in Christian Perspective
Division of Science and Mathematics
North Park College, Chicago, Illinois
From: JASA 25 (March 1973): 1-4.
Prepared for presentation at the 26th Annual Conference of the
American Scientific
Affiliation at Spokane, Washington, August 17-20, 1971.
"We do not believe that the ecologist has anything really new to say. His task, rather, is to inculcate into the government and the people basic ecological attitudes. The population must come, and very soon, to appreciate certain basic notions, For example: a finite world cannot support or withstand a continually expanding population and technology; there are limits to the capacity of environmental sinks; ecosystems are sets of interacting entities and there is no "treatment" which does not have "side effects" (e.g., the Aswan Dam); we cannot continually simplify systems and expect them to remain stable, and once they do become unstable there is a tendency for instability to increase with time. Each child should grow up knowing and understanding his place in the environment and the possible consequences of his interaction with it."
This quote places in a different perspective the current topic of
general conversation
relating to the environment and the broader science of ecology. If
the ecologist
has nothing new to say, what about the Christian and his responsibility to his
fellowmen? Basically, this paper reiterates an old concept in
Christianity, namely
"am I my brother's keeper"? (Genesis 4:9).
It is the awareness of the individual, and especially of those individuals of
the Christian persuasion, to the broader aspects of human behavior, which will
bring some semblance of order and progress out of the highly charged
and emotional
reaction currently expressed over environmental concerns.
A brief examination of the major terms of this paper is in order, if
not necessarily
for agreement on the definition of the terms, at least for a point of reference
for thought and discussion. First of all, who or what is a Christian?
A cardinal
rule in linguistic studies of the meaning of words refers to their original use
in the
The responsibility of the Christian to his environment is no more nor less than that of any knowledgeable and concerned individual.
setting in which the word was formulated. In this case, the first use
of the word
"Christian" refers to the group of disciples at Antioch who
were voluntarily
together following a year of teaching by the missionaries, Paul and Silas (Acts
11:26). The important point to note is that this term aptly described a group
of people of common belief, action and goals. In essence a Christian
is an individual
who has been taught about Jesus Christ as the Messiah or Savior of mankind and
has knowledgeably and willingly accepted this teaching for himself.
He has become
committed to a thought and belief process which transcends the
physical boundaries
of life. The term Christian should then be used in its pristine
meaning to describe
a personal relationship between an individual and Jesus Christ. However, it has
been given a broader application to describe some more or less
nebulous parameters
of action, thought or life style. Thus, it is fraught with misconceptions and
misunderstandings and the definitiveness of the word in application
has been diluted.
"Christian" is now more or less syn000mous with western
culture or some
specific branch of religious activity or thought, i.e., the many diverse groups
of Protestantism, Catholicism or the Coptic churches. In addition,
groups of people
have appropriated (or misappropriated) some aspect of Biblical instruction and
formulated small and less defined groups or communes apart from the
more formally
organized congregations or organizations.
The word "Christian" describes a relationship to Jesus
Christ; any other
use is a subversion of the term even though it is commonly accepted
and can communicate
a thought or idea. It is the ascription of attributes of particular individual
desire to the Christian that causes difficulty in society.
Christianity is often
blamed for human action where it is not warranted. Under the guise of
many causes of human activity have been promoted or perverted to
individual desires
and individual gain.
Much of what has previously been noted with respect to Christianity
has a parallel
with the understanding of ecology or the environment. An ecological
system concerns
the interaction of all living species of organisms with each other within the
specific geographic niche or location where they are located. The human being
is an integral part of this system and is not above nor divorced from it. The
human, however, often has a disproportionate influence on the environment and
other species present. Given enough time, an ecological stabilization
occurs depending
upon specific environmental parameters of temperature, moisture, soil type and
many other factors.
The basic plant life under the stabilized condition is termed the
climax vegetation,
which supports a varying combination of animal forms. The animal life present
also varies according to the relative number of prey and predators,
but exhibits
some degree of stabilization with slight oscillations.
When man enters the picture, however, this condition may change rapidly. Many
reasons have been given for the rise and fall of civilizations. Most of these
civilizations exhibited a rapid deterioration, often completely disintegrating
within a generation or two. Whatever the reason for the decline, one factor is
generally present: a failure of the civilization to maintain an environmental
balance. The factors often cited include failure of a proper
provision for food,
water, or waste product disposal. These failures were often parallel
with a breakdown
in societal relations, moral, spiritual and personal.
Christians have often been concerned with the aberrant social and
moral patterns
of the populace, but have generally overlooked other facets of the
social organizations.
Thus, many Christians have a simplistic answer to all the vagaries present in
human activity, chiefly a moral judgment. It is my contention that citizens in
general bring a similar attitude to most of our problems, particularly to the
recent concern for the environment.
If we can accept that man individually and collectively is basically
for his actions relative to his environment, then it becomes apparent
that there
should be no difference in perspective between the Christian and the
It is a matter of good stewardship and economics to utilize to the
fullest extent
all the raw products which are needed to provide the material for civilization.
The idea of the "single use" or disposable concept needs to
be transformed
to a multiuse or recycling concept for all materials. Under this
concept, garbage
and waste products are elevated to the status of a resource
improperly utilized.
Unfortunately, current economics are such that it is more profitable to acquire
new raw materials rather than to recycle used materials.
If the Christian accepts the idea that to "subdue the earth" does not
mean "to exploit the earth", but to manage the finite
resources available
for the greatest human benefits possible, then we have the
potentiality of fulfilling
another basic Christian tenet of being our brother's keeper and a good neighbor
to all. Therefore, it is suggested that the responsibility of the Christian to
his environment per se is no more nor less than that of any knowledgeable and
concerned individual.
A concerned and committed Christian will he alert and aware of
environmental deterioration
and will do his part to maintain the environment in a suitable
condition for the
welfare of all men. The past emphasis upon medical missions,
sanitation, and improved
agricultural practices leading to higher standards has shown an
underlying desire
for a better relationship between man and his environment, even
though this relationship
was not fully recognized at that moment.
Thus, the Christian should be alert to the total environmental picture and to
preserve its integrity to the fullest extent for future generations.
God has given
us a unique planet and we should work in harmony with the principles
of utilization
of our resources without deterioration for the total betterment of all mankind,
This is our individual and collective responsibility.
1William Murdoch and Joseph Connell, All About Ecology, p. 37. Omega, by Paul
K. Anderson, Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, 1971.