in Christian Perspective
Thermal Consequences of a
Short Time Scale for Sea-Floor Spreading
Ross 0. Barnes
Research Associate Professor of Marine Science
Walla College
Anacortes, Washington 98221
From: JASA 32
(June1980): 123-125.
The concepts of sea floor spreading, plate tectonics and continental drift have
revolutionized and revitalized the geological sciences during the
past 15 years.
Stated simply, these concepts suggest that the earth's outer shell
consists of a number of relatively rigid plates that are moving with respect to
each other as velocities on the order of a few cm/yr. Plates are
moving away from
each other along the crests of mid-ocean ridges; a series of
branching, interconnected,
underwater mountain ranges that extend for more than 40,000 miles through all
the world's oceans. As these plates move away from each other at the
ridges, new
ocean crust is created between the plates by volcanic activity. If the earth's
surface is not growing larger, then an amount of crust equal to that generated
at the mid-ocean ridges must be consumed elsewhere. This occurs mainly at the
ocean trenches surrounding the Pacific Ocean where one plate slides
under another,
creating a topographic depression (ocean trench) with accompanying volcanic and
seismic activity. This process is called subduction. The continents are part of
various lithospheric plates and move passively with the larger plate of which
they are a part.
The purpose of this paper is not to explain these new ideas in detail
or to critically
examine the evidences pro and eon. Such publications are readily available.1-5 Assuming
that sea floor spreading may have occurred in the earth's history. I would like
to examine some of the consequences of such activity from the
viewpoint of a short
time scale Flood geology model that assumes that most of the
fossiliferous stratigraphic
record was developed in a few years during the global Genesis Flood
and its immediate
aftereffects. Specifically I develop a simple model to examine the
thermal consequences
of creating the present ocean crust by magna injection and cooling
this new crust
to near its present temperatures all within a few years.
Time Constraints on Model
Geologists have suggested that the present phase of sea floor spreading began
in the Late Triassic or Early Jurassic period and continues to the present day.
This process broke up one or two large super-continents and created
the Atlantic,
Indian and Arctic ocean basins, at the expense of the Pacific Ocean.
The oldest known ocean basin sediments are Late Jurassic and are found in the
northeast Pacific and the western North Atlantic Oceans at the
greatest distances
from ridge spreading centers in these two ocean basins. These
sediments have been
dated biostratigraphically from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores from
these areas.6-8
Ocean crust existing previous to this time plus a large amount of newer crust
has been subducted at present and ancient trenches or lies buried beneath thick
continental margin sediments in the Atlantic Ocean. The relative timing of this
sea floor spreading is deduced from an examination of the sedimentary
and tectonic
history of the ocean basins and continental margins and from the
polar wandering
curve for the various continents determined from the remancnt geomagnetism of
terrestrial volcanic rocks.2,3,9,10
Based on these evidences, the correlation of sea floor spreading
history to classical
continental stratigraphic geology appears to be well established in its broad
outlines. There are features of the earth's sedimentary and tectonic
record that
suggest episodes of sea floor spreading prior to the most recent
break-up of the
supercontinents in the Triassic. However, the primary evidence for
such activity
(the geomagnetic, tectonic, and sedimentary record of the
appropriately aged ocean
basin crust) has been lost presumably by subduction, relegating any
sea floor spreading to the realm of geological speculation at this time.
Under a short timescale Flood geology model, the constraints of historical and
archeological chronology and of the presumed character of the
ante-Diluvian earth
suggest that most of the fossiliferous scdimeniary rocks from at
least mid-Paleozoic
up to Pliocene were deposited during the Noachian Flood and at most a few years
after.11 The Pleistocene "ice age" epoch commenced almost immediately
after the waning of the Flood and lasted, at most, several hundred years until
the start of the post Pleistocene archeological period.12 Pleistocene
and recent
ocean floor is represented by a narrow strip about 100 km or less
wide along the
midocean ridges, only a few percent of the total ocean basin area.13
These chronologies, of sea floor spreading and of Flood geology, suggest that
almost all of the present ocean floor was created during a few years
at the time
of the Flood, since the history of the ocean floor is correlated
with the continental fossiliferous rock sequence as mentioned above.
In addition, a significant amount of ocean crust created during this time has
already been subdueted. so that the total amount of sea floor created
during sea-floor
spreading is significantly greater than that presently in existence.
If we assume
that ocean crust equal in area to the present ocean basins was created by sea
floor spreading during the Flood event, this should underestimate the
total volume
of crust produced.
