in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Reply By Yamauchi
Edwin Yamauchi
Department of History
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056
From: JASA 22 (June 1970): 77-78.
The long letter by Mr. L. Coetzee from South Africa is an interesting response,
and one that would he worth printing as it reflects the problems which .Jews,
Unitarians, and Muslims have experienced with the Trinity.
Others, including theologians who read this journal, may wish to reply in more
detail to the points made as this letter. Let me simply make the following
1) To say that "the early Christians (not only heretics) believed that
Christ was a created, high angelic person" assumes only that Mr. Coetzee
includes in his definition of "Christian" such suborthodox groups as
Arians and Ebionites.
2) Subordination of Christ to the Father has been understood by orthodox
Christians in the divine economy of the Trinity, and does not mean-as Coetxee
implies in his second paragraphthe Arian belief that Jesus was a created being.
3. The polytheistic triads of the Eastern religions, typically father, mother,
and son its their plastic
presentations, have nothing in common with the Trinity save the number three. In
his third paragraph Coetzee quotes Professor Albright's book From the Stone Age
to Christianity to illustrate such a heathen triad. That Albright himself, who
is one of the leading authorities on comparative Near Eastern religions, sees no
relationship between such heathen triads and the Trinity is quite clear from a
careful reading of his text. Later in the volume Albright says: "It should
hardly be necessary to add that the trinitarian idea of God has immeasurably
enriched the concept of monotheism, with
out in the least detracting from its unified character." (p. 394)
4) The Babylonian theology of Marduk which spoke of the other gods as
manifestations of Marduk, and the Egyptian theology of flab which did likewise
of Ptah were examples of syncretistic thought based on the political dominance
of Babylon on the one hand and of Memphis on the other hand. Neither has any
real resemblance to the Trinity.
5) The use of heathen symbols does not necessarily mean that the concepts
illustrated by such symbols are heathen. Symbols like words belong to the common
heritage of mankind. Christians in all ages have used words and symbols
previously employed by heathens, and invested them with the higher meanings
given by Cod in His revelation. The cross is found in many pagan religions, but
only in Christianity does it have the significance of Cod's loving triumph over
sin and death through Christ His Son.
6) Unfortunately for Mr. Coetzee's otherwise plausible historical argument as
for Mr. Schonfield's elaborate plot, the Christian's conviction in the deity of
Jesus and in the Trinity rests on the New Testament itself (Matthew 28:19; II
Cor. 13:14; John 15:26; I Peter 1:2) and not on heathen concepts imported into
early Christianity.