in Christian Perspective
ASA: Then and In the Future
H. Harold Hartzler
Mankato, Minnesota
From: JASA 31
(September 1979):
At the time when Bernard Ramm's book,
The Christian
View of Science and Scripture appeared, the ASA was thirteen years
old. Our first
president F. Alton Everest, to whom the book was dedicated, had
retired from the
Executive Council and his place had been taken by Russell L. Mixter.
Other members
of the Executive Council at that time were Hendrik J. Oorthuys,
Delbert N. Eggenberger,
Brian P. Sutherland and H. Harold Hartzler. Eggenberger served as editor of the
Journal ASA while Sutherland was vice-president and Hartzler was the
By 1954 the ASA had published Modern Science and
Christian Faith edited by F. Alton Everest. This marked our first
major publication
effort and dealt with the relationship between Christianity and various fields
of science. Each scientific discipline was dealt with by an individual author.
The author well recalls the first appearance of this book at the
national convention
held at Calvin College in 1948.
The ASA had also published three monographs by 1954.
The first was Christian Theism and the Empirical Sciences
by Cornelius Jaarsma. The second by Russell L. Mixter,
titled Creation and Evolution, has been our most successful
publication in terms
of sales and has been reprinted a number of times. The third monograph authored
by Frank Allen was titled The Eye as an Optical Instrument. This
16-page illustrated
booklet discusses the intricate marvels of the eye.
Some articles appearing in the Journal ASA for 1954 were: "A
Christian Philosophy
of Science" by Henry Weaver, "Genetic Evidence as to the
Color of Adam
and Eve" by Irvin A. Willis, "The Nature of the Gene and the Theory
of Evolution" by John C. Sinclair, "The Principle of Growth
as an Obsession"
by William J. Tinkle, "The Psychological Implications of the New
by Norvell L. Peterson, and "Biblicism and Science" by
Chester K. Lehman.
In the latter article, which was an address given at the ninth annual
of the ASA held at Eastern Mennonite College, Harrisonburg, Virginia,
August 24-27,
1954, Professor Lehman suggested that the Christian viewpoint should be carried
into other scientific organizations. I quote from this article: "Is it not
possible for the whole
question of evolution to be reopened, or for a first class
interpretation of the
creation account to gain a hearing? The genius of Christianity is
that of a prophetic
mission in the world." I question how much we of the ASA have accepted the
challenge of Chester Lehman.
By 1954 the ASA was becoming of age, nine annual conventions had been held, the
Journal had become established, our first major publication had appeared, and
our membership had grown from five in 1941 to over four hundred. Among the new
members of the previous year was David L. Willis who later became president of
the ASA and also edited one of our most recent publications entitled
Origins and
Change: Selected Readings from the Journal of the American Scientific
William D. Sisterson
Executive Director
American Scientific Affiliation
The infinite variety of variables that can interfere in predictions
into the future
render predictions certain to considerable error. I can hope only
that the reader
will exercise Christian grace in future years when my mistakes become
Despite the limitations of the task, it is worthwhile to look
carefully into the
future. While one is constrained to educated guesses on where an organization
may go, the discipline of projecting current trends and goals over
several years
increases awareness of what must be done now to make progress in a
specific direction.
Conscious decision now about the future will be the foundation for significant
positive change and growth.
The ASA is near the end of a time of transition. For 30 years the Affiliation
grew and prospered with almost total volunteer help. Around 1970 it
became apparent
to the Executive Council that we were at the limits of what could be done with
volunteer help alone. The Council decided to adopt a new model for
the organization
by combining the volunteer efforts with a full-time staff. This model
was implemented
in 1972 and is gradually taking hold as we approach 1980. It took several years
to work through the changes in policies and procedures that go along with a new
model. This transition is almost complete and a new focus is taking shape.
