in Christian Perspective
Alternative Views of Evolution
Department of General Science
Oregon State University' Corvallis, Oregon 97331
From: JASA 27 (March 1975): 2-7.
The world of life poses questions to every thinking man who examines it. These
questions are the same whether the examiner is oriented philosophically toward
theism or atheism, Some of these questions might be stated as follows:
1. How can the tremendous diversity of distinct forms of life (species) bond on
earth today be explained?
2. Why is it that certain of these species are very similar to one
another, while
at the same time quite markedly different from other species?
3. Why do living species, which are so remarkably varied in form and size, seem
to show the same basic cellular and biochemical composition?
4. How do the remains of organisms of past ages (fossils) relate to present day
5. How and when did the first forms of life originate?
Thus, the central question centers on the seeming contradiction of an enormous
diversity of living forms (organisms) of complex nature which display
an apparent
underlying unity of composition. The origins of such organisms and
their subsequent
development demand our attention.
Biologists, like all other scientists, abhor chaos. This diversity of species
certainly appears chaotic at first glance. Clearly, some system of
is the cure for chaos. Like tidy housewives we are pleased with an
orderly arrangement
of species. However, this arrangement must not he artificial, but should reveal
the actual or presumed phylogcnetic relationship of the species.
Thus, it is not
surprising that studies of taxonomy or systematics play such a key
role in biological
thinking and have done so for centuries.
General Patterns of Species Relationships
Three general patterns of relationships between the myriad species of organisms
are possible: (1) the "fixity of species" concept, (2) the
idea and (3) the polyphyletic view. The first scheme suggests that each species
is unrelated to any other species, but has remained unchanged since its origin
(creation). This pattern is usually associated with the so-called "Special
Theory of Creation." It was the dominant scientific viewpoint
until the mid-18th
century and was the working hypothesis of Linnaeus, the father of
modern taxonomy.
Evidence to support this view must show unbroken continuity of present species
hack to
the time of their origin with no occurrence of speciation.
The second
scheme proposes
that all organisms (present and past) are genetically related because they are
derived from a unique original form of life, thus the term
This pattern represents the well-known general theory of evolution.
It is schematically
shown in numberless textbooks as the evolutionary "tree of
life." Evidence
for this view must demonstrate speciation (formation of new species by natural
processes) and show historical connections betsveen all the major categories of
The third possible scheme of relationships is intermediate between
the first two.
Multiple original forms of life (thus the term
"polyphletic") have speciated
through time giving rise to groups of related species. Each group of species is
distinct from and unrelated to the species in other groups. This is essentially
limited evolution or general creation. Evidence for this pattern, like that for
the second, must demonstrate speciation. However, unlike the general
pattern, it must reveal several unrelated groups of organisms whose
origins were
not demonstrably in common.
A failure on the part of a speaker to clearly define his terms often results in
needless misunderstanding on the part of the listener. Therefore,
before proceeding,
let me define two key terms that will he important to the following
Evolution basically refers to changes in populations of living
organisms by natural
processes over a span of time. There are really two levels of usage
for this terns,
although the important distinctions between them are often blurred in
common practice.
Limited evolution I speciations or microevolution ) involves the formation of
new species by natural selection operating on distinct populations
over a limited
period of time. By contrast,
general evolution extrapolates speciation as the mechanism by which
all organisms
have been derived from a single original source over the span of
geological time.
It is this broad generalization about the interrelationship of all
living things
that is usually intended by the term "evolution." To avoid confusion,
I shall use the terms speciation and evolution to refer to the
limited and general
aspects of evolution, respectively. The term "chemical evolution" is
frequently used today and refers to assumed pre-biotic changes on the
earths which
gave rise to the first orgainism(s) by purely natural means, In current usage this
additional concept is often added to the meaning of general evolution and I
shall so use it.
Creation is the action of a supernatural power (God) in bringing the
natural world
into existence. The term is used with a wide range of meanings As I shall use
it, the term does not necessarily involve all instantaneous events or
the absence
of either accompanying natural processes of pre-existing material.
Clearly then,
it is not used here as the equivalent of the ''Special Theory of Creation"
referred to above.
Note that the major distinction between these definitions at this point lies
in the supernatural element in creation, whereas evolution (as
defined) involves
purely natural causes for the origin and development of life.
Analysis of the Patterns of Phylogeny
Let us now proceed to evaluate the three possible schemes of
on the basis of evidence from (a) living species and (b) the fossil record.
