in Christian Perspective
Man on a Spaceship*
Oak Ridge Associated Universities Oak Ridge, Tennessee
From: JASA 21 (June 1969): 34-39.
Natural History
The earth, in common with the other planets of the solar system and
the sun itself,
was formed by condensation out of a gravitationally collapsing cloud of gas and
dust some 4,600 million years ago. Its history since that time has
almost certainly
been much richer than that of any of the other planets. It is probable that all
of them initially had rather extensive atmospheres of hydrogen,
ammonia, and methane,
the same as those still retained by the major planets Jupiter and
Saturn. During
the first one or two billion years of the earth's history, the action
of ultraviolet
radiation from the sun on this atmosphere, combined with electrical discharges
within it, produced free radicals of nitrogen and carbon with
hydrogen. Reactions
of these energy-rich free radicals with methane and ammonia then
produced a variety
of amino acids and other basic organic components of living systems.
These processes
must have occurred to some extent on all the planets in their early
Gradually the smaller planets, including the earth, lost their
primordial atmospheres
through escape of hydrogen from their gravitational fields. Through
volcanic activity
a great deal of water of crystallization was released, and the earth acquired
its oceans. As the oceans grew in volume, the organic materials produced out of
its shrinking original atmosphere accumulated within them. The combination of
these materials with phosphoric acid and dissolved ammonia in the
primordial ocean
produced in time, by processes not now understood, the elementary components of
living systems. The earliest evidence of life that we have at present
comes from
the Gunflint Iron Formation on the north shore of Lake Superior near Schreiber
Beach, Ontario. A chert in this formation, whose age is 1,900 million
years, contains
the fossils of many single celled microorganisms somewhat like modern
algae. Thus cellular life had developed in the oceans two billion years ago.
Very slowly through photosynthesis these organisms replaced carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere with free oxygen. In time the oxygen built up
sufficiently to produce
an ozone layer in the upper atmosphere which thereafter has
effectively shielded
out the intensive ultraviolet radiation from the sun. As a result of this and
other changes in the environment, the evolution of life took a new
turn some 600
million years ago. Geologically the period is known as the Cambrian. In it the
evolution of a variety of multicellular organisms was initiated and elaborated.
The earth began to acquire a biosphere. By 300 million years ago the land was
well covered with vegetation and populated by land reptiles and
insects. In this
period the great coal beds and oil fields of the earth were laid down.
Man in the form of our biological species Homo sapiens is one of the
most recent
to appear on the planet, arriving a mere thirty-five thousand years ago. During
the first thirty thousand years he had very little effect on the
balance of nature
on the earth, over and above the effect which the introduction of any other new
species had on it. The emergence of human civilizations, of cities and empires,
literature and science, has all taken place in the last five thousand
years. Even
these developments, however, left vast areas of the earth largely untouched by
Our century, the twentieth, is unique in the whole history of our
species on the
planet, and indeed in the whole incredibly longer history of the earth itself.
There is nothing in these previous histories to which it can be
compared. We find
ourselves in the midst of revolutionary changes of a magnitude and
scope far beyond
that of any other cataclysm which the earth has experienced
throughout its billions
of years.
The Genesis Summary
A remarkably applicable key to these questions is found in a summary statement
at the end of the first chapter of Genesis in the Bible. Although this chapter
is based on the prevailing Babylonian cosmology of the fifth century B.C., the
summary at the end of it relating to man is, as we shall see,
remarkably applicable
to our present concern. This summary occurs with considerable
repetition in verses
26 through 28. "So," it begins by way of definitive
summation, "So,
Cod created man in his own image and blessed them and said to them;
'Be fruitful
and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over
the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the
cattle, and over
all the earth.'" This remarkable statement about man and his
destiny in the
earth has waited thirty-five thousand years to reach fulfillment, but
is now with
breathtaking speed being realized before our eyes. Only in the
twentieth century
has it been at all true of man's status on the earth. In it we can find a key
to the meaning of the twentieth century.
Have Dominion Over the Earth
All during the intervening twenty-four hundred or so years since this summation
was written, it has not been really descriptive of man's status in the earth.
