in Christian Perspective
R. L. Mixter
Professor of Zoology Wheaton College
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
From: JASA 22 (June 1970): 52-53.
The Journal has commented on the problems mentioned in A Protestant Affirmation on the Control of
Human Reproduction in several issues.
The March 1962 Journal
discussed the population
problem as it was presented at the 1961 convention at Houghton
College and agreed
in most respects with the present Affirmation. But a note of disagreement with
the use of the "command to multiply" occurred in the Dec. 1966 issue
where Ivan Howard of Asbury Seminary declared, "It is significant that the
command to populate the earth was given only twice, and each time when it was
without inhabitants." I conclude one is not now ordered by
Scripture to have
children, although I consider it a privilege to have them.
A pessimistic note is sounded on the future of the population-food problem. In
the review of William and Paul Paddock's book Famine-1975! America's Decision:
Who Will Survive? this paragraph by Wilbur Bullock is significant, "In a
carefully documented presentation, they demonstrate that the
population-food collision
is inevitable. None of the methods now in use or under consideration,
or collectively, are capable of controlling world population in the
near future.
Due to the impossibility of an immediate increase in agricultural production, in proportion to the population
increase, the
hungry nations of today will inevitably be the starving nations of
the next decade.
There is no hope to avert this disaster. Synthetic foods,
hydroponics, desalinization,
the ocean, fertilizers, plant breeding, irrigation, land reform,
government support,
private enterprise, or any "unknown" panacea cannot
possibly contribute
enough in time. Neither can the developed nations avert the disaster. Only the
United States will be able to provide any help, and our resources are totally
inadequate to feed the world of 1975."
The former book review editor, Marlin Kreider, in
reviewing J. C. Monsma's hook, Religion and Birth
Control, summed up this symposium of Protestant physicians in these
words, "The
general points of at least partial agreement among the Protestant
physicians could
be stated as follows: "Contraception control is not contrary to
the 'Natural
law'; abortion (therapeutic) is justified only if the mother's life
is threatened;
sterilization (generally of the woman) may be justified for a number of reasons
if it will contribute to the health and happiness of the family;
artificial insemination
of semen from the husband may be acceptable but there is a serious
question about
semen from other, even unidentified, males. A section on natural
childbirth presented
divergent viewpoints."
Many of you have seen the excellent issue of Christianity Today, Nov. 8, 1968,
on Contraception and Abortion. I note the differing views as to when
life begins
and consider its analysis necessary in deciding on when abortion is
This affirmation and its expansion in the volume on The Control of
Human Reproduction
from Tyndale House are commended to each thoughtful Christian who counsels on
this important matter.