in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Judging Scientific Research
Richard H. Bube
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305
From: JASA 29 (March 1977): 44.
Dr. Harris B. Rubin 's research into the effects of marijuana on male
sexual response
to pornographic movies has received considerable publicity in Science magazine.
This letter of mine to the Editor of Science was not published.
I found most disconcerting the editorial remarks of the author of
Briefing (Science
192, 1086 (1976)) concerning the research program of Dr. Harris B. Rubin. First
the author describes the congressional debate as: "On the one
side were arrayed
the forces of rationality and progress. On the other were those who stood for
morality and traditional values." Toward the end, he/she said,
"The result is a defeat for science The implied dichotomy
between rationality and morality is enough to concern the sensitive reader, but
the final declaration suggests a reductionistic approach that sets a dangerous
Curiously missing from the debate over the Rubin research is any consideration
of the human rights and dignity of those participating in the research program,
or of the morality of subjecting human beings to immoral practices, harmful to
them, for the sake of scientific understanding. Such an approach is
based on the
presupposition that exposure to sexual stimuli and experience outside
the context
of a love relationship is not harmful to those involved; I personally disagree
completely with this presupposition and can find no scientific basis for it. By
direct and indirect implication the approach reduces the potentially
unique sexual
expression of a love relationship between two whole persons to a simple matter
of tumescence. Even more harmful is the practice of enacting sexual
between two "research subjects" for the progress of
science, while totally
disregarding the relationship between the sexual act and the human attributes
of the whole person. Next on the agenda may well be research into how much pain
a person can stand, justified, of course, on the grounds that this will aid in
alleviating suffering!
As one whose professional life has been dedicated to the integrity of science,
I would have not the slightest hesitation in voting against this kind
of reductionistic
disintegration of human personality.