Vast areas, even whole continents, of the earth's surface were only sparsely if
at all settled by man. Man thought consciously of himself as a minority species
among many other species. Human settlements were for the most part tiny islands
in the midst or on the edge of vast forests or jungles in which the wild beasts
held sway. He exercised a limited dominion over his own flocks of sheep, herds
of cattle, horse, and dog. But always there was danger and
uncertainty as everwatchful
tigers or wolves lurked in the shadows ready to pounce at the first
He exercised no dominion over two basic essentials, the world of microorganisms
and the fertility of the soil. Pestilence, plague, and famine were ever-present
threats periodically actualized in terrible scourges before which man
stood helpless.
Since he was bound to the earth's surface, the birds of the air remained beyond
his reach. For all his cleverness as a fisherman and sailor, the sea remained
vast and alien in which creatures large and small disported
themselves oblivious
of man and his ways. The dominion over the earth exercised by man was token and
symbolic at best, and he was very, very far indeed from having
subdued the whole
earth to his purposes.
Be Fruitful and Multiply
Man had been fruitful through previous centuries, but disease and
famine prevented
him from multiplying. At the beginning of the Christian era there
were only about
300 million human beings on the earth. It required seventeen
centuries to double
this number to 600 million. Then in 1820, for the first time, the
world population
of species Homo sapiens passed the one billion mark. By 1930 it had doubled to
two billion. Just a few years ago, in the early sixties, it passed
three billion.
By 1977 it will have reached four billion, by 1990 five billion, and by the end
of this century, in the year 2000, it will be well beyond six billion, and the
world will be just twice as crowded as it is now. Clearly our
century, the twentieth,
is the one in which the biblical injunction to be "fruitful and multiply
and fill the earth" is at last being fulfilled. It is true of no
other time
in history. To us and to our generation the lot has fallen to
experience the fulfillment
of the purpose asserted for man when he began to inhabit this planet
thousand years ago; namely, that he should in the fullness of time multiply and
fill the whole earth. It is a startling thought.
Subdue the Earth
But the same century, the twentieth, marks the fulfillment of the rest of the
injunction as well. There are many living today whose childhood was
spent in the first decade of this century before the advent of either the automobile or
the airplane, electric lights or appliances, radio or TV. In just the span of
a single life time they have seen the whole face of the earth
transformed by the
phenomenon of technology. A jet flight over almost any part of the earth today
provides striking evidence of this transformation. Everywhere the
fields and highways,
factories and cities of man stretch endlessly in every direction. The
great primeval
forests of the earth are rapidly shrinking and by the end of this century will
have essentially disappeared. This is true not only of the developed portions
of the earthJapan, America, Europe, and Russia-but of those areas we consider
underdeveloped as wellAsia, Africa, and Latin America. Even where the
people continue
economically depressed, technology in the form of steel mills and
factories, highways
and airports, dams, power plants, and machinery is everywhere in evidence. In
this century man has not only filled the whole planet but he has subdued it as
well and taken effective dominion over every creature.
The End of Wilderness
In recent years wilderness and wildlife societies have been formed with a sense
of panic about them. Even in Africa, which we still think of as a
continent teeming
with wild and exotic animals in a natural state, the true situation is one of
the rapidly approaching extinction of many species. With the best
that these societies,
or any of us, can do, by the end of this century the only wild animals left on
the earth will be found in zoos or scattered national parks maintained by man
for their protection. All the rest of the planet will he devoted
directly to man
and his needs: to the production of his food and of the water and energy to do
his work; his vast cities and the system of highways, air lanes, and
seaways linking
them together; his recreation and pleasures, foibles, fancies, and
vanities. Occasionally
he will visit a zoo or a wildlife preserve and sense the pathos of a vanished
world before man took his Cod-given dominion over it, and feel a
sharp nostalgia
for the earth as it was before man filled it and subdued it. Over all the rest
of the earth every square inch of arable land will be devoted to
human agriculture
in which all that grows and moves will be specially selected
crossbreeds far removed
from the wild varieties which covered the earth before man began to
exercise his
dominion over them. All that lives will be especially suited to the
needs of man;
any creature which fails to meet this standard will be bred out of existence.
Yet this vast change in the status of living things on this planet is the work
of but a single century in the whole 4,600 million-year history of
the earth.
