in Christian Perspective
A New Look at Liberal-Conservative Tensions
The Struggle of the Christian Immersed
in a Scientific Culture
Department of Psychology
Lenoir-Rhyne College
Hickory, North Carolina
From: JASA 29 (March 1977): 8-13.
This article takes a look at the struggle Christianity faces with the
total immersion
of our culture into a scientific, naturalistic way of thinking and perceiving.
Special emphasis is given to the liberal-conservative tensions so
much in evidence
in all denominations with the suggestion that this conflict is the wrong battle
for the Christian to fight.
What is going on? Within the last decades, something has happened to
Its authority and the certainty of its message is called into question by the
profound changes that have taken place within our culture. Both the church and
our culture are in the midst of a struggle to reevaluate what is important in
life. Basic to the struggle is the overwhelming effect a scientific
way of thinking
has had on the minds and lives of all of us!
It began a long time ago, but its main effects are relatively recent.
The scientific
method has provided natural explanation for events that were previously seen as
God's hand at work among us. This gradual erosion of our faith leaves
us all with
a sense of anxiety. How can we see God in our daily lives when there
is a natural
explanation for everything? It is difficult to relate to a God who
has been pushed
into a corner called our "spiritual lives" and is given an
hour or two
on Sunday in our busy schedule! The anxiety we all have in our personal faith
prompts us to look for those who are responsible for shaking our
faith. Thus there
is a natural tendency to blame "liberal influences" or
blindness" for the problems of our faith instead of realizing the crisis
we all face as we try to retain a living Christianity in our highly scientific
As far hack as the 17th century, Western man started turning his attention to
the physical world for explanations of the mysteries of the universe.
The "Copernican"
revolution wiped away many previous beliefs about our world and its relation to
other planets. Bacteria were seen for the first time, making it
easier to conceive
of sickness in physical terms. The human body was subjected to minute scrutiny
and the resulting discoveries changed man's view of himself.
Gradually most of the questions that required "supernatural answers were
given "natural" explanations. One by one, the movements of planets,
the coming of spring, thunder, rain, and earthquakes were taken out
of the realm
of the supernatural. Mother nature moved in where God and his angels
had reigned
With the discoveries of bacteria, the nervous system of the body, movement of
blood through the body, and the complex chemical changes that take place within
the body, sickness and even death gained a more "natural" character.
Instead of witchcraft, it became the virus; instead of voodoo, it
became a heart
attack. Cancerous tumors replaced visitation by the Spirit of Death.
The passing
of a curse from generation to generation gave way to genetics and the
DNA molecule.
Sickness no longer called for a magic potion or exorcism, but for an operation
removing diseased tissue or a drug that would kill the virus.
Now, in 1977, the "natural way" of looking at our world is
deeply ingrained
in our daily lives. We thank vitamins for our health; we praise new
forms of fertilizer
and weed control chemicals for our good crops; we shake our heads
knowingly when
it rains because our TV has just shown us that a low pressure center has moved
in. Natural explanation is so much a part of our thinking that our
Christian faith-a
faith rooted in the hope of God's Acts among us-is implicitly
There is a natural tendency to blame "liberal influences" or "conservative blindness" for the problems of our faith instead of realizing the crisis we all face as we try to retain a living Christianity in our highly scientific age.
called into question. The anxiety is the same for all
of us-conservative, moderate, or liberal alike. Even though methods of dealing
with expressing this anxiety is different, it is important to realize that the
root problem is the same for all of us-the struggle to witness a supernatural
faith to a natural world!
Even though it is hazardous to use these labels, for the sake of becoming very
pointed, I will try to show the special struggle of both liberal and
thinking to express the Christian faith while remaining immersed in scientific
perception and thought.
The Liberal Is Sensitive To Our Modem Culture
The more "liberal" thinker has usually had to confront our modern
culture (e.g., the professor, large city pastor, campus pastor, or missionary)
in situations that demand understanding of the thinking and ways of our age.
Demons, angels, heaven and hell are concepts that do not readily fit into the
life of a business man or a college student. Today's college student, for
example, can find meaning in the human struggles of the psalmist and of Christ
Himself (e.g., Jesus Christ, Superstar), but finds it hard to identify with the
miraculous events of Scripture or to the traditional lofty characteristics of
Biblical stories and characters.
