in Christian Perspective
Claude E. Stipe ASA President, 1976
Department of Sociology and
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
From: JASA 29 (March 1977): 1-4.
ASA officers and the editor of the journal ASA
periodically receive letters alleging that the ASA has departed from
its original
position and purposes. The correspondence file at the national office contains
statements such as:
The Old ASA is gone...Back in 1946 we were all Biblical and no one dared champion evolution.
If the ASA had remained true to the doctrines and principles on which
it was founded,
the Creation Research Society would never have been necessary.
The Journal ASA has published letters and articles containing similar
of which the following are examples:
Thus, in fifteen years we have seen develop within the AS.A. a
spectrum of belief
in evolution that would have shocked all of us at the inception of
our organization
(11:26-27, 1959).
Thousands of high school and college students are losing their Christian faith
on the strength of what they are taught in biology, geology and
related sciences.
The ASA was founded to prevent this tragedy. I, personally, have been
in the ASA
almost from the start. I can see a gradual drift towards the
popular" concept of biological evolutionary theory. We are
losing our purpose
for being and are getting into great confusion. Most articles in the JASA are
now on a variety of subjects that have little pertinence to our
purpose for existence
(15:67-68, 1963).
We remember the days when the A.S.A. was first organized. We were all against
evolution then (15:100, 1963).
The implication of these and similar statements is that the ASA originally took
a definite stand in favor
of a given interpretation of the Scriptures and against the theory of
and that it has since departed from that position. On the other hand,
I have been
assured by long-time members that these characterizations of the
original position
of the ASA are in error, and that the ASA has never taken a stand on
issues. I attempted to resolve the question to my own satisfaction by
Annual Meeting programs (which usually include abstracts of the
papers), correspondence
by ASA officers, statements by ASA officers and editors published in
the Journal
ASA, and two official publications of the ASA: Modern Science and
Christian Faith
(1950), and Evolution and Christian Thought Today (1959).
I want to make it clear that the question is not whether the majority
of members
at one time held to a given interpretation of the Scriptures, or whether there
was almost unanimity of opinion against the acceptance of evolution.
The crucial
question is whether the ASA has ever taken an official position on
issues such as evolution.
Annual Meeting Programs
At the third annual convention in 1948 Laurence Kulp discussed
"The Antiquity
of Hominid Fossils," in which he stated that there is
considerable scientific
evidence that man-like creatures have been on earth for at least many tens of
thousands of years. There must have been some interesting discussions, for in
"Some Basic Presuppositions of Evolutionary Thinking," Edwin Monsma
presented four presuppositions of evolutionists "which cannot he accepted
by Christian men of science because they believe in the Bible as the inspired
word of God."
In 1949 Kulp gave two papers. In "The Carbon 14
Dating Method" lie noted that Neanderthal Man is older than 25,000 years.
In "Deluge Geology" he commented that it is unfortunate
that flood geology
has become the Christian view among fundamentalists because not only
is it absurd
to the educated nonChristian, but it gives apparent support to
impossible interpretations
of Genesis. It is interesting to note that Larry Kulp was elected to
the Executive
Council in 1948 after he had given at least one paper by which
members could tell
that he was not an anti-evolutionist. Furthermore, at the 1951 annual meeting
a committee asked him to prepare a monograph on the age of the earth.
In 1950 Delbert Eggenberger discussed "Methods of Dating the Earth and the
Universe," in which he concluded that several different methods of dating
all point to a beginning on the order of several billion years ago,
and that "the
Scriptures themselves do not teach a short timescale."
In 1951 J. Oliver Buswell, Jr. in "Creation Days" held that the days
in Genesis 1 were figurative, and were not necessarily of anything
like approximately
equal duration. J. H. Shrader in "A Conservative and Consistent
View of Biblical
Cosmology" argued that the Bible is "an expression of lofty
and a unique insight into man's divine nature," and that the
Scriptures should
be taken as "the expression of many men in the frame of language
and knowledge
reference that was current to the respective seers."
Papers in 1957 included "Glaciation and WorldWide Changes in Climate"
by Wallace Broeker, "The Formation of Living Organisms from
Non-Living Systems"
by Walter Ream, and "Radiocarbon Dating-A Tool in Fixing Chronology of the
Last 50,000 years" by Edwin Olson.
These papers obviously constitute only a small percentage of those given over
a ten year period. However, they certainly belie the claim that there
was an official
position on controversial issues during that period.
Statements in Correspondence by ASA Officers
Statements by officers in the early years of the ASA also support the
that there was no official anti-evolution stance. In April 1944 Alton Everest
(one of the founders of the ASA and its President for the first ten
years) wrote
to the Executive Council members that Peter Stoner had been given permission to
include the following brief paragraph on the ASA in an article
written for Moody
The American Scientific Affiliation is an organization of scientific men with
absolute faith in God and His Word. It has no pet theories to prove but stands
ready and is anxious to contribute its time in supplying the
necessary scientific
information to the churches.
