in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Transitional Fossils Well Known
Roger J. Cuffey
Dept. of Geology & Geophysics
The Pennsylvania
Store University
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
From: JASA 23 (March 1971): 38.
In my opinion, John N. Moore's article (Journal ASA
22, 82 (1970) )
is based upon
a number of errors, chief of which is his assertion (p. 84) that transitional
fossils do not exist and that therefore scientific opposition to
organic evolution
is reasonable and justifiable. Unfortunately for his (and many
similar evangelicals')
arguments, many transitional fossils do exist and are well-known to
For example, on high taxonomic levels, numerous forms exist which collectively
bridge completely the present-day gaps between amphibians and
reptiles, and between
reptiles and mammals. Similarly, on low taxonomic levels, many series are known
in which morphologically transitional fossils are found as
chronological intermediates
between earlier primitive species and later advanced species. Such series are
known (and published in the paleontologie literature) among late
Paleozoic bryozoans
from the U.S., mid-Paleozoic brachiopods from the U.S. and Europe,
Cenozoic mollusks
from the U.S. Gulf Coast, and Cenozoic foraminiferans from the
southwest Pacific,
to cite only a few.
It is time for evangelical scientists to stop wasting time fooling themselves
that evolution did not happen. We should he dealing instead with
determining the
implications for our outlook posed by the apparent use of evolution
as God's means
of creation, and with repairing the damage done to evangelical non-scientists'
outlook by our collective refusal to take seriously the well-founded
of paleontology, geology, and biology.