
10 Lawrence,
Kathryn A. "A Review of the Environmental Effects
and Benefits of Selected Solar Energy Technologies," SERI/
TP-53-l 14. Solar
Energy Research Institute, Boulder, September 1978.
11Wildavsky, Aaron. "No Risk Is the Highest Risk of All," Ameri
can Scientist, 67, January-February 1979, pp. 32-37,
l12Hamilton, L. D. and A. S. Marine, "Health and Economic Costs
of Alternative
Energy Sources." IAEA Bulletin, Volume 20, Number 4, Vienna, August 1978,
pp. 44-58.
13Maxey, Margaret N.. "Nuclear Electricity: Bioethical Problems
and Priorities,"
Chemical Engineering Progress, September 1978, pp. 26-38.
14Beckman, Petr, The Health Hazards of Not Going Nuclear,
Golem Press. Boulder, Colorado, 1976.
15Nealey, Stanley M. and William L. Rankin, Nuclear Knowledge
and Nuclear Attitudes: Is Ignorance Bliss? B-HARC-41 1-002, Battelle
Human Affairs
Research Centers. Seattle, October 1978.
16Rankin. William I.. and Stanley M. Nealey, A Comparative Analysis of Network
Television Ness's Coverage of Nuclear Power, Coal and Solar Stories, B-HARC-4l
1-005. Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers, Seattle, February 1979.
17Rankin. William I.. and Stanley M, Nealey, The Relationship of
Human Values
and Energc Beliefs to Nuclear Power Attitude, B-HARC-41 1-007, Battelle Human
Affairs Research Centers, Seattle, November 1978.
18"Perspective on Radwaste Management" Nuclear Fuel,
December 11, 1978,
pp. 5-6.