in Christian Perspective
Reply to Preis
Russell Maatnsan
Dordt College Sioux
Center, Iowa 51250
From: JASA 21 (June 1969: 61.
I appreciate Mr. Preis' concern. If I were to accept the evolutionary
I would certainly vigorously oppose any suggestion that this principle might be
responsible for even a small part of today's racism.
But I think I see this picture: On the one hand, evolutionists teach
both within
and outside of the scientific community the principle that life evolves. This
widely-accepted principle is broader than the sum of specific cases
cited as proof
of the principle. On the other hand, a few scientists and many non-scientists
have used this principle to fortify an observation they think they have made,
namely, an observation that some "races" are mentally
inferior to others.
Thus the evolutionary principle provides a certain intellectual climate. Those
responsible for the creation and continued existence of this climate certainly
cannot be held responsible for every use made of the evolutionary
principle. But
is it not incumbent upon evolutionists to delimit their principle? To
claim that
all men are on the same level is not enough. Such a claim seems to be based on
empirical evidence, not theory. Why are there not other forms of men?
Are evolutionists
convinced that evolutionary theory can be used to prove that no other forms of
men have survived?
I hope that the different views expressed by Mr. Preis and me
illustrate a point
I attempted to make in my article. I want us to realize that
differences of opinion
on evolution in the ASA are fundamental, and that these differences affect our
approaches to seemingly-unrelated problems.