in Christian Perspective
The Student Corner
Sir Isaac Goes Courting
Westmont College Santa Barbara, California 93103
From: JASA 26
(September 1974): 125-127.
Once upon a time there was a small, all-male, beerdrinking community.
It was the
way of life in this community to spend a great majority of one's waking hours
at the sole local pub with his fellow townsmen telling of and
debating all those
things which no one present had ever seen. And when discussions grew wearisome,
or definitive conclusions were reached, or when for any other reason
one was not
occupied, he would proceed to the brewery to assist in maintaining
the storehouses
or travel to nearby towns to trade the excellent brew for the
necessaries demanded
for the community's day-to-day existence.
Now it so happened that on one of these excursions through the countryside the
vision of one Sir Isaac Goodeyes, so named for his exceptional
ability to describe
so vividly things he had never seen, alighted upon the graceful form
of the most
beautiful maiden in all the universe, Physical World by name. Sir Isaac, unable
to believe his eyes (having never had to trust them before),
immediately decided
that she warranted more thorough investigation. Whereupon Goodeyes
spent the rest
of the day, of which there was precious little left, and much of the night (or
morning as the case may be) increasing his physical contact with
Physical World under the guise of testing the validity of his initial
Sir Isaac arrived at the town bursting with his story and one day late with the
food, which was not missed because of the lively war which had been waged all
night over whether or not Goodeyes' delayed return signified that he was dead,
or alive, or somewhere in between. Pausing for a moment to regain his composure
just outside the tavern, he glided stately through the doors and the
stormy debate,
which continued to rage full force in spite of his presence, to the center of
the floor. There he stood for several minutes-silent, but with a
smile of selfsufficient
authority firmly fixed on his lips. The suggestion was made that Sir Isaac be
consulted in order to resolve the conflict as he had now returned. However, the
debate immediately resumed over the question of whether or not Isaac's opinion
could be considered authoritative in such a personal matter.
Nevertheless, Sir Isaac apparently had something to say and his self-satisfied
look promised an especially juicy controversy. Those who held this expectation
were not to be disappointed, for Isaac began to tell of his having
seen the most
beautiful girl in the world and to recall her appearance with
astounding accuracy
and detail. All assumed, of course, that Goodeyes was simply living up to his
name, and chose to disagree with his description, saying that the
most beautiful
maiden in the world could simply not be as he conceived her. Each offered his
own conception as the true one; those with similar tastes quickly joined into
factions; and the controversy was under way. Isaac was not about to be brushed
aside so easily, and so, exclaiming in a loud voice that this was not a subject
that was open to question but that instead the maiden lived just down the road
and anyone who wanted could come and see for himself, he left.
The confrontation ground to a screeching halt. No one in the history
of the town
had ever hinted that anything could exist that was not open to
question. And the
very idea that certainty could be achieved using the eye rather than the mind,
by inspection rather than debate, was assumed preposterous. So some
scoffed, and
others suggested that they discuss the problem, but most, being stunned by his
rocky logic, followed Sir Isaac Goodeyes down the road in a disoriented daze,
apparently to "see for themselves".
Well, upon first hand observation, the agreement was universal that
indeed Physical
World was the most attractive maiden in the universe and that Sir
Isaac's record
of her features had been amazingly accurate. All congratulated Sir Isaac on the
integrity of his observations and discovery; and for -the first time everyone
in the community held the same opinion concerning the same thing.
This utopian scientific peace did not endure forever, however, for
soon arose as to the actual dimensions of her features since each man
himself to be her perfect suitor, and her to be the perfect size to
be his mistress.
Then, just as the controversy began to erupt, a serendipitous bolt of
memory struck
the minds of all involved and they rushed off to Physical World's
home armed with
measuring tapes and bathroom scales.
It was not long after this, when the entire population of the town had become
well versed in and
thoroughly convinced of the validity of the Inspectional Method, that another
fair maiden by the name of Human Behavior chanced to pass through the field of
vision of the now well trained receptors of Sir Isaac Coodeyes.
Although he could
not put his finger on the reason, Sir Isaac found her exceptionally intriguing.
So he whipped out his measuring tape and collapsible bathroom scale,
inquired if she would mind participating in a scientific survey, and,
having made
his initial observations, rushed off with his data to the Pub.
The Pub had since been expanded to an extensive
laboratory, and the bar had been replaced by a snack
shoppe equipped with frozen wienerschintzel vending machines, microwave ovens,
and distilled water OnTap. It was to this environment with its
admirable concern
for accuracy, efficiency, and purity, that Gnodeyes brought the data collected
in his intriguing observation. No one else at the Pub, however, found the data
to he very intriguing. In fact, at first perusal they considered it a
quite mundane
set of results. The statistical analysis found no significant
difference between
human Behavior and the general population, and Gnndeyes was dismissed
as growing
somewhat myopic with age.
Apparently Human Behavior was making the rounds that day or there were several
women all with the same name in town, because men were coming into the Pub all
afternoon with their measurements of a most unusual female. Some exclaimed that
her beauty far surpassed that of Physical World while others found her ugliness
so repulsive that they could hardly remain with her long enough to
make the measurements.
The most puzzling thing of all, however, was that what each man said
did not always
match up with his measurements of her and the data themselves tended to change
with the area of the city in which they were obtained.
Now, that was an intriguing problem. So they sent out a group of
random samplers
to extract Human Behavior from wherever she happened to be and hire
her as a research
Having captured her in body, they proceeded to weigh and measure
everything about
her of which they could, morally or immorally, get a quantitative description.
Much to their dismay, they found that every time they moved from one thing to
another, the previous one changed. She was as pliable as water. Every time the
situation changed, she varied her appearance. And even when the
surroundings remained
the same she fluctuated slightly from moment to moment.
Frustrated and hamstrung by their inability to make exact
measurements, they discovered
that infamous stifler of variance, the average. They went virtually crazy with
enthusiasm, cutting her capriciousness to shreds and putting in its
vacant position
a record of apparent peace and stability.
Their next move was to introduce facsimiles of all kinds of things in the real
world to see how much effect the real things had on her. This was all
done under
the careful control of the laboratory setting, and she encountered
each facsimile
many different times so that they could get a real Liberty Bell distribution.
They proceeded to average her variations, and average
the variations of her averages until they knew, beyond a shadow of a
doubt, precisely
where she might possibly be.
They now knew the relative importance of everything that could possibly impinge
upon her existence. So they calculated how she would change if they
took her outside,
got their answer, took her outside, and lo and behold she wasn't anything like
that. Everything together wasn't at all like everything alone; and
the real things
weren't anything like the facsimiles.
Well, some said that what they needed was a theory; and others called for more
control; still others said they needed a more realistic situation. The solution
was not at all clear from their observations. And so, a great debate
began, with
a fervor the likes of which had not been seen since the pre-Goodeyesian
days. All the apparatus in the Pub was removed so all could join, and someone
called for beer to drench the shout-parched throats.
Sir Isaac had been observing the course of events from the shadows and making
no small use of the power of his good eyes. Seeing that Human Behavior had been
forgotten by the crowd in its preoccupation with the controversy, he made his
way to her unobserved arid knowing exactly how she would respond, took her hand
and led her away.
As they passed through the deserted streets and out across the
countryside leaving
the town behind, she turned to him and asked, "What were they seeing when
they looked at me so closely?"
"That you were alive."