in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Letter to Editor of Physics Today.
From: JASA 21 (June 1969): 61.
I have sent the following letter to the Editor of
Physics Today:
"The "unifying synthesis" your reviewer failed to find in R. H.
Bube's "The Encounter Between Christianity and Science"
(Physics Today,
Jan. 1969, page 103) is quite subtle. It involves, as he said, attitudes; but,
more importantly, presuppositions. Since science and Christianity
deal with different
aspects of truth, one wouldn't expect them to have the same operating
Hence a disparity in content and method. But since they both deal with truth,
though differing aspects, their presuppositions should not contradict, nor lead
logically to contradictions. Hence a unity, to wit, a recognition that there is
truth to be understood and apprehended.
The physical world we presuppose (1) is in some sense really there to
be observed,
(2) is describable in logical (mathematical) terms, and (3) is causal enough,
if not deterministic, to allow meaningful verifications of theories
by experiment.
The science built on these assumptions converges to a description of
a true physical,
i.e., observable, universe.
The Christian presupposes: (1) that there is some ultimate meaning beyond more
description, and (2) that Jesus Christ revealed to man the characteristics of
that ultimate meaning. Careful study of the New Testament leads me to conclude
that assumption 2 authenticates the Biblical record as inspired,
although others may bold this to be an independent third assumption. Based on these
the Christian view is then that Christ showed us a reality beyond the physical,
which we may call the Spiritual, and with which we human spirits
interact. Jesus
taught that we must interact with Cod to have a satisfactory
experience of life.
The concept and nature of Cod, and the means of interaction and
personal relationship,
were the principle features of the ministry of Jesus. (The social and
implications of a man's right spiritual relation with God are what most people
now emphasize in religion, however.)
Thus the assumptions underlying science and Christianity are a
possible consistent
set, and form a basis for a unified synthesis, a comprehensive view that allows
full intellectual integrity in science and that recognizes revealed spiritual
realities beyond mere physical description. Such a view sees the natural laws
as God's laws.
Bube's book recognizes the reality and importance of physical world truth and
also of spiritual world truth. Thus there is in his view the unity of
truth. Whether
one feels the book has demonstrated it, of course, depends largely on
one's acceptance
and view of the Christian assumption #2."