in Christian Perspective
Rudolph P. Blaum
From: JASA 25 (June 1973): 78.
I don't know which I found more
shocking: editorial support for a Communist takeover of our country-in a
Christian publication (Journal ASA 24, 89 1972), or the lack of logic
used in rendering such support-in a scientific publication.
Because Jesus Christ did not direct Christians to use physical force in
defending their liberty we cannot deduce that He thereby prohibits such action.
Knowing the evil that can stem from a love of money and material things, He
advised the rich man to sell all that he had and to give it to the poor.
Christ said that "There will be wars and rumors of wars." However, He
did not direct the Centurion to lay down his sword.
When presented with what appeared to he a conflict between loyalty to God and
loyalty to Government He did say "Give unto God that which is Cod's and to
Caesar, that which is Caesar's."
Rudolph P. Blaum 88-33 75th Are. Glendale, N. Y. 11227
(Editor replies: Readers who may have missed this editorial
should dig it out before concluding that it did indeed give "support for a
Communist take over." Others may wish to see a somewhat extended version
published in The Church Herald, p. 4, October 13, 1972.)