in Christian Perspective
Professional Responsibility and Social Issues
Geneva College Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania 15010
From: JASA 23 (June 1971): 62-64.
In dealing with the problem of social issues and their impact upon society, we
have a responsibility as citizens, Christians and professional scientists. The
exercising of this responsibility will depend upon the particular role in which
we find ourselves at the time. While the responsibility which we have
as Christians
and citizens may be shared with many others with diverse backgrounds,
responsibility is limited to a specific community and involves a unique, subtle
relationship with the rest of society.
For these reasons, a professional cannot refer clearly to traditional patterns
of behavior in making decisions which he faces in his daily life. The scientist
who is involved in military research is both rewarded by his peers for his work
and criticized by his pacifist son at the same time. As a Christian, he might
regret the fact that his knowledge is being used for military purposes, but as
a citizen he recognizes that he might have a contribution to make for
his country.
Thus, he is torn among the various options open to him.
The Question of Legitimacy
Fundamentally, the problem centers on the question of legitimacy.1
The determination
of what constitutes a legitimate decision in any professional
undertaking is largely
in the hands of a professional complex.2 In order to structure decision-making,
the complex establishes a system of norms which the professional
learns to accept
in his training. These norms have far-reaching effects, not only on
the professional
himself, but also on the value systems of society.
For one thing, basic moral questions are implied in these normative
systems. The
question of the maintenance of life has become one of the more incisive issues
in this sphere. Indeed, the fact that segments of the medical profession have
misgivings about the norm of using extreme artificial means to
sustain a person's
life suggests that a profession is severely limited in its ability to
make final
and appropriate moral judgments. Thus, the fact of mushrooming
technological change
suggests that normative systems advocated by a profession can no
longer be taken
for granted. As technology produces strain on these systems, responsibility for
dealing with moral questions must be placed somewhere.
Within a professional normative system are found some of the expectations which
help to produce a relationship between the layman and the professional which is
unique. Unlike the relations one finds in the world of business, the
does not relate to his client on purely economic terms. The professional is characterized as one
who has expertise which is needed by the layman. The client is vulnerable and
needs to put complete trust in the judgment of the professional. He must assume
that a professional decision is the best one which could be made and that it is
in his best interests. It is this exclusive right of the professional
to exercise
his judgment which is a critical element in the role of the professional.
The professional finds himself with dual responsibility: a technical responsibility and a social responsibility.
A Dual Responsibility
As a result, the professional finds himself with a dual responsibility. In his
relationship with the layman, he has a technical responsibility which is based
on his specialized knowledge. There are, nevertheless, social consequences. The
lawyer who pleads an important case to obtain a favorable verdict for
his client
may lay the foundation for significant changes in the law. The
decision by a doctor
to use a drug in an unorthodox fashion for the purpose of saving a
life may result
in the eradication of a dangerous disease and the extension of the life span of
the populace. Indirectly, then, the professional has a social responsibility,
since his decisions affect the moral bases of society in the determination of
what should be defined as good or valuable.
The individual is not left completely alone to make these decisions by himself.
The profession recognizes the risk involved in abrogating
responsibility in such
matters. It cannot afford to jeopardize the public image of the profession by
allowing an irresponsible act by one of its members to go unnoticed. Instead,
each profession controls its members and their decision making processes through
a system of rewards and punishments. Scientists are rewarded with
prizes and grants.
Teachers who do not fulfill the minimum requirements for certification may be
denied some perquisite. Ultimately, the profession establishes values
for society
and provides for the formation of a normative system which extends to the level
of the layman. In the process, the definition of what constitutes
legitimate decision-making
is decided as well.
The influence of the professions in the formation
of the society's system of values has been heightened by the respect granted to
them by the layman. Public awe over the accomplishments of science is a rather
obvious example. The feverish efforts of pseudo-professional groups
such as engineers
and morticians to establish an image of professionalism is another.
In any case,
the layman has relinquished much of his perspective on such matters
and has accepted
the leadership offered by the professions. Quite likely, it is the traditional
confidence placed in the professional by the client which is at the root of the
matter. The question now is whether this confidence which is placed
in the professional
organization by the public is well founded.
Elements of Strain
It becomes apparent, then, that significant elements of strain are to be found
in the relationship of professions with the public. For one thing,
technical questions
have become separated from social and moral questions. Doctors may experiment
with life-saving techniques because of the challenge of the technical question
and not necessarily with regard for the meaning of human life.
Professional techniques
acquire their own ends and are not seen as means to some social or moral end.
Further, the structure of a professional clientele has been greatly
altered. The
trend has been for the individual client to be replaced by the
organization, largely
because the services of a professional become too costly. This is particularly
true for science which serves the interests of complex business and
enterprises. In this case, social and moral consequences of immediate technical
actions are, at best, quite obscure. Indeed, too often the
professional is unable
to perceive an apparent end for the technical means he has employed to attain
an immediate objective.
