in Christian Perspective
John Brown University
Siloam Springs, Arkansas 72761
From: JASA 24 (December 1972): 129-130.
Today nine out of ten of the scientists who have ever lived are
living.1 Psychologists
make up part of this pool of scientists. Of 300,000 scientists
registered in 1968
by National Science Foundation, 23,077 were psychologists.2 The
American Psychological
Association, founded in 1892, has about 30,000 members today.
Each year approximately 25,000 bachelor's, 5,000 master's, and 2,000
are awarded in psychology.3 With this generous supply of psychologists from the
colleges and universities of the country, it might seem that a job shortage is
imminent. However, as these totals show, most of those who major in psychology
on the undergraduate level do not go on to become professional psychologists.
One study revealed that only 9% of those who major in psychology at
the undergraduate
level become psychologists, Of these, 62% said they would major in psychology
if they had to choose a major field again.4
For those who enter professional psychology in the seventies, the
employment prospect
looks good. Recently there has been an increase in unemployment in some fields
of science, especially physics and chemistry.5 However, psychology
remains a field
in which there are more jobs available than there are prospective employees and
this situation should continue in some psychological fields.
In 1963 the American Psychological Association estimated that there were three
jobs available across all fields of psychology for every qualified psychologist
and indicated that the future was bright.6 In 1970 the American Psychological
Association confidently predicted developments which would result in "more
numerous and more diversified careers in psychology
than presently exist....7 This is in keeping with recent
government and private studies which predict that psychology is one of the most
promising occupations for the seventies.8 The financial gains
are attractive.
Psychologists in 1968 had a median salary of $13,200 which was higher than the
median for anthropologists, political scientists, sociologists,
biologists, agriculturalists,
or mathematicians.9
With job openings scarce in some scientific areas, the employment prospect in psychology is a propitious one for the Christian.
In the seventies some fields of psychology hold more promise than
others for growth.
Today most psychologists are connected with colleges and universities
with smaller numbers employed in schools (12%), clinics, hospitals and medical
schools (11%), government (8%) and industry (6%).10 Of all
psychological areas,
the field of mental health is the fastest growing. For instance,
community psychology
is rising to provide mental health care in an economic and accessible
way. Community
mental health offers a wide range of services and involves
restructuring traditional
clinical practice.11
Just how many Christians are employed in professional psychology is
unknown. That
there are some can be attested by the existence of the Christian
Association for
Psychological Studies which in 1970 had 374 members. This represents a sizable
increase over the 161 members listed in 1965.12
With job openings scarce in some scientific areas, the employment prospect in
psychology is a propitious one for the Christian. There is a
continuing need for
highly trained personnel in Christian education. For instance, on the college
level, qualified instructors are needed. A check of the catalogs of
five well-known
Christian colleges indicates that only about one in three psychology teachers
holds an earned doctorate and the doctorate is not always in psychology.13
Of course, a Christian can work in the field of psychology without a doctorate.
While 60% of all psychologists associated with the American
Psychological Association
hold doctorates,14 those who do not are increasingly in demand to
meet the educational
and health needs of society.
In the area of counseling, Christian organizations are in need of
with academic and theological preparation. Christian schools are becoming more
aware that the Christian student is not exempt from the stress which
often results
in emotional imbalance and consequent need for professional help. The Christian
psychologist can exert a powerful influence for good in meeting the
needs of students,
missionaries, ministers, and other Christians.
In addition to helping believers, the Christian psychologist may direct his efforts toward the needs represented by the
750,000 patients
in mental institutions and the 40,000 persons who lose their lives each year by
suicide or murder.'-' Behind these human tragedies are poorly adjusted people
in need not only of psychological therapy but also of Christian
empathy and succor.
The purpose of the American Psychological Associa
tion is a noble one: "to advance psychology as a science and as a means of
promoting human welfare." The Christian psychologist in the seventies can
have the satisfaction of knowing that his influence is helping give psychology
a biblical orientation as it seeks to achieve its goal.
1Wertheimer, Michael. Confrontation. Glenview, Illinois: Scott,
Foresman, 1970, p. 1.
2Summary of American Science Manpower, 1968," National Register of
Scientific and Technical Personnel, National
Science Foundation.
3A Career in Psychology, American Psychological Association,
1970, P. 13.
4Barnette, W. "Feedback from Bachelor of Arts Psychology Graduates,"
American Psychologist, 1961, 16: 184-188.
5Job Prospects:
Science Graduates
Face Worst Year in Two
Decades," Science, May 21, 1971, p. 823.
A Career in Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1963, p.
23. "The
demand for qualified psychologists in all specialized areas outstrips
the supply
at about a three to one ratio." Whittaker, James 0. Introduction
to Psychology.
Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1970, p. 646.
7A Career in Psychology, 1970, op.
cit., p. 12. Each month the A.P.A. Employment Bulletin lists many job
8"Jobs for Tomorrow," Time, February 15, 1971, p. 70.
9 Summary of American Science Manpower," op. cit.
10A Career in Psychology, 1970, op cit., p. 11.
11Gendlin, E. T. "Psychotherapy and Community Psychology,"
Research and Practice, 1968, 5 (2), 67-72.
12Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Convention, Christian
Association for Psychological Studies, p. 80.
13Based on catalogs of Azusa Pacific, Grace, Taylor, Ten
nessee Temple, and Wheatnn.
14A Career in Psychology, 1963, op. cit., p. 15.
15Keezer, William S. Mental Health and Human Behavior,
Dubuque, Iowa: W. C. Brown, 1971, p. 136.