Sea Floor Spreading Model
The model used for calculating the thermal consequences of a short chronology
sea floor spreading event uses numerical data that are the best
estimates or actual
calculations, and can be considered reliable for the purposes of this
paper. 14
Ocean crust averaging 6.5 km in thickness exclusive of sedimentary
cover and equal
in area to the present ocean basins is created in a period of a few
years by intrusion
and extrusion of rock magma at ocean ridge spreading centers. This
rock it created
at an assumed temperature of 1100°C and must cool to its present
average temperature
of 100'C within this same short period of a few years
since there is no evidence of a significant warm thermal anomaly in
and recent sediments and fossils.
I am not considering a detailed calculation of the actual escape of heat from
the newly created crust; this would he a complex and difficult
calculation. Instead,
assuming that the heat can be removed from the crust by some mechanism, I ask
what are the consequences of this heat release to the ocean and atmosphere of
the earth?
Our first calculation is the total heat released by cooling of this new ocean
crust: QT =2.1 x 1027 calories. We can compare this with the total radiant
energy absorbed by the earth from the sun in one year: QT/ QS=2400,
The first consequence
of this heat release from the ocean crust would be to heat the oceans
to the boiling
point of water assuming one atmosphere of pressure at the ocean surface:
QB = 1.05 x 1026 calories. The oceans will proceed to boil since the heat required
is only 5% of the total heat released from the new crust. The excess crustal heat
is sufficient to boil away all the water at the earth's surface 2.8 times.
The final consideration of this thermal model is the escape of this heat from
the earth's atmosphere into space. The temperature structure of the
present earth's
atmosphere is in equilibrium with the present heat budget of the
earth. The escape
of thermal radiant energy from the earth's upper atmosphere balances
the absorption
of radiant energy from the sun. The present contribution of crustal heat to the
atmospheric heat balance is insignificant ~1% of absorbed solar
The Stefan-Boltzmano Law states that the total radiant energy emitted
by an ideal
radiator is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature. ihe
effective radiation temperature of the earth's present atmosphere is about 218
K (-55° C). For our purposes, we can neglect compositional and structural
changes in the atmosphere due to boiling of the oceans and simply calculate the
effective radiant temperature needed to remove the heat of formation of the new
ocean crust. The calculations are as follows: T (1 yr.)=
1252°C; T(10 yr,) = 585°C; T(l00 yr.)= 209°C; T(250
yr.) 110°C; T (1000 yr.) = -1.6°C.
The first two figures for 1 to 10 years would represent time periods of first
choice for Flood geology. However, we can see that time periods in
excess of 250
years are needed to lower the effective atmospheric radiating
temperature to below 100oC. Temperatures at the earth's surface would be even higher than
these radiating
temperatures because the atmospheric temperature must decrease with
altitude until
one reaches an atmospheric density where most of the emitted thermal radiation
can escape directly into space (effective radiant temperature of the
From the viewpoint of Flood geology, one is forced to compress the warm thermal
anomaly into a time span of a few years. (I) The Pleistocene epoch (ice ages)
must have occupied most of the time between the waning of the Flood waters and
the start of the historical period, but the existence of ice caps and
the isotopic
temperature record allow temperature variations of only a few degrees in this
period.15,16 (2) The generation of the Pleistocene ocean floor at ridge crests
('-'100 km wide strip) within a few hundred years would have added a
yearly heat
load to the atmosphere approximately equal to the energy presently
absorbed from
the sun with very significant thermal consequences for which there is
no evidence
(see item 1 above). (3) The time constant for cooling of the ocean crust is on
the order of 105 to 106 years," but the present thermal and
bathymetric structure
of ocean basins does not suggest a recent episode of very fast
sea-floor spreading.
In fact, she thermal and bathymetric structure of ocean basins
supports the current
concepts of geological chronology.3, 18
Acceptance of an intermediate chronology for Genesis history that
allows "tens
of thousands of years for combined pre- and post-
Flood events" does little to alleviate the time problem for the seafloor
spreading thermal anomaly. Flood events are still compressed into a few years
and the "extra time" is used to accommodate the development
of extensive
ante-Diluvian fossiliferous sediments and to allow more time for
post-Flood "ice
ages" and archeological pre-history.
However, it is obvious that dissipation of ocean crustal heat within
a few years
produces thermal effects in the ocean and atmosphere that are not
compatible with
the continuity of organic life through the Flood event or with the
hydraulic evidence
for conditions prevailing during the deposition of the sedimentary rocks.
The model used for the calculations is somewhat crude in many respects but it
is sufficient to show the magnitude of the thermal effects. More realistic (and
complex) calculations would produce similar overall results.