Thirty-Three Years To Go
We have just thirty-three years to go in this century. It is a dreadfully short
period in which to accommodate ourselves to the things which are so
rapidly coming
upon us, and to accomplish all that must be accomplished for man to
continue his
existence on the planet at any reasonable standard of living. In this
brief period
technological and social changes must somehow be achieved which dwarf
in magnitude
all others which have occurred in our past history and which have
been accomplished
over much greater time spans. It has become of the utmost importance for all of us to see as clearly
as possible the character, direction, and challenges of the revolution through
which the earth is passing.
The most effective image I have found for this purpose is based on recognizing
that the earth is fast becoming a spaceship carrying mankind on a long journey
through space. I am indebted to Kenneth Boulding for this image,
which is partly
developed in his important and stimulating book, The Meaning of the Twentieth
Century.1 Recently the British economist Barbara Ward has employed
this same image
most effectively in a book entitled Spaceship Earth.2 Now that our astronauts
completely encircle the earth in less than two hours, and the rest of
us can get
jet flights to almost any part of the earth in twelve hours, we have all come
to see the earth as small enough and compact enough to be thought of
as a spaceship.
The atmosphere of the earth is an ideal radiation shield, transparent to light,
but very effectively shielding us from the fierce ultra-violet,
X-rays, and higher
energy radiations of outer space. In this the earth fulfills admirably one of
the primary requisites of a well-designed spaceship.
During its long prehuman history, the earth has been prepared with a wealth of
supplies now required by man, when he has filled the earth and subdued it, to
carry him on his long journey through space from now on. Over long stretches of
its geologic history, the processes which have concentrated ores of
iron, copper,
uranium, and other vital metals have by now well stocked the earth
with them for
man's requirements. Later in its history coal beds and oil fields
were laid down
slowly over 100 million years to provide vast reserves of fossilized fuels for
man's utilization, primarily in the twentieth century and after. It
is as though
some hidden designer had been at work for the last billion years or
so specifically
preparing the earth to become the spaceship for this creature who is
now rapidly
filling the earth and subduing it to his own uses.
Spaceship Requirements
There are several fundamental requirements for a satisfactory spaceship. First
it must have an adequate source of energy which will last throughout the trip.
Next it must have an adequate food supply or means of producing food
for the crew
throughout the journey. The air and water reserves in the ship must
be kept pure
and adequate for all needs. Wastes must be reprocessed or disposed of in ways
which will not contaminate the ship. And, finally, the crew must not he allowed
to increase in numbers, and it must remain unified throughout the
journey. Divisions
into warring rival subcrews or interpersonal conflicts between crew
members would
be catastrophic in a spaceship on an extended voyage.
Energy and Water
All these elements of a spaceship economy face us in a particularly acute form
as we move into the last third of this century. Consider first the
basic requirements
for energy and water. These are interrelated, and the key to both is
nuclear energy.
As we consider the vast requirements which face us in the immediate future, it
seems remarkably providential that man should have stumbled on nuclear energy
and the possibility of its controlled utilization less than thirty years ago. Although, spurred by the terrible threat of
Hitler's Nazi
Germany, it was first developed destructively, its discovery has come barely in
time to make our continued occupancy of our spaceship possible.
Until only a dozen years ago, man was exclusively dependent on chemical energy
(with the minor exception of hydroelectric power) derived from the burning of
fossilized fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, with the oxygen
of the atmosphere.
This form of energy is exceedingly rare, even esoteric, in the
universe as a whole.
There are very few spots other than the earth in the entire universe where the
necessary ingredients for such energy can be found. Nuclear energy,
on the other
hand, is extremely common and universally present throughout all creation. Our
sun is a natural hydrogen bomb in process of continuous explosion and
so are the
other so-called "main sequence" stars. Our galaxy, the
Milky Way, contains
some hundred billion such stars, and all the other galaxies are equally thickly
populated with them. Cod has made more hydrogen bombs than He has
anything else.
There is nothing more common or more natural and universal in all creation. In
the fullness of time it was inevitable that man in the fulfillment of
the promise
made at his creation would come to exercise dominion over this
universal element
of nature as well.
