in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Fed Up with Second Law Controversy
Michael V. McCabe
Center for the Study of Higher Education
of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
From: JASA 31 (March 1979): 63.
I am fed up to here with this Second Law of Thermodynamics controversy. After
Prigogine won his Nobel Prize, the Institute for Creation Research
published what
seemed to be a very solid article showing how his research findings were either
not applicable to this controversy or how they realty supported the
position by requiring the introduction of catalysts into closed
systems to break
free of the Law. Then in the September issue of the Journal (p. 145)
Jerry Albert
states, "only the unwary or uninformed would fall prey to the
invalid argument
that the Second Law of Thermodynamics contradicts biological
Is it not possible for intelligent, God-fearing Christians to publish
an exchange
and resolve this simple controversy once and for all? If the pages of
this Journal
are not deemed the proper format, I would be willing to collect essays, debate
transcripts, papers, etc., assemble and edit them into a publication with the
goal in mind of resolving this controversy.
Any takers?
(Ed. - I wonder if perhaps reader McCabe may not be over optimistic as to just
how simple this issue is. I fear that taking on the task of resolving it may be
a fairly painful educational venture. All our best wishes!)