A serious consideration of the diversity of living species reveals a
pattern of interrelationships best interpreted as resulting from speciation. The
major lines of evidence that speciation (microevolution) has occurred are well
known, They include comparative morphology, physiology and
embryology, biogeographic
distribution and population genetics, among others. Such areas of
study with living
species allow the employment of experimental techniques and repeated
field observations.
Some degree of speciation
is demanded by these biological "facts" and natural
selection appears to provide a reasonable mechanism. The cumulative effect of
this overwhelming evidence demolished the "fixity of species" view in
the last century and we shall not give it further consideration here. Note, however,
that the evidence from a study of living species does not distinguish between
the other two schemes. Either scheme of phylogeny could produce the
present pattern
of species diversity.
The fossil record of past forms of life in the earth is generally regarded as
the major argument in favor of general evolution. However, the student of past
life forms (a paleontologist or paleobiobogist) uses a basically
different methodology
from that employed by the biologist investigating living forms, and
this difference
is often overlooked. The paleontologist uses an historical approach that is
rarely amenable to planned experimentation. He is limited to the chance
recovery of artifacts, usually only a very haphazard basis, due both
to the process
of fossilization itself and the limited opportunity for recovery
of the existing
fossils. His results are largely in the form of dynamic inferences
based on the
static artifacts available.
The application of fossil evidence to unravelling the
scheme of species relationships in the past is hazardous at best. Svstematists
dealing with living species frequently wrangle at length over the taxonomic
status of is given population. Is it a subspecies, a separate species, or even
it distinct genus when compared to similar populations? This situation occurs
even when living organisms are available for laboratory experimentation and
repeated field observations may be made,. The range of variation
within it single
species is often
The question centers on the seeming contradiction of an enormous diversity of living forms (organisms) of complex nature which display an apparent underlying unity of composition.
enormous, as witness the variety of breeds of dogs. (One wonders
into how main'
different species paleontologists would separate fossils of the various breeds
of dogs, if they had only skeletal remains and did not know that all
the varieties
were inter-fertile. Would the Dachshund and the St. Bernard even be in the same
Obviously, paleontologists are acutely aware of such handicaps. Thus, they do
not use the term "species" in quite the same sense that biologists
normally do. Instead, they' describe "form species," i.e..
species based
primarily on morphological differences, and those only partial and fragmentary
in many' cases. It must he clearly noted, then, that fossil species may not he
directly equated with living species. Their determinations are not based on the
same range of characteristics. Furthermore, interfertility and genetic compatibility
of the various members of a living species are must significant
criteria in classification.
Since breeding experiments with fossils are a lot out of the
question, it is likely'
that morphologically different members of a fossil assemblage may he regarded
as different species when, in fact, the v may have been quite interfertile in
life, (Remember the Dachshund and the St. Bernard!).
The interpretation of the fossil record is plagued with with another
difficulty-the geographical discontinuity of fossil remains. Frequently, lines
of descent
for a graded series of fossil species (for example, the horse) are
based on fossils
found at random in widely remote regions of the earths, The
nature of such a practice has often been noted, but the standard
answer is to appeal to hypothetical dispersion routes, and assumed biogeographic corridors
or filter routes. In the past five years, with the emergence of the geophysical theory of plate tectonics, a greatly renewed interest
in the old idea of continental drift loss developed. In a recent article
in Science, Raven and Axelrod1 made a strong case for the existence of the
hypothetical continent of Gondwanaland ( comprising Australia,
New Zealand,
Antarctica, South America, India, Madagascar and Africa) in mid-Cretacecous
time (about 100 million
ago). Years Its subsequent breakup is then plotted and
related to Australasian paleobiography. Such concepts appear to have strong
support from geophysical evidence and are
forcing the wholesale revision of earlier accepted paleobiogeographic conclusions. Clearly, it is
to be dogmatic about the past history of life from the the fossil
A more serious shortcoming of the fossil record is noted by George Gaylord
Simson its his widely used biology textbook Life.
The disappointing scarcity of the earliest fossil records unfortunately applies to
a long span of geological time.
