in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Archaeology and the Bible
Edwin M. Yamauchi
199 Berger St. Somerset, N. 1. 08873
From: JASA 21 (June 1969): 61-61
I read with interest the letter of Dr. William F. Campbell (Journal ASA 20, 122
Perhaps some of the titles are already familiar, but the following
are some (inexpensive)
works on the subject of archaeology and the Bible:
1). F. F. Bruce. The N. T. Documents: Are They
Reliable? London: Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 5th ed.
1960, 128 pp.
2). Allan A. MacRae, Biblical Archaeology. Marshallton, Del., 19808 [Box 5103]:
Natl. Foundation for Christian Education, 1967, pp. 58.
3). E. Jerry Vardaman. Archaeology and the Living Word. Nashville:
Boardman Press,
1965, 128 pp.
4). Howard F. Vos, ed. Can I Trust the Bible? Chicago: Moody Press, 1963, pb. 1968. This contains the following
chapters: 1) Cordon
H. Clark, "How May I Know the Bible Is Inspired?"; 2) Frank 0. Green,
"Can We Believe in the Miraculous?"; 3) Edson B. Peck,
"Does Science
Contradict the Bible?"; 4) B. Laird Harris, "What Books Belong in the
Canon of Scripture?"; 5) Robert D. Culver, "Were the 0. T. Prophecies
Really Prophetic?"; 6) R. Laird Harris, "How Reliable Is
the 0. T. Text?";
7) Meredith C. Kline, "Is the History of the 0. T. Accurate?"; 8) A.
Berkeley Mickelsen, "Is the Text of the N. T. Reliable?"; 9) Robert
H. Mounce, "Is the N. T. Historically Accurate?"
5). Edwin M. Yamauchi. Composition & Corroboration in Classical & Biblical
Studies. Philadelphia: Pres
byterian & Reformed Pub. Co., 1966, 38 pp.
6). In a more expensive volume are two articles on archaeology and
two on biblical
criticism. Carl F. H. Henry, ed. Revelation and the Bible.
Philadelphia: Presbyterian
& Reformed Pub. Co., 1958.