To us and to our generation the lot has fallen to experience the fulfillment of the purpose asserted for man when he began to inhabit this planet thirtyfive thousand years ago; namely, that he should in the fullness of time multiply and fill the whole earth. It is a startling thought.
Most discussions of nuclear energy today seem to miss completely this natural
character of it. Instead it is discussed as though it were a purely
human invention,
something introduced into the scheme of things by human technical ingenuity but
not intended to he contained in the world as God prepared it for
human habitation.
Moreover, such discussions tend to concentrate almost exclusively on
its destructive
aspects as though its only role in human affairs were that of placing upon man
the terrible burden of our arsenals of nuclear weapons. Both of these
views represent
a dangerous distortion of the true situation. Hydrogen, lithium, thorium, and
uranium are natural, pre-existent fuels just as much, if not more so,
as are coal
and oil. In the same way gasoline can be burned in a controlled
manner to produce
useful energy or made into napalm bombs for destructive purposes.
Like everything
else in nature over which man exercises dominion, he can exercise it either for
a blessing or for a curse. This is the true status of nuclear energy.
The true role of nuclear energy for man becomes abundantly clear when
we consider
the postrevolutionary status of man on this planet in the twenty-first century.
With the earth then supporting a total population in excess of seven
billion human
beings, we are forced to contemplate a radically different world from the one we knew before the revolution in the midst of which we now
find ourselves
began. To support such a population in a continuous and stable way will require
an immense consumption of energy on a scale far greater than any we have seen
so far. It will also require vast quantities of fresh water, mainly
for irrigation
of great desert areas of the earth not previously required for
agriculture. Both
the requirements for energy and for water can be met only with nuclear energy.
We have already reached the danger point with water, and soon it is inevitable
that we shall see more and more large nuclear-powered desalinization
plants constructed
along ocean shores all over the earth. Whether we burn the rocks (by extracting
uranium for nuclear fission reactors) or burn the sea (by extracting deuterium
for thermonuclear power plants), adequate reserves of nuclear fuels
are available
in the earth for many millenia. Coal and oil will be carefully
husbanded and burned
as fuel only for small mobile power systems, such as automobiles and airplanes.
For electric power, desalted water, and space heating, nuclear power
will be universally
used. There is no other longterm alternative.
Thus by the end of this century nuclear power and sea water desalting
plants will
be commonplace in every country of the world. This is an essential requirement
for the maintenance of the population which the earth will then be sustaining.
Considerations such as these show how essential to human welfare it is that man
should now he exercising his Godgiven dominion over nuclear fuels. In
it is providential that the key discoveries which make it possible for man to
use nuclear energy were made just when they were. Otherwise we would be facing
the gravest problems of human survival on the planet for a period
just a few decades
away from the present. The blessing which man derives from his
exercise of dominion
over nuclear fuels is far greater and more crucial than has been
generally realized.
On the other hand, the corollary wide-spread distribution of nuclear
fuels among
all countries large and small is charged with terrifying possibilities. By the
end of the century nuclear fuels are bound to be as common and
universal as coal
is now. In such a world any country large or small can fabricate
these plentiful
fuels into nuclear weapons at any time it wishes to. The problem of
of nuclear weapons which so concerns us now will appear very
different then. The
specter of vast destruction in a nuclear holocaust can only grow more acute as
time goes on. This too is an essential aspect of man's exercise of
dominion over
nature. We cannot have the possibility of blessing without the possibility of
curse. Since it is man who exercises the dominion, it is man alone
who determines
whether it will be made a blessing or a curse. Hydrogen and uranium are inert.
Like alcohol, dynamite, or morphine, they can be applied to either end by him
who exercises dominion over them.
The need for water is closely tied in with the need for food. We are
already running
dangerously short of food for the world's explosively increasing
population. The
vast surpluses of grain and other staples which have plagued our agricultural
system in this country for so many years are now gone. We will never see them
again. Instead, restrictions on land under
cultivation will be rapidly removed in the next few years, and the
United States
and Canada will be shipping greatly increased tonnages of grain and other foods
to India, Pakistan, and China, and perhaps for several years to Russia as well.
