in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Poverty in Understanding Roman Catholics
From: JASA 28 (September 1976): 141-142.
I was both surprised and saddened to see once again in the pages of the Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation (March 1976) a rather unbecoming reference to the position (or non-position) of Roman Catholics in the Christian community. Mr. Mixter in his article "Scriptures and Science with a Key to Health" refers to the fact that "Healing enthusiasts claiming marvelous healings are matched by Mormons, Spiritualists, Roman Catholics, Mesmerizers and others. . .--rather dubious company indeed! Now I do not know whether such a placement of Roman Catholicism reflects the position of Mr. Mixter or Mr. Porcella, nor am I particularly concerned about their personal opinion of Roman Catholicism; I call this statement to your attention only because it is representative of statements which appear frequently in the JASA. As a Roman Catholic I find such statements offensive and very unfair; as a Christian I find them very much against the spirit of understanding and love which is the supposed hallmark of our community.
I cannot count the number of times I find ASA members
lamenting the pitiful understanding of Christianity possessed by
their non-Christian colleagues in the sciences. Yet their own
statements betray a similar poverty in their understanding of
Roman Catholicism and other non-Evangelical perspectives on the
Christian faith. To hear fellow Christians speak of the Evangelical
perspective as the only Biblical perspective in the Christian
community is really quite sad. Such parochial and sometimes
bigoted statements are certainly unbecoming to a group of
scientists (Christian or otherwise) and the journal which officially
represents them.
I can only encourage the ASA and its members to consider
carefully the statements made about non-Evangelical Christian
communities in the future.
We are exhorted in the epistle of James to restrain our toungues;
I have as yet found very few statements in the JASA concerning
Roman Catholicism to reflect either the restraint of a scholarly
understanding of it or the restraint of brotherly love toward it. If
the ASA is determined to take on the task of reconciling the
scientific and religious communities, such restraint must be
demonstrated. Until it is, I cannot renew my membership in your
community. In Christ's peace,
Douglas Hamill
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Editor's Note. We deeply regret any statement in the Journal indicates a lack of understanding and brotherly love. In the future we shall make every effort to increase our sensitivity.