in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Responses to
"Original Sin as Natural Evil"(I)
David G. Myers
Department of Psychology
Hope College
Holland, Michigan 49423
From: JASA 28 (June 1976): 95
Some contentions similar to those in the article on "Original Sin as Natural Evil" (Journal ASA, December 1975) are the subject of current discussion in psychology.
My purpose in writing is to express some words of appreciation and encouragement. This article and the interesting responses to it pinpoint a most profound problem. Plantinga notes that Bube's view seems to leave God holding the bag for evil, but then I see no way Plantinga's view can be squared with evolutionary assumptions, or even more simply, with the historical reality that death is necessary for life. I admire Bube's courage in soliciting these critiques and in tackling this important issue.