in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Very Few Are Doing God's Work
John Dare-Evangelist
10, Maiganda Deva Mudoliar Road
Fraser Town Rangalore 5
South India
From: JASA (June 1971): 78.
(This letter was written to the Editor, not directly in response to a journal
publication, but with a message thought to be of general concern to
journal readers.)
"To torn one's back on this responsibility with the ex hortation to leave it in the hands of God while doing
nothing, is to abdicate man's God-given role as caretaker of His creation."
This letter comes to you from the other end of the world. The above statement
of yours appearing in the Eternity magazine issue of Sept. 1970. It is a piece
of literature on present-day Christianity. The world is running a mad race to
destruction only. Everybody is turning one's back on his
responsibility of serving
God. They serve Mammon only.
Let me introduce myself to you. I am a Native of this place doing evangelistic
work amongst the Hindus, Muslims and Communists of Southern India. You might he
knowing about this country. Millions and millions of poor people are dying of
starvation. The population of this country is 550 million. And out of this only
5 million are Protestant Christians. Out of this 5 million we cannot count even
a couple of hundred as born-again Christians. Very few people are doing God's
work. We have no churches nor Pastors in rural areas. We have no
proper transport
to reach the rural villages. We walk the distance. In certain places we cannot
get even drinking water. If you wish I can send you pictures to show
the situation
here. Gospel message has not even reached to many unsaved. Millions are dying
without hearing the Good News of Jesus Saves.
At this grave hour your country's leader one Dr. Carl Mclntire is
taking a Victory
march spending several millions of dollars. He is asking youngsters
to buy Victory
sweat-shirts. Is this the way to propagate the Gospel of Christ? No concern for
the people in the underdeveloped areas to tell about Christ.
Certainly he is turning
his back to us.
I read many people in America are sending money to "Conscience
Money Account"
in the U.S. Treasury. They realize their faults.
May God use this nice article of yours to turn unto the Lord. Pray
for this poor
country and the work we do to brings souls to Christ.
I am interested in your Journal ASA. May I have a copy for my edification and
pass on the message contained therein to the unsaved here?
I learned English under British Missionary when the British ruled us. Excuse me
if you find mistakes.
Crave your prayers and blessings.