in Christian Perspective
Some Were Pleased.
Haas, Basinger, Hammond,
From: JASA 31 (September 1979): 223
Robert E. VanderVennen
Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T I R4
Thank you for printing in the June 1979 issue of the Journal ASA (an excellent
issue in terms of the things I am interested in) the Pew Lecture given at Grove
City College on 'The Relationship Between Christian Truth and the
Natural Sciences."
I like very much the approach, and especially the kind of emphasis on
the partial
nature of truth as we are able to deal with it.
While recognizing that in a single lecture it is impossible to deal
with all facets
of this important subject, nevertheless I'd like to call attention to
two biblical
aspects of "truth" that I believe have bearing on the topic.
One is the biblical teaching that Jesus himself is the truth. That can be taken
together with the statement of John 8:32, in which Jesus says that
the truth shall
make us free, in which the truth means continuing in Jesus's way. An
of this for scientific truth seems to be that a person cannot in any
proper sense
speak of knowing the truth unless he understands that truth in
relation to Jesus
Christ and subject to Him. This is a biblical response to the
positivistic stance
that one can and even must know scientific truth apart from any
religious commitments.
There are states of affairs that a person may accurately know apart
from submitting
his knowledge to Christ, but it is not appropriate to speak of such knowledge
as partial "truth."
Second is the biblical teaching that a person must not only know the truth but
also do the truth. It seems strange to speak of doing the truth because we have
grown to believe that truth is something logical and cognitive. I
think the Bible
says that truth is more than that, and that this is something important for us
as scientists to remember.
Thank you again for the article which I thoroughly enjoyed. May God continue to
give you much strength and blessing in the important work you are doing for us
as editor of JASA.
John W. Haas, Jr.
Gordon College
Wenham, Massachusetts 01989
I want to congratulate you on the June 1979 issue of the Journal ASA: a superb
blend of articles which should inform and I suspect shake up your readers. Keep
up the good work.
David Basinger
Professor of Philosophy
Roberts Wesleyan College
Rochester, New
York 14624
Just a note to express my appreciation for your "open"
approach to theological
issues. I thought the issues on miracles (Journal ASA, December 1978)
and inerrancy (Journal ASA, June
1979) were especially excellent. Keep up the good work.
P. Hammond,
Head of Department Professor of Electrical Power
of Electrical Engineering
The University,
Southampton, England
I should like to express to you my appreciation of the March 1979 issue of the
Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation and particularly of the article
"The Significance of Being Human," which I have found very helpful.
I also enjoyed the article on Behaviourism and the article by Dr. Pike.
I must say that I am delighted to have made the acquaintance of the Journal and
I hope to become a regular subscriber.
For your part you may be interested to have this echo from an academic engineer
in a distant country.
Harry Tomaschke,
Department of Physics
Greenville College
Greenville, Illinois
The June 1979 issue of the Journal ASA contained many articles of
interest to me.
I definitely will save this issue for future references.
I particularly liked your article entitled "The Relationship Be
tween Christian Truth and the Natural Sciences." I think this
would be valuable
reading for our General Physics classes. Thus, I am asking for your permission
to make copies of this article and distribute them to our physics students.