in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Journal Is "Too Good"
William F. Campbell
Rue Tho Zeidoune
Sufi, Morocco
From: JASA 23 (June 1971): 76
I find the journal too good nowadays. I feel like a caged lion.
Practically every
article makes me want to respond or have a three day discussion on
the problem.
From the firing line as a practicing physician trying to use every opportunity
to influence men's beviour for Christ, I would like to add this experience to
the articles by Collins and Moberg (Journal ASA 22, 8 and 14 (1970) ). I used
to feel that it would not he fair to talk to a very sick
non-Christian about the
Lord; it would be taking advantage of him. Then I read The Battle of the Mind
by William Sargeant. He goes more fully into Pavlov's work and speaks
of the experiments
where Pavlov made the dogs sick or injured them, at which point he
could usually
get even the most resistant to change its behaviour. Further, he often found it
impossible to change it hack in these eases.
Since reading this book, I have been very open to any leading of the Spirit in
speaking with a very sick person. I certainly do not think that we should make
people sick, but God knows his own creature. If God makes (lets) a man become
sick, I think we should be conscious that it could be a tremendous opportunity
and responsibility to present Christ lovingly and positively.
I have seen this happen with one patient whom we were able to retrieve from a
very debilitating disease. I have never seen a person so joyful after
This happened before I read the book. The second case was a man to whom I had
been able to present the Gospel about once a year over a period of
three or four
years when his Christian wife would succeed in bringing him to our house for a
meal. He always laughed at her afterward. One day he suddenly started caughing
up blood. I could find nothing wrong on repeated exams and sent him
to the local
TB clinic. Their exam was also negative. Meanwhile I paid him two social visits
about 15 days apart. I spoke to him about the Gospel each time and he seemed to
be taking it in like a sponge. The second time I asked him whether he wanted to
accept Christ, but warned him not to do it to please me. He said, "And why
not" and prayed after me in front of his children who snickered at him. We
prayed too of course, that he would get well. Immediately after this
the bleeding
stopped. (Medically, it seems to me to be a case of Divine Illness rather than
Divine Healing) Though he can't read, he has remained firm in spite
of the opposition
of his Muslim friends.
In closing I would like to add that I don't think it is fair for
Collins to abdicate
with "Whether they (techniques of behaviour manipulation) can or should be
used as a vehicle through which the Holy Spirit works, is a question
which I leave
for some theologian or Bible Scholar to answer." He teaches in a
and presumably gives his opinions to his students daily. Further I'll bet he is
a very good Bible Scholar, especially in any verses that could bear
on psychology.
Let's have an applied article from both Collins and Moberg giving examples of
what is good and what isn't and why. They are the specialists. If they can help
us get more folk out of the first two kinds of soil and into the
"good ground"
class, I'm all for it.