The liberal approaches Holy Scripture with an honest attempt to emphasize the
humanity of God's people, thus making easier the application of His Word to our
modern situation. The Christian message is thus communicated in terms of helping
the struggles a person faces in his life. The Gospel can be presented as giving
a person an "0. K." feeling about himself which can affect his present
life relationships.
In the effort to make God's Word "come alive" to our
"natural" age, however, there is the tendency to de-emphasize the
supernatural elements of Scripture so that its message will fit better with the
climate of our time. Demon possession is translated into a more
"natural" term, mental illness. Jonah's miraculous 3-day stay in the
belly of the whale is better seen as an allegory in which God expresses the
truth of His control of our lives. Thus in the effort to communicate God's Word
to our scientific culture, the liberal stands in danger of explaining away the
supernatural elements of Scripture-to take away the mystery of the Bible to fit
its message into the 20th Century world view.
The Conservative is Sensitive to our Tradition
The more "conservative" thinker faces the constant need to re-affirm
faith shaken by the questioning of the modem age. Sensing the anxiety of persons
who are puzzled and upset with the changes within the church, the
"conservative" stresses the comforting message that God's Word does
not change. In the face of the naturalism in our culture, there is a necessary
and deliberate focus on the truth of God's miraculous acts as recorded in
The conservative approaches Holy Scripture in an honest attempt to affirm the
supernatural elements of God's Word. Such a person rejects "natural"
explanations of the miracles recorded in the Bible and affirms the historicity
of such "unnatural" events as the parting of the Red Sea and Jonah's
life in the whale.
But in the necessary struggle to defend the factual character of miraculous
events recorded in the Bible, there is the temptation to divorce God's Word from
our 20th century life. The conservative also lives in a scientific world and
constantly relies on "natural" explanation for the events of his daily
life. With this comes the danger of seeing miracles as something that happened
only in the Bible times, making the events of Scripture somewhat
"unreal" to our age. Too often this makes it necessary to separate
one's life into two schizophrenic parts-the spiritual (Sunday Morning) and the
secular (the rest of the week).
We can believe that Christ's resurrection from the dead was a factual,
historical event, but then find it difficult to see Him rise again, daily, in
our own lives. Such a faith is in danger of becoming a lifeless doctrine with
its expression limited to carefully worded documents and Sunday morning rituals.
We are constantly faced with opposing viewpoints in our life, and we often must
make decisions in the face of contradictory opinions. How does one decide what
car or tractor to buy? Years ago, before we became so immersed in scientific
thought, "common sense" answers were passed on by parents.
But now there is a different basis for common sense. How does one decide which
hybrid is best? Common sense now tells us to examine the "facts".
Scientifically controlled tests by "experts" provide the data that a
certain hybrid will produce a 15% greater yield per acre. These are convincing
data! TV ads play on this aspect of our "common sense" every day. How
can we decide which toothpaste to use? The advertisement proclaims:
"Laboratory tests show that Crest reduces tooth decay 37%." These are
objective data, and we are convinced by these "facts". The scientific
method with its formulation of hypotheses and performing controlled experiments
is so much a part of us that we do not think twice as we "look at the
facts" to determine what is true.
The scientific method is a part of our decision-making as we all, liberals,
moderates, and conservatives alike are caught up in "looking at the
facts" to determine what is true. Here again I will become more pointed by
referring to the struggle the "liberal" and "conservative"
face as both utilize unwittingly the scientific method in their search for the
truth of the the Bible.
The Liberal Struggles To Understand Biblical Culture
The historical-critical method of approaching the Bible is based on the
scientific method of hypothesis testing via data collection. Using this method
is a valid way to better understand the meaning of God's Message to the
Israelites and other people of Biblical times. Certainly their culture is
different from our own. Also, the Hebrew and Greek words and phrases can become
much richer in their meaning by looking at theft Sitz im Leben. To develop and
test hypotheses about the cultural setting of the events recorded in the Bible
is important for the on-going study of the Word of God.