At the same time extensive increases in world fertilizer production which are
already under way will be accelerated and the productivity of land in
these countries
which is already under cultivation will be greatly increased. All of
these steps,
however, will be adequate for not much more than another five years or so. To
prepare ourselves for double the population at the end of this century, we must
between now and then add an average of some thirty million acres of
new land each
year to that already under cultivation. Since most of this new land must come
from desert areas of the earth's surface, we must arrange to supply
it with about
twenty billion gallons of fresh water per day, and we must add this
much new water
supply each year.
It is as though some hidden designer had been at work for the last billion years or so specifically preparing the earth to become the spaceship for this creature who is now rapidly filling the earth and subduing it to his own uses.
This is a staggering requirement, but we at Oak Ridge are convinced that it is
now technologically feasible. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory has developed
a prototype nuclear power reactor, the molten salt reactor, which promises to
provide abundant energy at very low cost. The Laboratory is also the
major center
in the United States for research and development of nuclear
desalinization plants.
With very largescale installations, it is technically feasible to
produce several
billion gallons of fresh water from the sea per day at a cost
comparable to that
for present irrigation water, with associated large-scale production
of electric
power at costs well below those of TVA today.
Nothing we do in nuclear desalinization of the sea will compare, however, with
the evaporative power of that natural nuclear power plant, the sun. The action
of the sun generates a known supply of 14 million billion gallons of
fresh water
per day which is twentyfive times the requirement of a world population of six
billion people. This supply, however, is distributed very unevenly
for agricultural
purposes. To utilize even a small portion of it will require major engineering
projects. One such project diverts three rivers in Australia which used to flow
to the coast and into the sea through tunnels through the Snowy Mountains where
they will irrigate arid valleys in the interior and generate two and
a half million
kilowatts of electricity in addition. In this country the diversion
of the Colorado
to the Los Angeles area, the Imperial Valley, and Mexico is under
together with the huge Feather River project in northern California.
The most ambitious project of this sort would reverse the flow of
rivers in northern
Canada, which now flow into the Arctic Ocean, so as to provide 160
billion gallons
per day to the western deserts of the United States and Mexico. Russia may in
time reverse the flow of the Ob, the Lena, and the Yenisei rivers to supply tillable
but arid regions there. Similar major projects are possible in China.
Given sufficient time, the dominion which man already knows how to
exercise over
the earth seems adequate, therefore, to provide food for a population of around
ten billion people or even more. But the tragedy of the present decade is that
we do not have time enough to carry out such projects before largescale famines
will set in. By 1970 famine of catastrophic proportions seems
inevitable in India,
Pakistan, and China. It will be a calamity unparalleled in human
history, involving
death by starvation for numbers running into the hundreds of millions. We have
somewhat longer in South America, but, unless major projects can be initiated
in the next few years, famine of comparable proportions will occur
there by 1980.
These are some of the realities of our filling the earth and trying to achieve
the means in such a short time to subdue it and convert it into our spaceship.
In the long run, say thirty or forty years, we have the technological means to
provide enough food. But the immediate needs are so pressing and are increasing
so rapidly that there seems no possibility of avoiding short-term
Waste Disposal
Another spaceship requirement which is already becoming crucial, particularly
in the United States, is the necessity for adequate reprocessing and disposal
of all wastes. Air pollution, particularly in Los Angeles and New
York, has become
a problem already of crisis proportions. The pollution with
industrial and human
wastes of our rivers and lakes has reached such levels that vigorous national
programs of control seem to he imminent. In another ten or twenty
years, however,
the same problems will plague the whole earth. Rapid world-wide
will soon persuade all nations that this is a planetary, not a local, problem.
The earth is a single spaceship with a single atmosphere and single
water system.
With a population over double that presently on the earth, waste reprocessing
and pollution control will have become recognized planetary
necessities requiring
a world-wide system of controls.
Here again the technological means for achieving adequate control of
and fresh water purity are either available now or seem assured in the next ten
years. Most of the industrial effluents now fouling our rivers and lakes could
be processed with equipment already on the market to recover and
process chemicals
and pay off the initial capital investment in three to ten years. Air pollution
from industrial and utility plants can be similarly controlled,
although at some
additional cost. In time fuel cells or improved rechargeable
batteries must replace
gasoline for automobiles and trucks. The whole problem is now more
political and
economic than technical. Its solution threatens deeply intrenched interests and
firmly established patterns, and so will be accompanied by considerable social
and political stress and strain. But the ultimate demands of a
spaceship economy
will in time force a solution.
