in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
One-Sided View on Homosexuality
Warren Hamby, Jr.
5820 Churchill Court
West Palm Beach Florida 33405
From: JASA 31
(September 1979): 176.
The March, 1979 Journal ,ASA interviews entitled, "Christian
Answers on Homosexuality"
presented a very one-sided view of Christian perspectives on homosexuality.
The view that homosexuality may be a healthy alternative, perfectly
in accordance
with God's will, was omitted. In order for this to be a Christian view, we must
recognize that Paul's exposure to homosexuality was probably very limited. In
the first century, the only visible manifestations of homosexuality
were promiscuity
and wild orgies. If this were the extent of Paul's knowledge of
he would probably have condemned it, too. Paul was not aware of
stable homosexual
love relationships that rake place out-of-closet today.
We heterosexual Christians are extremely audacious when we assert that because
it is sometimes possible to change a homosexual, this means homosexuals should
want to change. If it is possible for one to change his/her sexual orientation,
then it is certainly possible for a heterosexual to change into a homosexual.
How eager would we "straights" be to convert to a religion
that taught
that we should all want to be homosexuals? We are even more audacious when we
assert that if a homosexual finds he cannot change, he should
"accept lifelong
sexual abstinence." If this does not work, perhaps we should
advocate castration
as a third alternative.