The danger to the Christian lies in the scientific assumption that
one can arrive
at truth through this method-that one can uncover the real historical truth by
getting the "facts" straight. In the struggle to get at the
"kernel" of the event, God's message to us can get lost.
Truth is defined
by the validity of the evidence gathered to support the historical reality of
an event recorded in Holy Scriptures. Estimates of probability, rather than the
Holy Spirit, convince one of the "truth" of the events of
the Bible.
The Conservative Struggles To Affirm The Truth Of Scriptures
With the pressures of this age to question all authority, the
conservative struggles
to keep the Bible from coming under such attack. To affirm that the
Holy Scriptures
are God's Word and not to be treated lightly is essential for our faith. It is
very important to constantly cheek our beliefs against the teachings of God's
The method of establishing a doctrine of the Bible by putting together a series
of "proof texts" is also highly influenced by the scientific method
of data collection. To see God's Word as page after page of "facts"
to be used as data to hack up some venerable teaching of the church-as in the
stance against ordination of women-is quite similar to a chemical
engineer gathering
evidence to back up the claims of his product!
The temptation of this approach to Holy Scripture is to make faith equivalent
to carefully reasoned and documented statements. Again the Holy Spirit is not
needed! It is important to affirm that Holy Scripture is the authority for our
faith and life, but the source of our faith is not God's Word! The
Word is a means
of grace. The source is the Holy Spirit who works faith in our hearts through
the Word and Sacraments.
Perhaps the most dangerous and diabolical effect a scientifically conditioned
mind-set has in undermining our faith is its effect on our values. This effect
is so subtle that it is hard to see the danger. It is so pervasive that it is
related to everything that touches our awareness! The mind of Western man tries
to separate what is "out there" from what is "in here." One
can use the term objective consciousness to describe this phenomenon, and the
term can be best explained by reference to scientific thought.
In order to run an experiment the scientist must divorce his own feelings and
thoughts from the conduct of the experiment. Expressions like:
"Well, I feel
that this product is better" or "Just trust my instinct
that . . ."
are taboo. The personality of the scientist or his own feelings are
not important
and must be carefully controlled and eliminated. What is important
are the "facts"
or hard data that the experiment produces. With this approach to reality we learn to value
"data" and "facts",
and we tend to see events as realities in and of themselves.
Our view of history in 1977, therefore, is based on our style of
consciousness." As with an historical probe of Watergate, events
that "actually
happened" are the important "data". History is reduced
to re-constructing
the "facts." Anything that is nonfactual (like the hopes,
fears, feelings
and visions of people) is judged inferior and unimportant in this
view of history.
Such immersion into "objective consciousness" tends to divorce one's
private feelings and personal faith from the events that happen in our lives.
To go to church on Sunday (a "fact") can become more important than
to have a deep trust and love for Christ (a feeling or hope). What a
person writes
down or what is tape recorded becomes more important than the total witness of
his life and the ongoing personal statement of his faith.
Our view of the history of God's people is also affected by this
objective value
system. The recorded events in the Bible may be seen as important
insofar as they
are a record of "facts". This approach to Scripture is
harmful because
God's Word is reduced to objective events. Again, all of us,
liberals, moderates,
and conservatives, are caught up in this view of history. We all struggle to be
The Liberal Responds To A Need For Good Scholarship Of The Bible
Good scholarship has contributed to our understanding of Biblical
times. Its value
in giving us new insight into the meaning of the Bible should not be
The process of good scholarship, however, is also a struggle to be objective-a
struggle to eliminate personal bias and pre-judgment in one's
approach to a text.
The Bible must be seen as a book of objective history existing apart from the
scholar's personal life and experience. The Bible can then be
subjected to scholarly
analysis to determine the "truth" of the events recorded there and at
this point ceases to be the unique "living word."
Questions of authorship and the historicity of Adam and Eve, for
example, become
important questions to be decided in the same manner questions about
the history
of Watergate are decidedly objective scholarship. The Bible is
inevitably subjected
to questioning. and the "reality" of its history is
determined by objective
analysis. The faith of the analyst becomes less important than his
scholarly arguments.
