in Christian Perspective
Letter to the editor
Request for Technical Books and Journals
P. B. Childs
Department of Chemistry
Makerere University
P.O. Box
16020 Kampala,
From: JASA 24 (March 1972): 39.
May I congratulate you on the quality of the Journal ASA, I feel it is really
getting to grips with the problems and providing a real forum for discussion.
Could I ask for an article sometime discussing the evidence for an
object on the
top of Mount Ararat? It is a subject of interest to all Christians and I myself
would like an objective appraisal of the evidence.
My main reason for writing is to ask you whether you could put an appeal in the
Journal ASA for technical books and journals for our Department here.
I am teaching
Chemistry at Makerere and one of my main reasons for coming was that
I felt God
wanted me to teach in Africa. Since I have been here I have been
trying to improve
our Departmental Library and bring it up to date. Our own funds for
this are limited
and I have been trying to get donations of materials from various sources.
I wonder if you could circulate this appeal to your members and readers, since
this is a practical way of helping a developing country. I am mainly interested
in recent chemistry textbooks (or related disciplines such as Materials Science
or Chemical Physics or Solid State) or monographs-these should be sent direct
to me at the above address. We would also like back copies of journals which we
do not have, if anyone would like to get rid of any: in particular J. American
Ceramic Society, I. Electrochemical Society, Inorganic Chemistry, J.
Physics and
Chemistry of Solids etc. Anyone wishing to donate journals should
contact me first
to see whether we need what is offered-this is because postage on journals is
so expensive that it is not worth sending them unless we need them. I'm afraid
that we cannot pay postage costs, but if books or journals are sent by surface
book post this shouldn't he too much. Books in physics or biological sciences
would also be acceptable, and I would donate them to other
Departments concerned.