Life probably existed 2 and perhaps even 3 billion
years ago, but fossils become varied and abundant only with the
beginning of the
Cambrian, a mere 600 million years past. Thus the reasonably good fossil record
as now known may not cover more than about the last fourth or fifth
of the history
of life.2 (p. 760)
Let us now apply this limitation on the fossil record to phylogenetic schemes
(2) and (3). The fossil record does not enable os to distinguish
between the correctness
of the monophyletic and the polyphyletic patterns. Although there has been an
abundance of speculation concerning the development of life before
Cambrian time,
there is little or no scientific evidence to support it. Simpson
gives a refreshingly
frank appraisal of the situation,
The sudden contrast between the Pre-Cambrian rocks, in which animal fossils are
iii rare or dubious, and the Cambrian, in which they are abundant,
poses a serious
question: Why? A good scientist must be prepared to say, "I
don't know,"
and that is at the present the correct answer.2 (p. 760)
Thus, our search for complete order in the scheme of interrelationships between
living and extinct forms of life ends at a blank wall. While we can
discard scheme
(1), we cannot distinguish between schemes (2) and (3) on the basis
of the available
scientific evidence.
Regrettably, at this point some of the more avid proponents of
general evolution
begin to speculate, hypothesize and engage in outright fantasy'.
Current general
biology textbooks abound with dogmatic statements and pontilications about how
life might have, could have, must have or did originate and evolve in
the Pre-Cambrian
period by purely natural means. Some texts even orient their entire treatment
of cellular physiology and biochemistry around such hypothetical
schemes. To the
beginning student, often dazzled by the factual basis of all science,
such unsupported
and unsupportable speculations come across as what did occur. It is
this speculating,
pontificating and propagandising without factual evidence that I, as
a biologist,
find unacceptable and most irritating.
The Case for Polyphyletie Origins (General Creation)
My thesis is that the available scientific evidence fits a polyphyletic origin
and development of life just as well as it does the monophyletic evolutionary
view. As noted earlier, evidence for such multiple origins and
separate development
of distinct groups of species would take the form of systematic
differences between
major taxonomic categories. A series of quotations from leading biologists of
this generation will summarize this evidence.
In the preface to his book Implications of Evolution, C. A. Kerkut, a leading
invertebrate zoologist at the University of Southampton, England,
succintly summarizes
the ease,
May I here humbly state as a part of my biological credo that I
believe that the
theory of Evolution as presented by orthodox evolutionists is in many ways a
satisfying explanation of some of the evidence. At the same time I think that
the attempt to explain all living forms in terms of an evolution from a unique
source, though a brave and valid attempt, is one that is premature
and not satisfactorily
supported by present-day evidence. It may in fact he shown ultimately
to be the
correct explanation, but the supporting evidence remains
to he discovered. We can, if we like, believe that such an evolutionary system
has taken place, but I for one do not think that ''it has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt.'' In the pages of the
book- that folow I shall present
evidence for the point of view that there are many discrete groups of animals
and that we do not know how they have evolved nor how they are interrelated,
It is possible that they might have evolved quite independently from
discrete and
separate sources. 3 (pp. vii-viii)
Current general biology textbooks abound with dogmatic statements and pontifications about how life might have, could have, must have or did originate and evolve.
Dr. John T. Btsniter of Princeton University, in his review of Kerkist's book
in the American scientist, responded with deep feeling to Kerkut's
This is a book with a disturbing message; it points to some unseemly cracks in
the foundations. One is disturbed because what is said gives us the
uneasy feeling
that we knew it for a long time deep down but were never willing to admit this
even to ourselves, It is another one of those cold and uncompromising
where the naked truth and human nature travel in different directions.
The particular truth is simply that we have no reliable evidence as
to the evolutionary
sequence of invertebrate phyla. We do not know what group arose from
which grout)
or whether, for instance, the transition from Protozoa occurred once, or twice,
or many times. Most of us make the tacit assumption that the origin
of life, and
the origin of the Protozoa themselves are unique events, but can we
he sure? The
evidence from fossils for these primitive groups has so fur been of no bell).
The sole basis has been on the structural resemblances between adults or their
development, but as the author shows in a most effective manner, it one were to
tally the views of experts on such resemblances, then one can find qualified,
professional arguments for any grout) being the descendant of almost any other.
