in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Mr. Harold Hill and Joshua's Long Day
Marion Doble Djojapura,
West Irian,
From: JASA 22 (September 1970): 120
Though I have no degree in science I have been an interested reader of
ASA since nearly the beginning. I would he interested to know from the informed
and responsible people of the American Scientific Affiliation whether it is an
authentic report I have read (source unknown), reported as from Mr.
Harold Hill,
President of the Curtis Engine Co., in Baltimore, Md., and a consultant in the
space program, that computer calculations to plot the positions of
the solar bodies
100 and 1000 years from now show a lost day in elapsed time, pointing
to Joshua's
long day; and that there is a discrepancy of 40 minutes shown by the computer,
which corresponds exactly to the 10 degrees of Hezekiah's time.
Could you kindly confirm whether the computer indicated such a lost
day in elapsed
time? Thank you very much for your trouble.
(Editor's Comment: The Editor wrote to Mr. Hill requesting
information about this
story, seeking authentication of its claims, and offering to publish an account
in the Journal ASA. Particular inquiry was directed to the question as to how
the computer could separate the missing day into one 23 hr 20 mm segment, and
a second 40 mm segment, when no information seemed to be available with which
to make this decision. A reply from Mr. Hill was received, dated
April 13, 1970,
in the form of a duplicated sheet sent out in answer to many
inquiries. He says,
"1 did not write this article but assume it was adapted from one
of the many
talks I have made on the subject of Science and the Bible and which is one of
my favorite subjects. Since this incident took place about two years ago I have
misplaced the source information arid so am unable to give you names and places
but will send it to you when I locate it. In the meantime I can only tell you
that had I not considered the source to be completely reliable I would not have
made use of it in the first place." To date no additional information has
been received from Mr. Hill.)