in Christian Perspective
Current Challenges for Christian Professors
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
From: JASA 21 (September 1969): 87-88.
Many of us who hold simultaneous citizenship in the world of science,
the university
community, and the Christian church may feel that all our foundations are being
shaken at once. Strong loyalties bind us to institutions that have
been relatively
stable in the past, yet we sense that stability based on
inflexibility has little
survival value. Great wisdom is required now to know when to instigate change,
when to accept it, and when to resist it. There are times when we
disagree profoundly
on these questions, so great love is also required.
Paul wrote to Christians at Colossae: "As you live this new life, we pray
that you will be strengthened from God's boundless resources, so that you will
find yourselves able to pass through an experience and endure it with courage.
You will even be able to thank God in the midst of pain and distress
because you
are privileged to share the lot of those who are living in the light.
For we must
never forget that he rescued us from the power of darkness, and reestablished
us in the kingdom of his beloved Son, that is, in the kingdom of light."
Children of light should not be afraid of the dark, but we should learn to be
careful where we step.
The future of science seems to have dimmed noticeably. Research
budgets have been
cut both by government agencies and by industry after years of generous support
for training young scientists. Inevitably the competition stiffens
for good positions
and for grant funds. We now do our jobs amid sharp conflicts over
priorities between
research and other national needs, between different areas of science, between
"big science" and "little science," and between
project support
and institutional support for academic science.
On the university horizon dark clouds appear along with flashes of
light. At the
same time that desire for higher education has become almost
universal, the value
of much that now passes for it is gravely doubted
by many. The insistent demand is for greater efficiency to teach more knowledge
to more students, but our consciences cry out for something else as well. Views
of the primary function of a university vary from conservator of
traditional ideas
to instrument for radical social change. The noise level rises on campus, but
who is listening?
Helping conservative Christians understand science...
Blending philosophical insights of science and Christian faith...
Setting our personal priorities...
Public vs. private witness...
Social sensitivity in scientific research...
Ambition vs. humility...
Showing love through life...
In the realm of the church, too often we live in shadows cast by
venerable structures,
institutions whose upkeep drains our energies and whose design is
seldom functional
in the modern world. What shall we do? Some would be continually
remodeling, others
would bulldoze and rebuild, some simply abandon the institutions to decay.
There is clearly much to challenge us in each of these areas, and we
could easily
devote our full attention to any one of them. Let us here concentrate, however,
on what we can do that overlaps all three at once. We may not be
fully successful,
but let us
try to live one single life; if we speak three different languages, we can at
least try to say the same thing in each one. As a basis for
discussion, here are
some questions that occur to me:
1. What more can he done to help theologically conservative
Christians appreciate
the value and limitations of science? On the one hand we find science and other
forms of scholarship looked down upon, and on the other we continue
to see science
and pseudoscience used to justify questionable or erroneous interpretations of
Biblical passages. Can we counter gullibility with skepticism without appearing
to be the enemies of faith to the hyperorthodox?
2. What kinds of forum are appropriate for blending the philosophical insights
of science with those of the Christian faith? In a day when students demand a
loosening of the curriculum, wholeness and relevance in their education, are we
ready and able to provide these insights? Have we participated in experimental
or interdisciplinary courses in the regular curriculum, in "free
courses, in seminars, or in dialogues with colleagues that express
our own wholeness?
Have we done our homework well? Have we written letters or articles for campus
publications on these subjects? Do we encourage others to express their views
openly, and do we try to learn from them?
3. How do we go about setting our own priorities between, say, scholarship and
campus evangelism, or teaching and research, or speaking and writing, or time
spent with students and time spent with our own children? Should we try to he
the best in our field of study? How can we shoulder our full responsibilities
in our profession, department, university, Inter-Varsity chapter,
church, political
party, neighborhood, family, etc-and still maintain a sense of joy in whatever
we do? Is there something we can do as Christians to he creative and redemptive
within professional life, something extra that our non-Christian
colleagues won't
bother to do or wouldn't he able to do? Can we demonstrate that we know Jesus
Christ without having to advertise it?
4. Is it important to seek opportunities for public witness, or is it
more important
to spend our time quietly with individuals? If we agree that research
papers should
not reveal a personal bias, what about our lectures? What about our comments in
staff meetings, administrative committees, oral examinations? Do students and
colleagues with personal problems come
to us for encouragement and help? Do we treat our technicians as though we also
were under a Research Director, our students as though we were under
a great Teacher?
Do we know how to exercise critical judgment without withdrawing
personal support?
What do we pray for when our research paper is sent to a referee, and also when
we have a paper before us to referee? Do we have a reputation for fairness?
5. Have we really examined the value of what we are doing in research
and compared
it to what we might he doing? Are we sufficiently sensitive to human needs, or
are we having too much fun in the lab to give much thought to public problems?
What value judgments do we actually exercise in choosing the course
of our work?
Do we think about the constructive or destructive potential of what
we are doing?
Do we care enough about the effects of technology on people? On how
broad a scale
do we exercise stewardship of natural resources? Are we helping to solve urgent
ecological problems, or are we part of the problem?
6. Are we sufficiently ambitious to do good work, yet without having inflated
ideas of our own importance? Do we know how to appreciate good work
in the social
sciences, the humanities, the arts, even in the non-scholarly
pursuits of business,
politics, labor, athletics? Do we welcome insights from other fields
when we deal
with social, economic, or ethical problems arising from our own
field? If Christian
professors in American universities are predominantly in the pure or
applied sciences
(see IVCF Faculty Directory), is it time to begin counseling bright evangelical
students out of science and into fields with more critical needs?
Does this imply
that we have circumscribed the area of our witness among scholars too narrowly?
Is it time for some of us to redefine our own area of scholarship to
broaden our
contacts? Have we done all we can to cross racial barriers, sex
barriers, international
barriers within our profession?
7. Do we ourselves demonstrate a love of all science, of all
scholarship, of all
life, of all people, and of God to our students? Have we found effective ways
of transmitting that love to them, and of nurturing it in those who have come
to know God in Jesus Christ? Is our own inner peace strong enough to enable us
to live joyfully in the midst of tension? Can we ever accomplish
anything as peacemakers
without learning how to survive in a combat zone?