The Conservative Responds To The Need To Affirm The Authority Of The Bible
The Bible is a unique hook for Christians and its authority as a revelation of
God is a necessary element of our faith. Any questioning of this authority is
harmful to faith. The conservative responds to modern scholarship
with the necessary
caution that this is a Holy book.
It is, however, at this point that the argument of the conservative is bound up
in modern consciousness that values objectivity. For anything to be perfect, it
must not contain errors. An error, as anyone today knows, is a discrepancy in
the facts! But inerrancy is
Our struggle must be with anti-Christian forces in our thinking and our way of life and not with each other.
a new term, originating within the last century, which signals the importance
of "getting the facts straight." It is a term growing out
of scientific
thought and related to our modern struggle to be objective.
In scientific experiments, an error or contradiction calls the conclusion into
question-its assertions are not seen as true. For those immersed in
such a scientific
view, truth is equated with inerrancy! To suggest that Jesus erred in ascribing
authorship is to call the truth of God's word into question! The Bible is then
no longer reliable to the modern "objective" mind.
But is the truth of the Bible to be judged by our modern values? Was
it more important
for Jesus to "get his facts straight" or to communicate His message
to the non-scientific mind of that age? To suggest that the
differences in Biblical
records must be denied to preserve the validity of God's word is to subject the
truth of Holy Scripture to our modern, objective value system. Differences in
the synoptic accounts can be seen as different ways these authors had
of expressing
their faith with each "contradictory" account being true.
Facts in scientific experiments are unemotional, objective entities gathered to
support a rational theory. Faith in Jesus is an emotional, subjective
based in the work of the Spirt and cannot be validated or rejected by
Even though consideration of morality is not specifically part of the
issues involved here, the effect of scientific values shows up there also. The
basic temptation facing both liberals and conservatives is to define morality
in such a way that their own actions are justified!
Liberal Morality: Danger of Rationalization
The liberal approaches moral decisions with the necessary concern for
the persons
involved. He recognizes that each situation is different and that to operate by
the principle of love requires that one understand all of the elements of the
dilemma facing the person. In short, he recognizes that moral
decisions are usually
not simple, black and white judgments, but require careful weighing
of many considerations.
One's decision must relate (be relative to) the unique characteristics of the
One of the side effects of scientific thought is the constant
questioning of authority
in the quest for truth. In other words, just because Aristotle, Galileo or Dr.
Spock said something doesn't make it true. The scientific mind will
accept a statement
only if it is backed up by "hard data". Such relativism shows up in
all thinking and is expressed in liberal thought by suggesting that statements
by Luther, Aquinas or St. Paul regarding moral actions are relative
to their day.
Hence, for example, the view that women should not be ordained is relative to
the customs of the New Testament era. Putting women into positions of
authority over men truly might have caused offense and hindered the spread
of the Gospel
in that day, but such a view is seen as irrelevant today.
The danger of this relative way of thinking is its ability to justify
any actions
or life style! Extra-marital or pre-marital sexual activity can be justified as
valid expressions of warmth and intimacy which are helpful to the other person.
Drinking and drug usage can be "justified" as making it possible to
relate better to others. Any thought or behavior can be rationalized
in this manner
and all of one's actions can be justified. Sin is relative and forgiveness is
not necessary.
Conservative Morality: Danger of Definition
The conservative approaches moral decisions with the recognition that the basis
for our Christian life is in the witness of the Bible. Its guidelines
and examples
are the authority for our moral judgments. The conservative realizes how easy
it is to stray from the source of our morality and constantly
struggles to redefine
and clarify God's will for our lives.
One of the side effects of scientific thought, however, is to suggest
that there
is a clear line between what is true and not true, what is real and not real,
what is fact and what is fiction. The reality that exists "out there"
is definable in concrete terms. The I.B.M. Corporation is either in the black
or in the red.
This type of objective thinking lies behind the attempt to define
morality entirely
in terms of "right" and "wrong" actions. Abortion
and homosexuality
are judged as wrong per se. These and other issues are decided by reference to
"data" (sufficient numbers of proof texts). The church's task is seen
in terms of upholding the "right" definition of morality.