The new focus centers on ASA becoming not only a member-oriented organization,
as it currently is, but also ministry oriented. This outreach or ministry will
be directed to specific audiences that most need the benefits ASA can
Our internal focus on member service for the future can be outlined
into two major
1) Publications - The current quarterly Journal will probably continue steady
growth in length, quality, and distribution. In 1979 the length increased from
48 pages to 64 pages (except for issues after the fire that destroyed the ASA
office). Similar increases will continue in the future up to some
practical limitation
in length when we will go to an increased frequency, from quarterly
to bi-monthly
or monthly, The Newsletter will improve its format in the direction
of increased
readability. Greater length and in
creased frequency will probably occur here as membership
needs expand. A likely development will see the Newsletter
expand its services to more timely information on meetings, jobs and issues of
interest to the members.
2) Meetings - We will see the Annual Meeting increase in quality,
size, and influence.
I see a time when our Annual Meeting will be a major event in at
least the Christian
community, but also to some extent in the science community. Our meeting will
be looked to for insight and guidance on the increasingly complex and difficult
issues raised by the science and society interface. Within 25 years I expect to
see over 1,000 people in attendance at our Annual Meeting.
Less clear is the future of local groups. The traditional Local Section works
well in some places and not at all in others. As the membership
increases we will
probably see more sections that work, but future local activities may center in
special purpose small groups. These groups would focus on specific ministries
depending on the unique gifts of the individual members and the
special opportunities
of where they live. This sort of group is effectively working in
several locations
now and represents unlimited potential for effective outreach.
Both of these categories of member-oriented services represent
considerable potential
for ministry as well. However, the past has clearly demonstrated that
little outreach
automatically results from our current activities. Conscious effort is required
to apply our current strengths in ministry outside the organization.
In addition,
new efforts are required to fulfill the potential of the organization
in effective
ministry for our Lord.
New efforts will spring out of the current model of a small professional staff
working with volunteers to carry out our purposes. We intend to
strike a balance
between the extremes of a staff that does everything and a membership left to
drift with the changing tides of volunteer leadership. Great strength lies in
the balance between the stability provided by a professional staff and the vast
potential of volunteer leadership and service. The application of this model in
the future will dictate a geographically dispersed professional staff with many
small regional headquarters rather than one large central office that tends to
grow increasingly remote from the members. This model fits well into
the pattern
of increasing costs in national travel and the growing effectiveness
of electronic
Future staff additions will be made when our financial stability allows it. The
current distribution of members suggests that the next staff addition should be
on the West Coast, with subsequent additions in the Northeast and the
This approach will allow us to indefinitely postpone the need for buildings for
the office staff, so resources can be concentrated on ministry and
The long range future of the ASA lies in our development of effective
after this model. The audiences we are responsible to are the church
and the science
community. The church needs to be made aware of the many issues and inputs of
science that interface with it. We must help the church both to face
these issues
and to deal constructively with them.
On the other hand, the science community must become aware of the inadequacy of
continuing to ignore Christianity as if it were not relevant to the
minded. While all scientists will not be converted to Christ, a general change
in attitude is needed from ignorance to enlightened
There is no organization or institution, apart from the ASA, that can
minister to these audiences in the areas indicated. If progress is made, it is
up to us to make it. The greatest resource of the ASA is the strong consensus
among our members that both science and Christianity must be handled
with utmost
integrity. Since God is the Creator of what science studies and the Revealer of
the Bible that Christianity is founded on, an inherent unity exists
between science
and theology. While many problems arise between the two, the long
term direction
is one of harmony when people handle science and theology with care.
The ASA has consistently and courageously stood for this basic unity in science
and theology. For over 35 years we have successfully resisted vigorous efforts
to compromise this stand. We have been urged to compromise good science for the
sake of protecting traditional, yet unnecessary, interpretations of the Bible.
We have been
pressured to compromise good theology in the name of current scientific fashion
and peer pressure. Our uncompromising resistance to these pressures is the firm
foundation and bright hope for the future of the ASA.
I see a vision of great harvest for the ASA over the next 25 years. Unlimited
opportunities for ministry in both the church and the scientific community lie
before us. To realize that vision will require much hard work and persistence.
There will be failures and set-backs, but let us press on to complete
the mandate
of God for the ASA. Let us build on our foundation of biblical and scientific
integrity a structure of effective service to both the church and the