In June 1944 Marion Barnes (ASA Secretary-Treasurer) wrote to "Members and
Friends of ASA':
There is a lack of unanimity in even the conservative circles of the
church of today concerning many topics such as the reconstruction theory, the
flood, etc. It is not the aim of the Affiliation to espouse any
particular theory,
but it seems pertinent, in view of the requests for aid from Bible Institutes
and authors of Sunday School literature for the Affiliation to serve
as a factfinding
body and to conduct a survey of the situation . . . . It is felt that a clearer
understanding of the whole situation would result, enabling individuals to make
their own decisions.
In October 1950 Alton Everest wrote to Executive Council members concerning an
individual who had publicly condemned the ASA for failing to take the
flood geology
As I have emphasized in the past, my feeling is that the ASA is not serving its
highest purpose when it promulgates some "standard" interpretation.
It may be that most of the members may incline to one belief, but the opinion
of the few dissenters is an extremely valuable check and stimulus. The majority
has been wrong too many times in the past to make it safe to take any
other course.
We should examine all sides, and allow any conclusions drawn to be
those of individuals.
For these reasons, I am still in favor of hearing the deluge side fairly dealt
with, in our journal, or in our meetings.
Harold Hartzler, therefore, was following the established precedent when he
wrote in 1968 to a complaining ASA member:
The ASA has never taken a position on any scientific theory, contrary to what
some may think . . . . We have never made a statement concerning
scientific matters
even though some think we should . . . . We as a group, do not
believe in theistic
evolution, neither do we believe in any other form of evolution. The
whole problem
[it] seems to me is of properly interpreting both scientific theory
and the statements
of Holy Scriptures.
Statements in the Journal ASA by ASA Officers and Editors
We may possibly feel that statements published in the Journal ASA are
more representative
of the "official" ASA position than are informal statements such as
those quoted above. Actually, there is complete consistency between
the two sources.
An editorial in the December 1950 issue states that one of the main objectives
of ed.torial policy is "to permit, within the framework of
conservative theology
a discussion of both sides of scientific questions on which many true
are known to differ." The editor also notes that "the publication of
many papers in recent issues has demonstrated a striking difference in point of
The September 1951 issue included "The American Scientific Affiliation-The
First Decade" by Alton Everest. A statement by Harley Barnes is quoted at
length because Altou considered it to be "a fair expression of
the prevailing
attitude of the majority of the present Associates and Fellows of the
That statement includes the following:
The essence of my attitude toward evolution and the Bible as a
Christian geologist
is that Christians should be non-evolutionary because the Bible does not give
unequivocal grounds for being anti-evolutionary. - . We are faced . .
- with the
realization that the Bible allows for numerous interpretations of the creation
account, but our choice of "the" interpretation has been limited to
those which do not conflict with accumulated scientific observations. . . - Let
us not repeat the mistake of earlier Christians by forcing the Bible to speak
in the language of current or recently current theory. - . - If it
can be interpreted
more than one way, let us admit it and when all pertinent facts are
known rejoice
in the Wisdom which has been revealed but until that time not
understood. Perhaps
the Bible suffers less from too much literal interpretation than from too much
literal interpolation (3:36).
One final example will suffice. In the June 1952 issue Del
Eggenberger's editorial
dealt with plans for a diseussion at the annual meeting on "Conflicts Within the The ASA has never
taken an official
A.S.A." He concedes that a number of members for some time had
been suggesting
that the ASA should have a united front on controversial issues. He
responds that:
It has been the feeling of the Executive Council that this is not a proper aim
of the A.SA., rather we should attempt to present possible solutions on topics
of interest to our group. We do not claim as a scientific organization to have
the final answer on any given subject in the area of science and certainly we
are not given to just one interpretation of Biblical statements.
After commenting
that some members are inclined to accept flood geology, whereas
others are wholly
committed to the modern point of view, Eggenberger states:
Now it is not the policy of the A.S.A. to officially decide which is the correct point of view; rather we should investigate both as possible solutions to the subject. The same principle holds in any other area of science (emphasis supplied).
Other Official Publications
In the Preface to Modern Science and Christian Faith (1950 edition),
Alton Everest
wrote that "The main function of the American Scientific Affiliation is to
survey, study, and to present possible solutions. Ideas expressed in this book
must not, therefore, he construed as representing the official view
of the group"
(p. vi). There was some uncertainty among Executive Council members
as to whether
the chapter on anthropology should be included, but the final decision was in
the affirmative. Authors of the different chapters took very
different approaches:
Edwin Gedney's discussion of geology supported a progressive creationism view.
