in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Environmental Exploitation due to Fallen Human Nature
K. J. Touryan
Sandia Laboratories
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87115
From: JASA 22 (March 1970): 34.
I read with great interest the two articles: "Man on
a Spaceship," by W. C. Pollard, (Journal ASA 21, 34
(1969)) and "The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic
Crisis," by L. White, Jr. (Journal ASA. 21, 42 (1969))
I was surprised to note that both authors have based their chief
argument of man's
mastery over naturewith its good or bad consequences, on the Genesis injunction
"Be fruitful and multiply ... and have dominion over ... all the
apart from a second Genesis statement which follows the first
injunction and clearly
modifies the latter! In Genesis 11:4-6 God checks man's urge to
assert his independence
with an uncontrolled dominance over nature: "let us build us a
tower, whose
top may reach unto heaven ...," to which God replies: ". , . let us
go down and there confound their language . What seemed to have been
a carte blanche for man before his fall, is now checked by God. Man is not to
be entrusted with limitless power anymore. He has dethroned God from his life,
replaced it with his "self" and become potentially destructive. It is
the fallen nature of man and not the Judeo-Christian tradition that should carry the blame for the ruthless exploitation
of his environment. Apart from Christ, every human achievement has
been distorted
by his appalling spiritual mediocrity. Is it any wonder then that Christ should
introduce a completely new and far more urgent injunction in place of the old
Genesis one: "Go ye and teach all nations ... to observe all
things whatsoever
I have commanded you" (Matt, 28:19,20).
(Editor's Comment: The discussion by ASA commentators, Wayne Frair,
E. S. Feenstra
and Donald Munro, published in the same issue, make the same point as
this correspondent.)