One can explain this separation of technical means from social and moral ends
by attributing it to the secularization of professions.3 This process develops
with an extensive and complicated social change which has its origins
in a unified
environment. From the earliest times, the professional was in harmony with this
environment until the development of secularizing trends. One need not take too
much of a backward glance at medicine, for example, to find a time when general
practitioners dominated the field. Generally speaking, the doctor was
less specialized
and more totally involved with his patient than he is today. Tracing
the development
of medicine from an even earlier period, one notes the broader involvement of
the doctor in the affairs of the community. This process was merely a
of the earlier religious-medical unity of the doctor's role in society. Ultimately,
one finds the religious basis of the medical profession as
fundamental. As a result
of social change, which produced a need for greater expertise, secularization
developed and weakened the religious and unifying relationship of the
doctor with
his patient and society.
It would he naive to assume that one could correct the problems one finds as a
result of weak professional responsibility by a return to a professional role
which is less specialized. While it would be proper to suggest that
organizations, as well as individuals, must be sensitive to the problems they
create and attempt to prevent them, it must be recognized that their means for
dealing with these problems are limited. An historic analysis of the
Two major areas of concern are unique to the Christian: professional stewardship of gifts, and stewardship of the created world.
professions would probably show that the demand for expert services comes from
the public. Even though professional organizations have made a
significant contribution
to the secularization of professions, in the final analysis, the bulk
of the responsibility
should probably be borne by the public.
Determining Responsibility
Once again, the delicate and unstable relationship which exists
between the layman
and the professional can be seen. Now, however, it is not a question
of confidence
in professional competence but a matter of determining responsibility in social
matters. There is no question but that the professional must continue
to exercise
control over technical questions relevant to the profession.
Increasingly, however,
it will be necessary for the public to have a stronger voice in the
of normative and moral positions on social questions, due to the
limited influence
of the profession in dealing with such matters. Not only must the traditional
professional-layman relationship be maintained, but it must be expanded in some
fashion to allow it to deal effectively with the social consequences
of professionalized
action. This can not be accomplished, however, while it remains
unrecognized that
professionals do make a definite contribution to the development of
social issues.
The Christian Professional
For the Christian, the problems are even greater. There are two major areas of
concern which are unique to the Christian professional. One is in the matter of
proper stewardship of gifts which he has, and the other is concerned with the
stewardship of the created world. In his work, the Christian professional must
exercise care that he faithfully responds to the "call" to
use his gifts.
Too often, professional demands imposed upon him will result in a movement away
from his call. Further, he must recognize his responsibility in caring for the
earth and its contents in a fashion which is consistent with God's
provision that
the earth should be replenished. This close relationship of man with the earth
is no longer clearly recognized by secularized professions which
ignore the fundamental
unity of the world and its parts.
It is critical, then, that the Christian professional understand that many of
his decisions are influenced by a secularized profession. He cannot assume that
absence from the world of business with its connotations of avarice
and irresponsibility
produces an inherent tendency toward the performance of important and
moral services
in the professions. Nor can it be assumed that the public can provide a check
on professions which is acceptable to the Christian. It is clearly
apparent that
normative systems which may be acceptable to society as legitimate may not be
defined in this way by the Christian.
In the final analysis, one can readily discern the strain which
exists among the
professions, the public and the Christian professional. Finding himself in the
middle, the Christian has a unique opportunity and responsibility to
locate those
values which are common
to all three systems. Such values undoubtedly exist at the root of
many professions
but have been obfuscated by the process of social change. Extension
of these values
will produce tension as the normative systems of these three groups come into
conflict. It is at this point that the Christian needs to understand the moral
and normative positions which should be asserted. Ideally, these will be traced
from the creative act of God which provides us with the clearest understanding
of the relationship of man with the social and physical environments. Since the
professions do not have the perspective to deal with the problem and the public
has been traditionally submissive to the professions, leadership can be assumed
most readily by the Christian professional. Lacking such leadership,
the uneasy
liaison which exists between professionals and the
public will remain and social issues will probably not
be dealt with effectively.
1Support for some of these comments comes from an article by Talent
Parsons, "Research
with Human Subjects and the 'Professional Complex'", Daedalus 98 (Spring,
1969) pp. 325-360.
2The definition of a professional complex offered by Parsons is "a complex
of occupational groups which performs
specialized functions for laymen p. 331.
3By the secularization of professions, I mean the development of specialization
in a profession which has resulted from the need to deal with the increase in
knowledge. A consequence of this specialization is the separation of
the technical
aspects of knowledge from their moral and religious bases.