Population Explosion
These problems of energy, water, food, and waste handling arise from
and are created
by the explosive increase in human population which is now going on.
As we have seen, in the remaining third of this century man will have fulfilled
the biblical injunction to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. But an
inescapable corollary of this injunction faces us now with terrible
urgency. Because
the earth is in fact a spaceship for man's journey, it is essential that once
the earth has been filled by man, he must stop being fruitful and cease further
multiplication. Moreover, this must be accomplished within a
generation, or certainly
within no more than two generations. The children of today's college graduates
must, as they approach adulthood, already have started the process which their
children must complete; namely that of separating human sexuality
from procreation.
All over the world this process will involve a profound religious and
moral readjustment.
Yet there is no viable alternative to such a transformation. What God required
of man during the long centuries before he filled the earth is quite different
from what He will require of man after he has done so. This seems clear enough.
Once the crew of the spaceship has reached its full complement, there
is an absolute
requirement that it not be allowed any further increase. Yet no other
calls for such a deep-seated readjustment in long-established religious, moral,
and social patterns, or is more resolutely resisted by mankind.
The children of today's college graduates must... already have
started the process
which their children must complete; namely that of separating human sexuality
from procreation. All over the world this process will involve a
profound religious
and moral readjustment. Yet there is no viable alternative.
This problem of achieving a stable human population on the planet
dwarfs all others
in both urgency and difficulty. Yet one way or another it must and
will be achieved.
I am fearful that only after famines of awful proportions and their
social paroxysms will sufficient pressure have been brought to bear
to force men
to a solution. But there is no other way out. In the end sometime in
the twenty-first
century, and hopefully early in the century, a stable planetary population will
have been achieved at somewhere between six and ten billion human beings. When
this has been done the requirements of that population for energy, fresh water,
food, and pure air can and will be met, although most of the
intellectual energy
and scientific and technological skill of humanity will be absorbed
by this task.
Unity in the Crew
The last, and certainly the most difficult problem in achieving a satisfactory
occupancy of our spaceship, is the requirement of unity in the crew. It is to
this aspect of the problem that Barbara Ward's book, Spaceship Earth,2 to which
we have already referred, is devoted. When we consider the vast
social and political
problems which presently confront mankind, the ultimate unification of man on
the planet which must somehow he achieved seems almost unattainable. There are radical conflicts
in ideology dividing the world into two vast armed camps. As we crowd
closer together
on the earth the way must, and, I feel confident, will be found for
holding these
ideologies in some kind of creative balance. Other tensions arising out of deep
historic hurts maintain local conflicts in the Middle East, Southeast
Asia, among
African tribes, and elsewhere on the earth. America and South Africa are powder
kegs of racial tension between white and black. Doubtless the
achievement of what
Barbara Ward calls a "balance of ideology" will involve
paroxysms along
the way of an intensity greater than any we have so far known. But each will,
I believe, bring us closer to that unity which our spaceship status
requires. Each of these adjustments will involve, as Miss Ward so
fully describes,
a move toward a "Balance of Power" and a "Balance of
in addition to the balance of ideology. All represent drastic changes
in the world
of warring nation states, of haves and have-nots, which we know now.
Yet her searching
analysis of all these problems does lead to a kind of guarded
optimism about the
ultimate outcome.
1Kenneth E. Boulding, The Meaning of the Twentieth Century
(New York: Harper & Row, 1965).
2Barbara Ward, Spaceship Earth (New York: Colombia University Press, 1966).
*"Title of a special guest lecture at the Annual Convention of the ASA at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 21, 1968. Dr. Pollard, Ph. U. in physics from Rice University, became executive director of the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies in 1947, and president of the Oak Ridge Associated Universities in 1966. He was ordained a deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1952, and a priest in 1954. Dr. Pollard is the author of Physicist and Christian, On the Fermi Theory of the Beta Roy Type of Radioactive Disintegration, and Chance and Providence. This article is based on Chapters 1 and 2 of his book, Man on a Spaceship, published in 1967 by The Claremont Colleges, Claremont, California 91711, and reprinted here with permission of author and publisher.