in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
A Superb Statement and Exciting Reading
R.J. Rushdoony
P.O. Box 158 Vallecito,
California 95251
From: JASA 31 (March 1979): 63
As you know, I am not always in agreement with your position.
I do feel, however, that the Journal of The American Scientific
Affiliation has greatly improved under your editorship. From a
position of throwing
rocks at other Christians, the Journal has advanced to setting forth
the implications
of the Biblical faith for one area after another. The results are sometimes, it
most he said, weak, at other times very good, and somethings
exceptionally telling.
The September, 1978, Journal has one such article, perhaps the best
ever to appear
in the Journal. I refer to James F. Jekel's "The Coming
Revolution in Health
Care," a superb statement and exciting reading.
Such articles should be made available in reprints for wider circulation. t for
one would welcome the opportunity to buy 100 copies of such an article for use
in connection with our own work.
At any rate, I do appreciate the calibre of your editorship.