in Christian Perspective
A Call for Non-Academic
Richard H. Bube, Editor
From: JASA 27 (March 1975): 1
A glance at the list of Consulting Editors for the Journal ASA on the opposite page reveals that 45% are in academic positions at Christian colleges or seminaries, 45% are in academic positions at other colleges or universities, and 10% are in non-academic positions. A quick survey of the various participants in the publications of the ASA reveals that these figures are representative. One can look almost in vain for participation by scientists in industrial or government laboratory positions dealing with problems of interest to them in the interaction between science and Christian faith.
1. There are very few Christian scientists in non-academic positions.
2. Most of the Christian scientists in non-academic positions are not members
of the ASA.
3. Christian scientists in non-academic positions are not accustomed,
or are too
busy, to write papers.
4. Christian scientists in academic positions are more interested in
problems that lend themselves to writing, whereas Christian
scientists in non-academic
positions are more involved with practical problems.
Interpretations 2 and 4 seem the most likely to be responsible for the almost
negligible participation by non-academic Christian scientists. It seems to me
that the ASA must tap this deep reservoir of insight and practical input which
non-academic Christian scientists can contribute. Some of the ethical problems
for Christians involved in research are real crunchers; they have to
be met almost
immediately by action and not by abstract theory alone.
To all readers of this page I urge you to pass along a copy of the Journal
ASA with a good word to your non-academic friends. To those of you who are in
the non-academic world, may I urge you to share with our readers those things
you learn while attempting to live a Christian life while following a career in
science or engineering.