in Christian Perspective
Responses to "A Call to
Richard H. Bube, Editor
From: JASA 31
(March 1979): 55-56.
In Journal ASA, September 1978, we reprinted on pp. 100 and 101, "A Call
to Faithfulness," which argued that "Our primary allegiance to Jesus
Christ and his kingdom commits us to the total abolition of nuclear
The following are the total number of responses received to this publication by
the stipulated deadline of November 15, 1978.
Thank you for printing "A Call to Faithfulness" in the
September issue
of the Journal ASA. It sharply states the danger of the unbelievable
power of the nuclear arsenals of the United States and the Soviet Union. It is
a heartfelt and sincere appeal for exercise of Christian
responsibility, and beginning
with prayer. I have been personally moved by it.
But ... ! This morning as I had read the article, I also heard on CBS
that contributions
to political campaigns in our country from ''single issue'' groups
exceed by several
times contributions to build up political parties. The ''Call to
comes more in the mode of "single issue" concern than in the context
of political responsibility. It does not bother to articulate what consequences
are likely and acceptable in the whole fabric of social institutions if their
''single issue'' of nuclear disarmament, especially in a unilateral form, were
to be achieved.
My great disappointment with opposition to the American involvement in the war
in Viet Nam was that reasoning of a genuine political nature so
easily was overwhelmed
by a spirit of single issue romanticism. Things really could be
better in Southeast
Asia; we really did give up one legitimate political concern for another.
All of us have something of the romantic inside of us. Romanticism has a real
face in our culture (beginning with Jean Jacques Rousseau). It thinks
that getting
rid of burdensome institutional responsibility will release the
''happy native.''
My prayers are with the "Call." But they are also that all of us may
see the difference between prophecy and romanticism.
Lynn Boliek Minister, the First Presbyterian Church of Burlingame Burlingame,
California 94010
The Nuclear Declaration apparently advocates unilateral disarmament
by the U.S.A.
which would do just the opposite to promoting universal justice and peace. Is
would either greatly aggravate the risk of nuclear war or, more likely, because
of the spiritual and moral declension of our country, lead to
progressive surrender
and the ultimate establishment of a socialist one world government
complete with
secret police, barbarous prisons and concentration camps, torture and
the liquidation of millions of innocent individuals, and the other terrors of
Communist peace.
Freedom of religion would be abolished and the plight of the poor
would be worse
as universal poverty would be the lot of everybody except the commisars controlling
the New World Order.
In view of the continued spread of Communism we must strengthen our defenses in
order to regain military superiority. But to survive as a nation we
must do much
more; there must be national repentance beginning with those of us
who are followers
of the Lord Jesus Christ. We must repent of our selfishness, materialism, and
indifference: then filled with the Holy Spirit and motivated by Christ's love,
we must witness to the lost.
Compassionately we must help the poor, not relying on massive and inefficient
government programs administered by faceless bureaucrats, but by
sacrificial individual
Our best hope of weakening the fabric of Communism and decelerating
the arms race
is to assist the Underground Church in Marxist lands to win souls.
The Nuclear Declaration is Fabian Socialism thinly disguised by a
religious veneer.
Walter C. Johnson, M.D. 132 Pine Street Hanover, Massachusetts 02339
This brief letter is in response to the selective righteousness
exhibited in "A
Call To Faithfulness," a declaration of Christians who are
committed to the
total abolition of nuclear weapons. I am always amazed when otherwise
people so selectively focus their vision that their resulting
declaration becomes
farcical. Such was the case in ''A Call To Faithfulness.''
It appears the authors have failed to realize that nuclear weapons are merely
extensions of other military hardware. Christians have tended to
support the killing
of others by using nonnuclear weapons; why should Christians
selectively protest
against killing people by using nuclear weapons?
The authors state that "(nuclear) weapons are for winning, for
maintaining superiority, for keeping control... Don't we use
non-nuclear weapons for these purposes? Haven't we always?
They call upon the church to respond ''to the nuclear arms race,'' to ''make it
clear that to turn to Christ is to turn from acceptance of nuclear weapons,''
''to set forth to the United States government its responsibility to take ...
initiatives toward the goal of complete nuclear disarmament.'' Christians are
admonished so resist ''the nuclear arms race'' and the signers of the
commit themselves ''to non-cooperation with our country's
preparations for nuclear
Does not this entire declaration beg the question as to the Christian
toward war and killing in general? How can the authors imply that non-nuclear
wars and killing are activities not worthy of Christian protest but
nuclear wars
and nuclear killing are?