In a particularly illuminating chapter, he discusses the biochemical evidence
for affinities between groups. What we have all accepted as the whole
truth, turns
out with some mild inspection, to be rather far from it. Apparently,
if one reads
the original papers instead of relying on some superficial remarks in
a textbook,
the affinities become extremely clouded indeed. We have all been
telling our students
for years not to accept any statement on its face value but to
examine the evidence,
and, therefore, it is rather a shock to discover we have failed to follow our
own sound advice.4 (p. 240)
The confused invertebrate phylogenetic relationships are further
revealed in the
words of Dr. Libbie II. Hyman of the American Museum of Natural History, author
of the classic multi-volume reference work The invertebrates, at the end of her
chapter entitled "Retrospect,"
The author regards such phylogenetie questions as the origin of the
Metazisa from
the Protozoa or the origin of the Bilateria from the Radiata as
insoluble on present
information. Also insoluble are such questions as to whether entoderm, mesoderm,
and enelom have or have not sonic original mode 0f formation from which other
modes are derived. Anything said on these questions lies in the realm
of fantasy.5
(p. 754)
That a similar situation exists for major plant taxa is seen from the statement
of Dr. W. H. Wagner, Jr., of the University of Michigan, in
the recent
volume Plant Biology Today,
One of the chief problems regarding ferns, of course, has to (10 with
their origin.
From what plants were ferns, as we see know them now, first derived? What were the
most primitive ferns? Unfortunately the modern work gives us no
reliable answer.
In many was the origin of the ferns seems to become hazier and
hazier. The more
we learn about Devonian plants, where the origins of ferns are usually sought,
the further we seem to get away from logical ancestral types.6 (pp. 173-174)
The comprehensive volume An Evolutionary Survey of the Plant Kingdom
by six botanists
at the University of British Columbia confirms the serious lack of evidence regarding
the origin and interrelationships of the higher plants,
Many paleobotanists are actively pursuing the complex and exciting problem of
the origin of the first vascular plants. However, at present no fossil evidence
even suggests the likely ancestors of vascular plants; much
speculation has occurred
on the groups of living plants that could have been the ancestors to
early vascular
plants.7 (p. 586)
Lam has supplied a very comprehensive and critical review of the various
theories of phylogenetic relationships of the Anthnphyta. He feels that the
phylogenetic connections of the flowering plants are entirely speculative, and
this view is gaining favor among systematists. According to Constance, there
is general agreement that sufficient evidence to formulate a
satisfactory phylogenetic
arrangement of flowering plants is not yet available.7 (p. 537)
However, it is doubtful if any modern taxonomist is satisfied with the sequence
of families still currently followed in most floras and texts. For
the great majority
of living flowering plants we have no direct knowledge of the course
of evolutionary
history.7 (p. 586)
Dr. John Keosian of Rutgers University, in his intriguing book The
Origin of Life,
states the case straightforwardly,
the Animal and Plant Kingdoms may have no common ancestry. Each may
have had its
separate beginnings in nenbionts unrelated to each other except for
the fact that
each arose from a complex chemical milieu. Further, some of the phyla in each
Kingdom may have no ancestry in common with the other phyla of that
Kingdom. The
difficulties met in constructing a single taxonomic scheme embracing
all organisms
past and present may be due to the possibility that the discontinuities in such
schemes are real and represent the existence of separate lines of descent from
independent neobiologic events at different times in the
history of the
earth down to the present. ( p. 111 )
The available scientific evidence fits a polyphyletic origin and development of life fiat as well as it does the mono phyletic view.
Dr. Jay NI. Savage of the University of Southern
California, in his textbook Evolution, clearly distinguishes between
the mechanisms
of speciation and the undetermined mechanism (s) required for general evolution
to occur,
The essential features of microevolution and speciation are now
fairly well understood
by biologists, but the complex processes leading to evolution on a grander
scale remain an area inviting investigation. At the present time, we base only
the most shadowy impressions of the forces contributing to the
adaptive radiation
and diversification of life. For example, can the evolution and
diversity of the
flowering plants be explained simply on the basis of simple population change,
or are other forces contributing to macro-and mega-evolution?
