in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
The Question of Synchronicity
Kathryn A. Lindskoog
1344 East Mayfair Avenue
Orange, California 92667
From: JASA 29 (March 1977): 44.
Page Smith, distinguished historian and author, brought out
A New Age
Now Begins:
A People's History Of The American Revolution for the Bicentennial. His editor
asked him to guess how many pages the book had in its final form, and
he guessed
1776. No, she said, 1976.
"I'm a believer in synchronicity, serendipity, chance," Smith claims.
"History is full of those. They should play as important a role
in research
as they seem to play in life." Smith recalls the awesome fact
that both John
Adams and Thomas Jefferson died fifty years to the day after the signing of the
Declaration of Independence-on July 4, 1826.
Christian author George MacDonald said in his novel Wilfrid Cumbermede, I do not
believe we notice half of the coincidences that float past us in the stream of
events. Things which would fill us with astonishment, and probably
with foreboding,
look us in the face and pass us by, and we know nothing of them."
I notice little of what floats by in the stream of events, but as a CS. Lewis
researcher, I have noticed the following coincidence in my very
limited personal
list of a few people related to C.S. Lewis research:
9th Street-location of Dr. C.S. Kilby's home in Mississippi
9 Bradshaw Drive-address of Eugene McGovern, editor of the New York CS. Lewis
Society journal
19 Shakespeare Road-address of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Miller, who eared for the
Lewis brothers in their last years
19 Beaumont Street-address of Walter Hooper, Lewis's literary executor
19W. Orange Grove-address of Marilyn Peppin, officer of the Southern California
CS. Lewis Society
1557 N. Orange Grove-address of John Beck, Smeagol Films, who is now
filming the
Lewis trilogy
466 Orange Street-address of Hope Kirkpatrick, officer of the New
York C.S. Lewis
1344 E. Mayfair, Orange-my own address
4013-house number of David Hendrickson, editor of the Portland C.S.
Lewis Society
43 Bowness Ave-address of Clifford Morris, C.S. Lewis's car hire
driver and good
Incidentally, I just received a letter about CS. Lewis research from an English
professor at Oral Roberts University. I see that the University is located on
Lewis Street. Enough!
I am really not interested in trivia for its own sake. I grant that
my collection
of related addresses is not overwhelmingly impressive. But if indeed
these patterns
of synchronicity are prevalent (as Arthur Kuestler asserts quite convincingly
in Roots Of Coincidence), what is the answer of the Christian when we
have to face some very challenging questions about it from non-Christians? And
what are those questions going to be?
I am a layman untrained in science. I have heard hundreds of stories
about Christians
who had experiences like needing $109.62 on Tuesday at the latest,
and receiving
$109.62 on Tuesday from an unexpected or unknown source. Many of us
feel affirmed
in our Christian faith by special patterns like that in our lives. Are we going
to be told that these experiences, like the death dates for John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and the senseless clustering of
address elements
among a few CS. Lewis people-that these examples of synchronicity are a matter
of physics? Are we willing to take that facet of reality in stride if
it is true,
and to incorporate it into our Christian world view? I'm not only willing; I'm
eager. But I am unequipped.