in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Print December 1969 Issue as Monograph
Virginia Johnson
16 W. Acker St.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55117
From: JASA 22 (September 1970): 119.
I am an adult student at the University of Minnesota. If more copies
of the December
Symposium (Journal ASA 21, No. 4, December 1969) are available, I would like to
have some. This issue is the closest any organization has arrived at a direct,
concise statement of Christian ideology.
The ASA, along with Drs. Ramm, Bass and V. Elving Anderson, have
helped me considerably
with a serious deistic liberal-fundamental conflict. Dr. Anderson recommended
Dr. William Pollard's Chance and Providence. Dr. Hatfield's ASA
article, "Probability
and Providence" (Journal ASA 17, 16 (1965) ), led to my reading
of Pollard's
book which helped bridge a materialism-faith gap.
Because of the severe conflict imposed on me by transitional
Methodism, dogmatic,
forced fundamentalism and controversial liberalism, I have suffered deeply from
religious confusion. I have finally arrived at intellectually honest Christian
faith. The Self-revealing God, to me, is more the tolerant
understanding Scientist-Father
than the dogmatic, vindictive judge of fundamentalism.
My detached experience as a commuting student impresses me that Intervarsity,
Campus Crusade and other Christian organizations cannot accommodate commuting
student needs. Their approach is too simplistic-too Christ-oriented to meet the
more sophisticated studentprofessional needs. The foreign studenta
separate mission
opportunity, is a peculiar problem. A recent Minnesota Daily article
by an African
revealed the defense psychology of foreign students. It could be discussed in
the Journal.
I have a few ASA monographs, one of them, "The Eye as an Optical
Monographs dealing with basic Christian issues such as "The Relationship
Between the Bible and Science" could serve as inexpensive,
immediately available
reference material. Monographs for hand-out would be printed on less expensive
paper than the Journal-could be issued in a catalog available on request. Mass
production would allow more non-member contact-and up-dating revision to keep
abreast of science.
An earlier imperssion that the ASA is a mutual inter-member admiration medium
has been revised. The interchange of science-theology views maintains
proper Christian
humility. Fundamentalists claim or imply intellectual pride among scientists,
even among Christian scientists. I believe that the ASA, with more lay contact,
can correct this error and prevent conflict in less informed students
and laity.
The ASA contact should he broadened to a lay level. The ASA could
serve the Intervarsity
and other Christian groups with the more sophisticated contact they need.