The interaction of variation, selection, and drift and the taking on
of new adaptive
efficiency must play an exceedingly important part in these processes, but is
the grand pattern of evolution only the result of simple population change? To
mane paleontologists, and to those biologists interested in major evolutionary
shifts, the question remains open. No satisfactory mechanism or
mechanisms have been proposed that might explain these phenomena, but the
characteristics, modes,
patterns, and pathways of evolution at this level all suggest that
other factors
besides those operating at the population level must contribute to
adaptive radiation
and to the origin of new biological systems .l (pp. 118-119)
Perhaps the clearest summary of the case is found in the statement by
Dr. Austin
H. Clark, long associated svith the United States National Museum, in his book
of a past generation, The New Evolution Zoogenesis,
Since all our evidence shows that the phyla or major groups of
animals have maintained
precisely the same relation with each other back to the time when the
first evidences
of life appear, it is much more logical to assume a continuation of the
parallel interrelationships further hack into the indefinite past, to the time
of the first beginnings of life, than it is to assume somewhere in
early pee-Cambrian
times a change in these interrelationships and a convergence
toward a hypothetical common ancestral type from which all were derived. This last
has not the slightest evidence to support it. .All of the
evidence indicates
the truth of the first assumption.
To this plain statement of fart the objection might be raised,
"This is all
very true so far as it goes, but we must admit that the earliest
evidences of
life are the traces of simple and primitive forms; and, an,. wav, there was an
enormous lapse <<f time between the first appearance of life
and the period
wherein are found the earliest fossil remains, So it is easier to believe that
life gradually developed from simpler to more complex forms than that the major
groups arose spontaneously.'
The answer to this is that science is based upon ascertained facts. We
take the facts as we find them and coordinate them into broad generalizations.
The facts are that all of the fossils, even the very earliest of
them, fall into
existing major groups. This is indisputible.10 (p. 104-105)
The Origin of Life
Up to this point we have examined primarily the scientific evidence relating to
the development of life. Let its now consider the question of the
origin of life.
Many schemes of chemical evolution have been proposed to account for
the appearance
of living organisms from non-living matter. Some intriguing
experiments have even been performed to show that some rather complex molecules
can be
formed snider
circumstances duplicating those assumed for the primordial earth. At
this point,
it is instructive to note Dr. C. C. Simpson's terse summery
of the evidence
Nothing is directly known about the origin of life.2 (p.752)
Unfortunately, he could not bring himself to stop
here, hot continued on,
Scientific consideration of the origin of life must thus be based on indirect
evidence. Nevertheless, it need not be entirely speculative. The
diverging paths
that life has followed can he extrapolated backward into time and can give us
sonic idea of what the most primitive organisms of all must have been like.2 (1).
Despite his plea that such considerations are not entirely, speculative, they
certainly' violate the rules of logic. lie holds that extrapolation backward in
time allows one to know what the earliest forms of life most have
been like."
From the standpoint of logic, he is assuming the point to he proved
(namely that monophyletic origins led to all subsequent divergence) and then
using it as the
basis of his argument. This is known as circular reasoning.
Dr. Simpson next enunciates dogma on majority opinion,
In the first place, most biologists agree that the earliest forms if life could
and almost certainly did arise trims in-living niatter by ii natural
process (emphasis
On the basis of what is now known there is, at least, nothing
improbable in this
view.2 I p. 754)
No evidence is proffered as a basis for this statement, except that "most
biologists agree." This is not the voice of science, but of philosophical
speculation. One might with equal fervor and logic say that "time earliest
forms of life could and almost certainly did arise from nonliving matter by a supernatural process.
A more intellectually honest approach is stated by Kerkut in his
concluding chapter,
(1) The first assumption was that non-living things gave rise to
living material.
This is still just an assumption.. .There are many schemes by which
biogenesis could have occurred but these are still suggestive schemes
and nothing else. They may indicate experiments that can be performed, but they tell us
nothing about what actually happened some 1,000 million years ago. It
is therefore
a matter of faith on
the part of the biologist that biogenesis did occur and
he can choose whatever method of biogenesis happens to suit him
personally; the
evidence for what did happen is not available.
(2) The second assumption was that biogenesis occurred only once. This again
is a matter for belief rather than proof...
It is a convenient assumption that life arose only once and that
all present-day
living things are derived from
this unique experience, but because a theory is convenient or simple, it does
not mean that it is necessarily correct. It the simplest theory was
always correct
we should still he with the tour basic elements-earth, air, fire and
water! The
simplest explanation is not always the right one even in biology.3 (pp. 150-151
Perhaps the most striking analysis of the problem of origins is given by Drs.
