in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Unfair to Jay Adams
Betsy E. Dart
Cornell University student
429 Mitchell Street Ithaca,
New York
From: JASA 29
(March 1977): 47-48.
The article "An Analysis and Critique of Jay Adams' Theory of
by James Oakland was most unfair in his presentation of Adams'
material. He tried
to discredit Adams' whole theory as nothing more than an opinion,
supporting his
argument by a string of misrepresentations of the material in Adams' Competent
to Counsel. Oakland's careful selection of
"evaluations" to include in his article made certain the onesidedness
was preserved. Having read Adams for myself, I find Oakland and
company far from
accurate or fair. Must the Journal stoop so low?
The most glaring flaw in Mr. Oakland's article is that after accusing
him of wrongly
interpreting Scripture, he never offers a more appropriate interpretation which
would discredit the nouthctic method. The basic argument comes down to one of
how much can God be trusted? Adams says that God knew what He was
doing when inspiring
the Bible, referring to 2 Timothy 3:16, 17, "All Scripture is
given by inspiration
of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for correction, for reproof,
for instruction
in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly
furnished unto
all good works," Evidently Oakland disagrees, but not just with
Jay Adams.
By saying that the Bible cannot thoroughly furnish a man "unto
all good works"
is to say that man is somehow wiser than God. The impression left by Oakland is
that psychoanalytic theory is able to put together a whole man
without the Scriptural
model, and the theory supercedes what is "out-dated" in the
Bible. Our
generation is not the first to see such a departure from Scripture:
themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22) Another
area where
Oakland has sadly gone off the track is in the area of sin. All the
are worried about calling "mental" patients
"sinners" because
of a fear of offending the client. There should be no fear of
offending the person
in this respect, because his need for God is evident.
Rosemary Camilleri accuses him of being a "frightened
evangelical frightened of sin." But it appears to me that the
people who Oakland cited in his article are the ones who are afraid, afraid of
sinners' ridicule. Otherwise, they would be more willing to
acknowledge the consequences
of sin (in a sinless world,
there would be no mental disorders). Adams is merely, and rightfully, calling
a spade, a spade.
What is the ultimate effect Of Oakland's system of nonChristian
psychiatric counseling?
People are allowed to continue evading their responsibility before God, and to
continue masking and denying their guilt for negligence and disobedience to the
Scriptures. The Bible is made to appear incompetent where it claims expertise.
People never learn how to use the Bible effectively for future problem solving
on their nun. So he keeps returning to the psychiatrist all his life,
never really
solving the problem for good, never getting saved because the psychiatrist was
afraid to tread on his toes. This process keeps the psychiatrist in
business now,
but I doubt if his eternal account can bear much fruit.
Adams' system provides for guiding a person to a lasting answer, and also to a
Book which can guide him his whole life. The homework ridiculed so fiercely by
Oakland, is merely a tool which forces a person to stop relying on someone else
to solve his problems for him, and to start recognizing, through Scripture, his
own mistakes, developing an ability to solve his own problems. This
will produce
people who are willing to stand firm in their faith, and can endure a testing
"by fire." The counselor may not soak as much money out of a patient
through years and years of extended counseling, but his eternal
account with God
will bear much fruit. For this effort, Jay Adams should be praised.