in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Response on Body and Soul
Johannes G. Vos
Professor of Biblical Literature
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
From: JASA 25 (September 1973): 128.
After reading the article on The Concept of the Soul in Psychology and Religion
by J. K. Howard (Journal ASA 24, 147 ( 1972) ) I find myself enthused
and battled
by his brief treatment of the intermediate state between death and
the resurrection.
The unqualified statement that 'any future state must be peopled by real beings
and out incorporeal spirits' is also confusing. Certainly God is an incorporeal
spirit-is lie therefore not a real being? The angels are pure spirits-are they
not real? (John 4:24; Hebrews 1:7, 14).
The emphasis on the reality and importance of the bodily resurrection
as the true
and ultimate fulfilment of human destiny is surely Biblically sound. But what
does the author of the article make of such Scripture texts as
Hebrews 12:23 ("the
spirits of just men made perfect"), Luke 23:43, ("Today shalt thou be
with me in paradise"), II Cor. 5:8, ("willing
to be absent from the body, and to he present with the Lord"). ..?
Attempts such as those of author Howard to eliminate the concept of "the
soul" and even the term "soul" from Christian vocabulary need to
he carefully guarded lest they seem to support the materialism which
is so widespread
today. I am sure that Howard does not believe that bodily death is the end of
a human life, lie seems to prefer to speak of "the preservation
of personality"
rather than using the common expression "the immortality of the
It may be another way of saying the same thing, but I find it vague and likely
to he misleading.