William Tinkle and Walter Lammerts took an antievolution position in discussing
biology, and William Smalley and Marie Fetzer's approach to
anthropology included
theistic evolution as one possible way of correlating human paleontology with
the Scriptures. In the Preface to Evolution and Christian Thought Today, Russell
Mixter wrote:
the respective authors ask only that their
presentations be judged
without prejudice. Each of them is committed to the evangelical
Christian doctrine
that the world and its living members are the result of the activity of Cod as
declared in the Holy Scriptures. They do not hold that their views are the only
possible ones, but they do maintain that the information they submit
is accurate,
and that their interpretations are fair to both Christian and
scientific principles.
These principles, rather than any particular doctrine held by Christians of the
past, have been their criteria of judgment (pp. 6-7).
Although probably none of the chapters can be characterized as being completely anti-evolutionary, James 0. Buswell, III did argue against theistic evolution. The other chapters represent a wide range in the degree of acceptance of evolution as a possible mechanism used by God in the creative process.
The Current Situation
I have been concerned here primarily with the early years of our organization because most of the statements implying an "official position" concerned that period of our development. Let us look finally at the current situation, because some of our members have
The ASA has never taken an official anti-evolution (or any other) position, although there is abundant evidence that there has been considerable pressure to do so.
insisted that the ASA is presently promulgating theistic (or some
other form of)
evolution. One member wrote to the Journal ASA editor and to Harold
Hartzler that
the Journal should be honest and admit that the ASA position is
theistic evolution.
Another person wrote that he was cancelling his membership because the ASA no
longer provided a broad forum for views that were contrary to those
of the journal
editor. However, if one reads the Journal at all regularly, he will know that
Dick Bube has solicited dialogues between people holding contrary
views. One member
whose participation in such a dialogue has been solicited is unhappy with the
breadth of views allowed. He has complained that his "partner" in the
dialogue "cites repeatedly the literature of godless,
unbelieving, materialistic
scientists as the basis for his own conclusions."
The position of the Journal editor is shown by an answer he gave to a
member who
objected to the publication of a specific article with which he disagreed.
It is not a function of the Journal to propagate a crusade for any particular
interpretation of many questions in which science and Christian faith
are mutually
involved. Any article, judged to he consistent with the Constitutianally-stated
purposes and doctrine of the ASA and to exhibit sound scholarship in respect to
factual basis and exercise of interpretation, is acceptable for publication in
the Journal. If an author is guilty of gross scientific or exegetical error, we
are confident that readers will quickly set the record straight,
thereby increasing
general understanding of the truth (21:93, 1969).
Further evidence that the ASA does provide a broad forum within the framework
of our organization is the variety of papers presented at annual
meetings. I referred
earlier to abstracts printed in meeting programs to demonstrate that there was
no official position (or even united front) in the early years of the ASA, and
one can use the same method to show that there is curresitly no evidence of an
official "pro-evolution" position. At the 1968 meeting Robert Gentry
spoke on "Cosmology, Radioactive Halos, and the Age of the Earth,'
and suggested that "creation by fiat should be considered as a
valid cosmological
In 1973 5. Hugh Paine presented "The Origin of Life: A Fresh Look at What
the Bible Reveals," in which he emphasized the acceptance of the Bible as
a basis for understanding concerning the origin of life. "It
becomes of primary
importance, therefore, to examine it carefully to determine what God is trying
to say to us through it."
Hugh Paine was also on the program in 1974, with a paper on "The Genesis
Flood and Biblical Uniformitarianism," which dealt with the
internal consistency
of the Biblical record of diluvialism. He proposed a mechanism for
global flooding-using
data currently available in the geophysical sciences-and discussed the possible
boundaries in time and space for such an eustatie excursion.
I personally trust that we will continue to investigate all areas of the relationship of science to the Scriptures.
He concluded that the credibility of the Biblical record appears to be
sustained by these studies, and that modification of the uniformitarian theory
to include such events is needed.
In 1975 our Executive Secretary specifically invited Duane Gish to give one of
the major presentations at the annual meeting, but he was unable to attend.
Certainly the evidence from materials published in the Journal ASA and papers
presented at annual meetings contradicts a claim that the ASA currently takes
any official position.
I am convinced that the above evidence shows unequivocally that the
ASA has never
taken an official anti-evolution (or any other) position, although
there is abundant
evidence that there has been considerable
pressure to do so. The only official ASA statement is the following:
(1) The Holy Scriptures are the inspired Word of Cod, the only unerring guide
to faith and conduct. (2) Jesus Christ is the Sun of Cud who through
his atonement
is the one and only Mediator between Cud and Man. (3) Cod is the Creator of the
physical universe and he has made it to function according to certain
laws which
are the legitimate subject of man's studies and investigations. The scientific
approach is capable of giving reliable information about the natural world (ASA
Constitution, 1969 Revision).
I personally trust that we will continue to investigate all areas of
the relationship
of science to the Scriptures, and that we will never be guilty of
judging a fellow
Christian's commitment to Christ by that person's position on any issue about
which Christians honestly disagree.