The danger of this approach to morality is the same
as the danger of liberal thinking! Since I do not engage in homosexual behavior
and have not had an abortion, I am not as sinful as those who do! I can justify
my own actions by defining morality in terms of acts that I do not do. I am not
brought to my knees in confession, and Christ's forgiveness loses its immediacy
for me. I become good at pointing out the sins of abortionists, drug
users, etc.,
but fail to see my lack of love and my own deteriorating relationship
with Christ.
Forgiveness is not necessary because I am "justified" by my own good
Our sinful human nature prompts us to define sin in such a way that
we are self-justified
and prompts us to see the danger facing the church in the erroneous theology of
other persons. Perhaps the danger facing the church is not "out
in the heretical or powerhungry actions of others, but is "in here"
in the powerful anti-Christ forces that exist in our own minds because we live
immersed in a scientific culture. The forces are subtle and pervasive, and even
more diabolical because they are part of the structure of our
consciousness, hence
almost impossible to see.
In the face of this possibility, power politics, heresy hunting and rebellion
against authority miss the root of the problem and may only serve further the
Devil's purpose of splitting us apart from Christ and from each other
as His children.
The starting point is the beam in our own eye! The
force that constantly succeeds in moving Christ from the center of our life is
real! The Devil does all in his power to keep God's Word from
affecting our livesby
calling its authority into question or by reducing it to a "fact
that exists "out there." His attempt to nullify the work of the Holy
Spirit is real and constant.
From this starting point and with clear recognition of our limitations, we can
approach the twofold task of the Church in her on-going study of theology. The
first task falls to the conservative mind: to keep strong and pure the witness
and teachings of Scripture. To keep Cod's Word from becoming watered
down as each
new age struggles to relate to God's message takes conservative men who are not
afraid to point to the dangers of new theological formulations. The
realizes how easily the "stumbling block" of the Gospel can
be explained
away by conforming Cod's Word to the theories and scholarship of the day! The
church that loses the purity of her message and fails to stand in awe
of the holy,
transcendent, inspired Word of Cod will wake up to find that she no longer has
a unique message to spread. Christianity becomes indistinguishable from other
philosophies and religions. Pray for the strength and forcefulness of
the conservative
mind in its task to keep God's Word unique!
But there is also a second task that is essential for the Christian Church in
each age, and this task falls to the liberal mind. Especially in our
age of accelerated
change, the words, thoughts and customs of our culture shift at an
alarming rate.
A church that ignores such change will find it difficult to confront the lives
of people with a statement of the Law and Gospel. The task of the liberal mind
is to gain an understanding of the changing world we live in and then
speak God's
Word to the people living in the changed age. The liberal mind must constantly
test out new ways of expressing God's Word so that it can take root
and bear fruit
in the lives of Christians in 1977! Pray for the strength and creativity of the
liberal mind in the task of keeping God's Word alive.
The education of ministerial students sharpens the need for both conservative
and liberal thought. A thorough grounding in the study of God's Word,
by study of Creek and Hebrew, and a serious study of the Confessions
and the traditions
of the Church are the contribution of the conservative mind. A strong
thrust in his education gives the ministerial student a foundation
for his faith
and doctrine, making him stand in awe before the inspired Word and
the Spirit-led
confessions of this Word in the history of the church.
A thorough grounding in the liberal arts, with serious study of our
changing culture
is the contribution of the liberal mind. This thrust in his education gives the
ministerial student a foundation for relating God's Word to the people of our
The conservative thrust by itself runs the danger of transcendence. God's Word
is put into the box of pure doctrinal formulation and its truth
remains "out
there" apart from the lives of His people. The liberal thrust by
itself runs
the danger of relativism. God's Word is re-formulated in the thought and custom
of the culture with the loss of its uniqueness and "holiness."
In a sense, this tension is expressed in Christ himself. He is both true God and true man. When the church stresses too strongly
the divinity of Christ, his transcendence makes it difficult for
people to relate
to Him. Ritual and proper doctrinal formulation become the major concerns. On
the other hand, when the church stresses too strongly the humanity of Christ,
its message is reduced to humanism and social activism.
The Christian Church must live in this creative tension and ever seek
new expression
of its witness while keeping firmly rooted in the holy Word of God.
Our struggle
must be with the anti-Christian forces in our thinking and our way of life and
not with each other!