Fuller and Tippo of the University of Illinois in their widely used
textbook College Botany,
Some people assume. entirely as a matter of' faith, a Divine Creation of living
substance. The only alternative seems to be the assumption that at sonic time
in the dim past. the chance association of the requisite chemicals in
the presence
of favorable temperature, moisture, etc., produced living protoplasm. In other
words, if one Subscribes to this theory , lie admits that the first protoplasm
to appear on our earth was a product of
spontaneous generation. Then, it he accepts the evidence
of Pasteur and others against spontaneous generation, he must
reverse his explanation
of the origin of the first protoplasm to explain the origin of all subsequent
livings from that first protoplasm . In other words, spontaneous
generation, according to these opponents of the idea of Divine
Creation, worked
when the first living Substance was formed, but probably hasn't worked since.
Actually , biologists are still as far as ever they ever were in
their attempts
to explain how the first protoplasm originated. The evidence of those
scholars would
explain life's origin on the basis of the accident combination of suitable
chemical elements is no more tangible than that of those people who place
their faith in Divine Creation as the explanation of the development of life.
Obviously, the latter have as much justification for their hichim'l as
do the turner. It is possible that the problem of life's beginning on our planet
will always remain insoluble, a philosophical question rather thana subject
capable of experimental investigation and solution.11 (p. 25.
The Biblical Record of Creation
Up to this post we have dealt strictly' with scientific evidence, Let
us now consider
historical literary evidence. Questions of origin and the past history of life
have intrigued men of all times. Most cultures have produced some
folklore explaining
how life and the earth began. Nearly all such material is fanciful in
the extreme
and hears no relation to the real world. Multiple deities interacting
in bizarre circumstances give rise to the world and its biota in these myths.
Of particular interest are those stories from the Near East, where
investigations of literate civilizations have been most extensive. One of the
most lengthy and well preserved is the Babylonian creation story
recorded in eunr'iforn1
nit seven day tablets. Dr. Alexander Heidel of the University of
Chicago has produced
a complete translation and cogent analysis of these tablets (12).
Even it cursory
examination of this narrative will show its total incompatibility
with a scientific
view of the world.
In sharp contrast, the book of Genesis in the Jewish-Christian
scriptures presents
all abbreviated, but majestic account of the origin of the earth and
its organisms.
The account Outlines in its broader aspects a series of creative actions by a
supernatural being (God) that closely parallels present scientific
This cannot he said of any other ancient creation story, Magical and fanciful
elements are notably absent. The opening statement sets the tone, "Its
the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)
The antiquity of the Genesis account is unquestioned. Its existence raises the
obvious question. "How
could its author have been so accurate in his statements that
thousands of years
later it can reasonably he viewed as an acceptable summary of the sequence of
events connected with origins?" One cannot pass off Genesis as
just a lucky
guess, for compared to its contemporary creation stories from surrounding cultures
it is unique. This document cannot be dismissed out of hand. It constitutes a
valid form of historical evidence. Its very existence and accuracy
demand that
it also be considered when the problem of origins is examined.
It is inappropriate to attempt to relate the Genesis
record to any contemporary scientific viewpoint. However, the general tenor of
the narrative appears to show
a series of discrete creations of major groups of organisms at successive intervals. These groups are then said to
subsequently reproduce
"after their own kind," presumably maintaining their distinctiveness
from other created "kinds." In broad outline, this would seem to he
reasonably accommodated by a scheme of polyphyletic origins, which, as we have
seen, appears favored by the available scientific evidence today. The
major point
here is that the Genesis record is not incompatible with contemporary
We have already seen that direct scientific evidence about the origin of life
is non-existent. At this time, the problem of origins lies outside
the scientific
realm and is purely philosophical. One may believe that life
originated by purely
natural causes, but this is one's philosophy, not his science.
Alternatively, one
may believe that supernatural intervention was involved in the origin of life.
(This latter view does not necessarily rule out the operation of some natural
processes.) However, in the latter case the existence of the Genesis record and
its eerie accuracy from a scientific standpoint lends additional weight. If a
supernatural being (God) did oversee the origin of life, and if he desired to
communicate some summary information about these events to his
rational creatures
(men), then the Genesis record would seem to qualify. In no other way does it
seem possible for human beings to he informed of such events.
Furthermore, Genesis
claims to he just such a record.
Implications and Conclusions
In conclusion, let ate summarize the implications of the foregoing:
1. Recognize the theory of general evolution for what it is-an
unverified hypothesis
whose basis in speciatiou is sound enough, but whose more extensive aspects are
mere extrapolations from limited evidence. Kerkut summarizes this viewpoint in
his closing paragraph.