The sea-floor spreading thermal problem can be resolved in three
ways. (I) Sea-floor
spreading has not occurred, or the fast Flood geology spreading
proceeded by some
unknown mechanism quite different from the "normal" slow
spreading process
currently envisaged by geologists. (2) Sea-floor spreading and the
events producing
the correlated sedimentary record from Mesozoic to Recent occurred
over a period
of time comparable to the presently accepted ideas of geological
chronology. (3)
Physical "laws" were suspended or altered in some way
during the "Flood
event" so that the purposes of God were accomplished but the environmental
conditions remained within acceptable limits.
It is noteworthy that the application of simple physical principles
so well defined
"short-time scale geological events" often leads to
alternatives similar
to the three listed above. Two of these areas are radiometric geochronology and
the thermal cooling history of batholiths or large intrusive bodies.
17 The latter
problem was ignored in the present paper (how the heat was initially
removed from
the newly created ocean crust). The long geological ages calculated
from radiometric
dating are based on the assumed constancy of radioactive decay rates,
an unprovable
though reasonable assumption from a scientist's point of view. Thermal modeling
on the other hand, simply assumes constancy in the physical
interactions of matter
and energy, and of atomic and molecular properties. It is significant
that thermal
modeling of the earth's crust leads to calculated ages comparable to
geochronology. Considering alternative (3) above, the required
in the interactions of matter and energy during the "Flood
event" extend
beyond a mere change in radioactive decay rates and must include the
laws of conductive,
convective and radiant heat exchange and the atomic and molecular interactions
of matter.
1Marvin, V. B. (1973), Continental Drift: The Evolution of a Con
cept. Washington, D. C. (Smithsonian Institution Press) 239 pp.
Presents the historical
development of modern concepts.
2Tarling, D. H., and M. Tarling(1971), Continental Drift, A Study
of the Earth's Moving Surface. Garden City, N.Y. (Doubleday) 140 pp. A popular
level exposition.
3Le Pichon, X., 3. Francheteau and J. Bonnin (1973), Plate Tectonics. Amsterdam (Elsevier) 300 pp. A more technical presentation.
4Kahle, C. F., ed. (1974), Plate Tectonics-assessments and Re
assessments. American Assoc. of Petrol. Geologists Memoir #23. A collection of
papers pro and con.
5The most prolific anti-drifter has been A. A. Meyerhoff. For an amazing array
of anti-drift evidence (some good, some indifferent, some bad) see the series
of articles by Meyerhoff and others (1970-1974) in: Journal of
Geology 78; 1-51,
79, 285-32 I; 80, 34-60, 663-692; American Assoc. of Petro
leum Geologists, Bulletin 56, 269-336, 337-359; and in Kahlc,
C. F., ed. op. cit.
6Ewing, J., C. Hollister, et a!. (1970), "Deep Sea Drilling Project: Leg
II," Geotimes, /5, no. 7, 14-16.
7Heeren, B. C., I. D. MacGregor, et at. (1972), "Deep Sea
Drilling Project;
Leg 20," Geotimes, 17, no. 4, 10-14.
8Benson, W. E., R. E. Sheridan (1976), "In the North Atlantic:
Deep Sea Drilling."
Geotimes, 2/, no. 2, 23-26.
For more detail than above, see respective volumes of: Initial
Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, D. C. (U.S.
Government Printing
9Van der Voo, R., and R. B. French (1974), "Apparent Polar Wandering for
the Atlantic-bordering Continents: Late Carboniferous to Eocene,"
Earth-Science Reviews, 10, 99-119.
10Jurdy, 0. M., and R. Van dcr Voo(1975),"True Polar Wandering Since the
Early Cretaceous," Science, 187, 1193-1196.
11Coffin, H. G. (1969), Creation-Accident or Design. Washington, D. C. (Review
& Herald Publishing Assoc.) see Chapter 10. pp. 108-114.
12This "accordianed" chronology is necessitated by well accepted
dating of the historical period to within a few hundred years of the
Ussher date
for the Genesis flood of 2350 B.C.
13See map by Pitman. W. C., R. L. Larson and E. M. Herron (l974) The age of
the ocean basins, determined from magnetic anomaly lineations.
Geological Society
of America, map & chart series MC-G.
14The author will gladly supply information on the model and details
of the calculations
upon request.
15Savin, S. M., R. G. Douglas and F. G. Stehli (1975), "Tertiary
Marine Paleotemperatures," Geological Society of America Bulletin, 86, 1499-1510.
16Emiliani, C. (1970), "Pleistocene Paleotemperatures," Science,
168, 822-825.
17Barnes, R. 0. (1971), "Time-and Earth's History," Spectrum, 3,
No. I, 29-46 (see page 41).
18Morgan, W. J. (1974), "Heat Flow and Vertical Movements of
the Crust." In: A. G. Fischer and S. Judson, eds., Petroleum
and Global Tectonics, Princeton (Princeton University Press) 23-43.