in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Disagee with with Spinka on Abortion
Gordon 0. Johnson, M.D.
The Fairbury Clinic P.C.
825 22nd Street
Fairbury, Nebraska
From: JASA 30 (September 1978): 144.
I am a practicing Family Physician having passed my Specialty Boards in Family
Practice, having graduated from the University of Nebraska College of Medicine
in 1958 and having attended Wheaton College from 1951 to 1954. In our practice
we handle approximately 200 obstetrical eases in a year and recently our clinic
acquired an ultra sound machine of the latest variety which includes real time
scanning. Its use is most extensive in obstetrics. We routinely scan all of our
obstetrical patients at five months to see if the development of the
baby is normal
and also to see where the placenta is implanted. We also scan them at any time
that we feel there is any problem. This may be as early as three
weeks after conception.
My reason for the above information is to establish my qualification
and my reply
to the article by Harold M. Spinka, M.D. and his article entitled,
and Abortion" from the March 1978 Journal ASA. I think his
article is typical
of the somewhat appalling nature of scientific literature that comes
to the Christian
community in that someone who is not qualified writes with regard to a subject
and then is held out to be an authority. My question is,
How can a dermatologist write anything with more than a superficial knowledge
with regard so abortion? Dr. Spinka probably handles no obstetrical cases and,
therefore, does not have to face the realities of obstetrics and
abortion in everyday
practice. With regard to his indications for abortion, under number
one he states,
"In both defensive and offensive wars, and criminal justice and
death sentences,
and in large hospitals where there are not enough respirators or
kidney machines
to meet the demand, society must make the difficult choices of who shall live
and who shall die. Therefore, abortion is also controlled by society." I
would thoroughly reject this statement. First of all from the standpoint that
if we know if the baby is healthy, which we can know from ultra sound
and amniocentesis,
it is therefore not a matter of letting a person die because we do
not have enough
kidney machines to rake care of them. It would, rather, in my opinion be a ease
of murder, due to neglect.
For my position there are relatively few indications for abortion. I
do feel that
if we know that the fetus is defective and cannot survive outside the
womb, such
as in cases where there is an anencephaly or renal agenesis or other
defects which do not allow for survival of the infant, or if the
infant is going
to be severely damaged to make life miserable, then this is perhaps
an indication
for an abortion. The other indication, of course, as Spinka states is for the
health of the mother. I think if the pregnancy is such that it will
pose a definite
threat to the life of the mother, then certainly the pregnancy should
be terminated.
However, with our newer scientific methods we find that we can make pregnancy
safer than it was a number of years ago.
With regards to rape and incest, I have some mixed feelings.
Certainly, the Bible
seems to be clear that adulterous or illegal pregnancies are to be terminated.
However, I think that one has to be extremely careful in making these judgments
and we must consult with the clergy and with the patients themselves and thus
come to a decision whether an abortion should be done in these cases. Also, the
only reference to this is in the Books of the Law and may not be applicable in
our day of grace.
With regard to his section under abortion and government laws, he
cites a number
of incidences in ancient society where abortion was allowed. t think
this is merely
historical "irrelevance" and is of no point in a discussion of this
kind. The societies which he lists were idolatrous, godless societies
and, therefore,
their standards have no bearing on the standards that we should have
today. Under
his statement with regard to when the soul enters the body, he has
given a rather
comprehensive although somewhat confusing review. I was rather confused by his
statement that in 1869 Pope Pious X dropped she forty day rule and
this was reconfirmed
in the current Canon law code in 1918. 1 checked with our local Catholic priest
and evidently what Spinka means here is the Catholic Church accepts
the fact that
the soul enters the fetus at the time of conception.
With regard to his statement on the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling,
he states,
"We should be grateful and thankful for the additional direction provided
for us in this complex problem by the U.S. Supreme Court." My disagreement
reaches a peak here. The only thing I think we have to be thankful for here is
that we are able to see through our eyes as Christians the thoroughly godless
part that this decision has played in our society. Why we should choose to take
the opinion of men, some of whom have demonstrated their lack of any regard for
the principles that God has set before us, and then use them as standards for
our decision, is more than I can understand.
I believe, as do our Catholic friends, that the soul enters the fetus
at or very
near the time of conception. Certainly newer techniques of diagnosis
in pregnancy
such as ultra sound, which I mentioned above, have convinced me as to the fact
that within three to four weeks the fetus is a living creation that
has the Godgiven
potential for humanity at a very early stage. An infant moves extremely early
within the uterine cavity and the heart can be seen to be beating at three to
four weeks. Therefore, I feel that abortion at any stage of pregnancy
is comitting
a criminal act against the laws of God. I feel that abortion is wrong except in
very rigid circumstances and these I have mostly listed above. I also feel that
a magazine of the caliber of The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation
should be more careful in its selection of articles to print on such delicate
subjects which may have a great deal of impact on people who will be
reading them.