It seems to me the biblical references they use to support their
selective righteous
indignation would more accurately be used to support a general
righteous indignation
toward all nationalistic ssars and killing. After all, it doesn't
seem quite consistent
to interpret "Love your enemies" as meaning "You may shoot your
enemies with a bow and arrow or a bazooka but you may not nuke
Michael V. McCabe Center for the Study of Higher Education University
of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
1. Between the World Wars, the Western democracies clung to the
concept that disarmament
in itself would bring peace. Great bodies of well-meaning people
firmly believed
that no arms meant no violence. So the Axis powers felt there was neither will
nor capacity to enforce the peace.1 Therefore, Japan, Italy and
Germany undertook
wars of aggression even though each had signed the 1929
Kellogg-Briand pact which
renounced war as an instrument of national policy.2,3
2. In 1946, the United States' representative to the United Nations,
Bernard Baruch,
presented a plan to the U.N. placing atomic energy under international control.
The Soviet representative, Andrei Gromyko, denounced this unilateral proposal.4
3. As far as the arms race is concerned, Russia tested the first thermonuclear
device (1951) and the first deliverable hydrogen bomb (1953).5
4. Combining conversion to Christianity and a given position on
nuclear arms creates
a false issue. The real issue for any human, anytime, any place, is
Jesus Christ,
Lord and Savior.
5. We live in a fallen world; let's not kid ourselves that no arms
means no violence.
Look at Cambodia today. Who would wish that kind of "peace"
on his worst enemy?6
6. Until Christ comes, there will be wars and rumors of wars, nation will rise
against nation and kingdom against kingdom.7 True peace will come only when He
returns. Then men will hammer their swords into plowshares and their
spears into
pruning hooks.8
1Section under "World War II - The Origins," Encyclopedia
Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., Chicago, 1966, Vol. 23, p. 791 A.
2Ibid., Vol. 13, p. 273.
3Henry Fairlie, "An Idea Whose Time is Never," The New
Republic, January 14, 1978, pp. 12-13,
4Lansing Lamont, Day of Trinity, Atheneum, N.Y., 1965, pp. 279, 280, 292. Also,
in the 1950's, the U.S.S.R. blocked every multilateral attempt to
control nuclear
arms - usually over the inspection terms.
5Stanley A. Blumberg and Gwinn Owens, Energy and Conflict,
The Life and Times of Edward Teller, G.P. Putnam's Sons, N.Y., 1976,
p. 268.
6George McGovern has called for an international military force to
invade Cambodia. "What's News - World Wide," The Wall Street
Journal, Aug. 22, 1978, p. 1.
7Matthew 24:6a, 7a.
8Isaiah 2.
E.T. McMullen Major, USAF School of Systems and Logistics Air Force Institute
of Technology Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45431
The "Declaration" states, "Our primary allegiance to
Jesus Christ
and his kingdom commits us to the total abolition of nuclear weapons. There can
be no qualifying or conditioning word."
"Nuclear" is a qualifying, conditioning word. Why persist in excusing
the genocidal tyrants in Cambodia, parts of Africa, etc.?
Nuclear war certainly threatens us, but would Jesus be silent about
Soviet tanks
or "psychiatric" torture just because they aren't hurting us? Would
germ warfare be merciful?
How nationalistic it is to limit our criticism to our nation and its
allies! (The
usual answer, effectiveness, is a cop-out and a misrepresentation.)
Our call should
indeed be to faithfulness.
Ronald L. Rich Bluffton College Bluffton, Ohio 45817
Has the nuclear nightmare robbed us of our senses? Is it to gruesome insanity
or to moral evil that we should react? Nuclear stockpiles are but an
insane means
to a wicked end: the pursuit of power. Are we to forget the end in
our obsession
with the latest means?
Can nuclear arms be morally worse than bows and arrows? Or Nazi concentration
camps? May Christians be divided about war in general but united about nuclear
war? Or do we panic because humanity has run its course? If war in defense of
the West is evil, it is reprehensible whether nuclear weapons are used or not.
Mass murder may be uglier than discrete murder, but is no more detestable.
And let us be practical. If we Christians by reason of our "allegiance to
Jesus Christ and his Kingdom" are committed "to the total abolition
of nuclear weapons" we are committed to no small task, but one demanding
exclusive attention. It is one thing vehemently to protest nuclear weapons. It
is quite another to dedicate ourselves to their "total
As a Christian outside the U.S.A. I sympathize with the deep concern
the Declaration
expresses. I share a sense of responsibility. We cannot conceive the
horror that
threatens to engulf us. The question then becomes: How best shall we expend our
lives in the shadow of the mushroom? Our efforts might postpone
judgment but will
not avert it. The damage is done now.
Let us protest ills that surround us and do what good we may. But let our main
task to be call men to repentance from the power lusts that have
brought our destruction
John White Department of Psychiatry University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3E OW3 Canada