There is a theory which states that man living animals can be observed over the
course of time to undergo changes so that new species are formed. This can he
called the 'Special Theory of Evolution" and can he demonstrated
in certain
eases by experiments. On the other hand there is the theory that all the living
forms in the world have arisen from a single source which itself came trims an
inorganic form. This theory can he called the ''General Theory of
and the evidence that supports it is not sufficiently strong to allow
us to consider
it as anything more than a working hypothesis. It is not clear
whether the changes
that bring about speciation are of the same nature as those that brought about
the development of new phyla. The answer still be found by future
work and not by dogmatic assertions that the General Theory of Evolution most
he correct because there is nothing else that will satisfactorily
take its tilaee.5
(p. 157)
2. Recognize that insufficient evidence is available to answer the
ultimate questions
of phylogenetic relationships. As limner so frankly stated in his
review of Kerkut's
The message is that the great phylognetic schemes, no matter how delicious
and tempting, must wait. They must wait because our present evidence
is inadequate
to decide between schemes, and working hypotheses lost their glitter if there
does not stem to i be any possible oceans of critically testing them.4 (p. 244)
3. Recognize that the question of how life originated is a philosophical one at
present, not subject to direct
One cannot pass off Genesis as just a lucky guess, for compared to its contemporary creation stories from surrounding cultures it is unique.
scientific inquiry. On an equally valid scientific basis one may hold
to a natural
or a supernatural (creation) origin of life. Dr. A. H. Clark even felt that the
odds were in favor of the latter view, even though he was by no means
a creationist.
Thus so tar as concerns the major groups of animals, the creationists see,ss to
have the better of the argument. There is not the slightest evidence that any
one of the major groups arose from any other. Each is a special animal complex
related, more or less closely, to all the rest, and appearing, therefore, its
a special and distinct creation.13. 539
4. Recognize the uniqueness and majesty of the Genesis record of origins. The relevance of this historical document
cannot he dismissed
from consideration. It constitutes valid evidence.
5. Recognize that all informed scientists are not agreed on the factual nature
of general evolution or wholly natural origins. The extensive
quotations presented
above hear this out.
6. Recognize and emphasize the difference between observed or
experimental "facts"
and unsupported speculation, or, as Bonner stated it,
All that is asked is that a sense of proportion is always maintained and that
an hypothesis is never allowed to sneak into the false clothing of a tact.4
In more everyday terms, Sgt. Joe Friday, the TV hero of Dragnet,
would say, "Just
give us the facts, Ma'am, otulv the facts!"
1Raven, Peter Hand Daniel 1. Axelrod. (1972) "Plate Tectonics
and Australasiau Paleobiogeography." Science 176:1379-1386.
2Simspsisn. George Gaylord and William S. Beck. (196.51 LIFE, An Introduction
to Biology, 2isd id. New York, Harcourt, Brace & World. 869 p.
3Kerkot, G, A. (1960 Implications of Evolution. New York,
Pergamon Press. 174
4Bonner, John Tyler. (1961) ''Perspectives''. American Scientist 49:240-244. June.
5Hyman, Libbie Henrietta. (1959) The Invertebrates: Smaller
Coelomate Groups, Vol V New York, McGraw. Hill, 783 p.
6Wagner, 'A'. H., Jr. (1966) "Modern Research on Evolution in the
Ferns,'' In: Plant Biology Today , 2nd ed., cit. hiy William J. Jensen and
Leroy C. Kavaljian. Belmont, Calif., Wadsworth, 208 p.
7Seagel, Itohert F. et a!. (1966) An Evolutionary Survey of the
Plant Kingdom, Belmont CA, Wadsworth, 658 p.
8Ketisian, John. (1964) The Origin of Life. New Turk,
Reinhold. 118 p.
9Savage, Jay Nh. (1969) Evolution, 2nd ed. New York, Holt,
Reinhart and Winston.
152 p.
10Clark . Austin II. (1930) The New Evolution Zoogenesis.
Baltimore, 'Williams and Wilkins. 297 p.
11Fuller, Harry J. and Oswald Tippo. (1954 ) College Botany, rev.
ed. New York,
Henry Holt. 993 p.
12 Heidel, Alextander. (1951) The Babylonian Genesis, 2nd ed.
Chicago, University
of Chicago Press. 153 p.
13Clark. Austin H. (1928) "Animal Evolution". The Quarterly
of Biology 3:523-541. December.